
Java Server not able to encrypt/decrypt data with Blackberry's AESkey

Hi, I am developing a BlackBerry application where the server is in Java. Whenever AES encrypted data is sent to server along with PKCS5 Formatting, The server gets bad padding exception while decrypting it. Please help. Badly stuck in this issue thanks. ...

Help needed in AES encryption in blackberry

I am using AES encryption in java My friend uses the same in blackberry. But I am unable to decrypt the data that my friend have sent. Is there any help for this problem Is there any online help for AES encryption in blackberry. Thanks Deepak ...

'Bad Data' When decrypting messages using DES3

Hello, C# 2008 I am using the following code to encrypt and encrypt a message. However, when I attempt to decrypt I get a 'Bad Data' error. Is there anything wrong with my code below? Many thanks, public string encryptText(string text) { try { TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider encrypt = new TripleDESCryp...

Encrypting connection strings so other devs can't decrypt, but app still has access

I have a database that I want to access via a .NET web application. I can encrypt the connection string in web.config easily enough, but any developer with access to the box can decrypt it with a few lines of code - they have access to the box, so therefore have access to the encryption key stored in machine.config. While I can lock peo...

How is a password within System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials encrypted?

If I pass the current users credentials to a webservice by using system.net.credentialcache.defaultcredentials, on which way will the information be transfered? I don't think that it will be clear text, so the credentials have to be encrypted, but how are they? ...

smime C# encrypted emails with attchments

I need to send encrypted emails using C# without using any third party component. This is pretty much working as long as I do not need attchments on the email but as soon as I add attchments, I face the same problem as described on http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/netfxnetcom/thread/74e4711e-1f66-43a7-9e3b-bc9cfbcd1b73/ The...

rijndael encryption

does this encryption library use pipe characters? I'm storing the key in an array with the corresponding UserID value, and delimiting them with a pipe character. If the library generates keys with pipe characters, those keys will get mangled when I split the string later. ...

Specified initialization vector (IV) does not match the block size for this algorithm.

I am working on a base encryption method. I am using RijndaelManaged. I got this code from somewhere a long time ago, but can't remember where. I had my code working before, but something changed and I cannot quite figure it out. When I run my code, I get the following error; Specified initialization vector (IV) does not match th...

Encrypt part of HTML in PHP and decrypt in JavaScript

Hi, I'm looking for a way to encrypt a HTML form in PHP in a way so I can then decrypt it in the browser using JavaScript. This should work transparently to the user and JavaScript input validation must also work on the form (I know how to do this). When user submits the form, it must be encrypted again and sent to the server using an "...

silverlight isolatedstorage security implications

I have a LOB application in SL, one of the aims is to save partially entered data to persist user's state. for example, you start adding a new employee to system, close the browser (or it crashes), next time you open the browser, you have whatever data you had entered before. the saving and loading is easy, I was wondering if there is a...

C# RSA encryption using modulus and public exponent

I have to implement a digital envelope using AES and RSA, but I am having problems with the .NET implementation of the RSA algorithm. I have managed to encrypt the data (AES) with the random symetric key, but now I have to encrypt the key with RSA. The key is an array of bytes (byte[]) and the public key I have tells me only the modulu...

Error occurred while decoding OAEP padding

Hi, I am half th way of my problem,,. Please Help I have succesfuly encrypted the text using public key of digital signatures but while decrypting it. i am getting error Error occurred while decoding OAEP padding my piece of code #region Test Encryption public void a() { using (var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider()) { // This St...

Calculate HMAC-SHA256 digest in Coldfusion using Java

We are trying to calculate a HMAC-SHA256 digest in Coldfusion and we are using the HMAC CFC, but in one case it is producing a different result for the digest compared to ones generated in different languages - have tried the same data using Ruby & PHP and get the expected result. I have also tried the CF_HMAC custom tag it is based on a...

How to convert a byte array to a string?

Hi, Using the function from: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.security.cryptography.rijndaelmanaged.aspx public static byte[] encryptStringToBytes_AES(string plainText, byte[] Key, byte[] IV) As you can see it returns a byte array, I want to convert the byte array to a string. How can I convert it from a byte array to ...

Encryption algorithms that don't use a key

Hi, I need a simple encryption algorithm that doesn't use a key. Which ones do you guys recommend? How about if I use the built in encryption method that forms authentication has? (I forget the method/namespace for it). ...

Securing/Encrypting embedded database in Delphi

Which method do you suggest to efficiently secure your embedded database in Delphi applications? Here are the methods I've tested: Using Molebox Pro Pros - Fast, unpacking is not child's play, no additional task/coding Cons - Database will be read-only, same drawbacks as exe compressors Using DISQLite3 Pros - Overcome Molebox's r...

Why use an x.509 certificate to encrypt xml? Why not just transmit over https?

Don't know much about encryption... Say I'm preparing a SAML request to submit to an identity provider. Why would I need to apply an x.509 certificate to this request? Is transmission over SSL alone not secure enough? ...

Error occurred while decoding OAEP padding

in continuation of the http://stackoverflow.com/questions/949907/error-occurred-while-decoding-oaep-padding question I have modified my code and now i am trying this code CspParameters cspParam = new CspParameters(); cspParam = new CspParameters(); cspParam.Flags = CspProviderFlags.UseMachineKeyStore; clsCertificates cc = new clsCer...

How do you lock a dll?

Hi all, I'm producing a dll for a business partner of mine that he is going to integrate into his app. But I also want to somehow lock the dll so it cannot be used by anyone else. The API of the dll is quite straight forward so it'd be easy to reverse-engineer and use it elsewhere. How do I do that? My only idea so far would be to add ...

.NET equivalent of this native code using crypto api

Hi, I have following native code (Powerbuilder) with uses the Crypto API to encrypt a string. I need C# code to decrypt the encrypted data. Can somebody give me a hint or sample? Thanks, Jaap private function blob of_encryptdecrypt (blob ablob_data, string as_password, boolean ab_encrypt) // ------------------------------------------...