
Encrypting emails generated by ASP.NET

I'm working on a UK NHS project whereby confidential information needs to be sent via email to a known number of select users using Microsoft Outlook. It is our intention to manually install a client certificate on these machines only, and we have a server certificate loaded onto the server by the clients ISP However I can only seem to ...

Should all sites use SSL by default

We are in the process of moving our web architecture to a new environment. Included are dozens of different sites ranging from almost completely static to dynamic sites requiring authentication and containing sensitive content. Our web server admins have (without any input from the development team) decided to make it a standard in the n...

How can I test a browser to see if it supports 128-bit encryption?

I have been given the task of finding a replacement for a piece of old code. I'm assuming it tested to see if the browser supports 128-bit encryption. Here's the old code: (I purposely split the link into 4 lines) http://www.verisign.com/update-cgi/outPage.exe ?good=../docs/html/good.html &nsbad=../docs/html/upgradeNSonly.html &ie2=../d...

How do I share a hash key between servers for web.config etc?

Is there a way of creating a hash key that can be used by our different servers for decrypting connection strings in web.config, and how would I do that? Any pointers? Thanks for the help! // Peter ...

how to encrypt folder in c#?

A folder on File System contains .xml files, .txt files and a file exposed by third party tool. Using c# (in VS 2008), I want to encrypt the whole folder in someway before transferring it through FTP. Help is appreciated. ...

How could I use Rfc2898DeriveBytes in window mobile?

I am carrying out a PDA version application from windows version. But found out Rfc2898DeriveBytes isn't supported by WM. So how could I do to replace this piece of code in WM and change nothing about the algorithm? Many thanks. ...

Encrypt a hex string in java.

I would like to ask for any suggestions about my problem. I need to encrypt a hexadecimal string. I must not to use the built-in functions of java because it doesn't work in my server. In short, I have to hard code an algorithm or any means of encrypting the message. Anyone who could help me with this? thanks a lot! here is the code. p...

How can I achieve java byte code encryption (against reverse engineering)...

Possible Duplicate: How to lock compiled Java Classes to prevent decompilation ...ideally combined with licensing? Our product is ported from PHP to Java. With PHP, there was a great code encryption / license tool named IONCube Encoder. It encrypts the PHP source code an allows the execution only if a appropriate license is pr...

PHP crypt and salt - more clarification please

I was here yesterday and got some really great answers. I took what I got and put together, what I think will be a fairly secure algorithm. I'm having a problem using blowfish with a for loop that generates the salt. I'm using base64 characters and a for loop to get a random string. I want to take this generated string and insert it int...

ruby - how to encrypt text

Hi, I need to encrypt a string (from a text area) that will also be decrypted later on when it is displayed. I'm not to concerned about it being majorly secure, but just don’t want to store the data in plain text format. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this easily in rails? Thanks, Jon ...

ASP.NET Hashed PW's + Salt Confusion

I am following the MSDN article located here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa302398.aspx My confusion is over the function: private static string CreatePasswordHash(string pwd, string salt) { string saltAndPwd = String.Concat(pwd, salt); string hashedPwd = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(...

Encrypting with app public/private key in .net

-new- I found another use. Theres some data submitted to me via HTTPS POST data and i'd like to store it in my db (Such as mother maiden name that customer support may need to read later instead of spelling incorrectly checking if the hash matches). I only need that section encrypted and not the entire DB and using a separate DB may not ...

Crypto Liberary for Iphone, BlackBerry, Android and .Net

Dear Gurus We are working on a application suite with support of windows(.net), Iphone, Android and Blackberry and all these application shares the same data (syncs with a wcf services). Whenever a device ads a new record, it encrypts the data and and saves in the local database and on sync it post the record to server as it is. Now...

What is null key encryption ?

In the movie Dark Knight, the batman builds some ultra powerful sonar monitoring system and encrypts it will Null Key Encryption. I was reading this RFC but couldn't comprehend it. It says something like this However there are cases when only authentication and integrity protection is required, and confidentiality is not neede...

How do I know if the machineKey section from my machine.config is being used?

Hi, I'm trying to generate a custom key for encrypting the web.config in a project, and use the same key on several machines. I've followed this example from Microsoft: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/312906 However, when I encrypt my web.config (and I'm using cassini, not IIS, on my machine) it doesn't seem to use the newly created ...

Encrypting sections and-or settings in an App.config file that will be redistributed

Hi. I'm creating a regular windows application that will be distributed to several users on my department. I'll need to include some connectivity passwords on the App.config file, and I obviously don't want end-users to just fire up notepad and look at the passwords. Several articles point on how to encrypt/decrypt configuration sectio...

android database encryption

android uses sqlite database to store data, I need to encrypt the sqlite database, how can this be done? I understand that application data is private. However I need to explictly encrypt the sqlite database that my app is using. ...

Implementing PHP AES Function in .NET (C#)

Hello Guys, I have given a task in which I need to encrypt an user's ID using AES encryption, what they want is I need to pass in a parameter in a website just like this. URL : http://www.site.com/event/sample.jce Parameter : ?param= encrypted text aside from that there was an attched php sample that they want me to follow to encrypt...

How can i get cpuid in java ???

Hello guys I want create an encryption with java ; How can i get CPU Id or anythings is unique in pc such as bios or ... for example System.getCpuId(); :) it's just example ;) Thanks a lot ... ...

SQL Server 2008 + PCI Compliance? Pertains to PCI, as well as Symmetric keys!

I've never had to deal with PCI compliance before. I've been reading their documentation and it says I need to protect the credit card number, expiration date and the card holder's name. No storage of security codes ever. In their documentation, it just says protect. Is this saying I need to encrypt these 3 columns in my database? I...