
iPhone - Switching between local and production environment settings

I am developing an iPhone app which uses a server somewhere to fetch its data. Somewhere in the app's source code I hardcoded the URL to use to connect to. This is fine, except that I don't always want to test using a production server! I don't want to mess with live data, just to test something locally. So I set up a local version of th...

Tool for interactive dev environment setup and tasks

I'm looking for a tool allowing to define interactive dev environment setups. I am not looking for a tool that automates downloading and installing tools such as IDEs, SDKs and the like. Nor am I looking for a '1 click' approach to setting up, replicating dev environments. Maybe it will be easier if I explain the kind of situation I am...

using update statement in toplink in multithreaded environment

hi, i am using toplink, but i am getting some problem while updating the values. this is my code snippet ExpressionBuilder builder = new ExpressionBuilder(); Expression expr = builder.get("addressId").equal("2"); Address address1 = (Address)uow.readObject(Address.class, expr); address1.setPincode(address1.getPincode() + 1); uow.register...

How to set environment variables for javac to be able to find imported packages?

Hi, I am not a java developer. I just want to run a java application (which can be downloaded from: http://code.google.com/p/k-shortest-paths/downloads/list , under this name: KShortestPaths_Java_v2.1.zip) While trying to compile test\edu\asu\emit\qyan\test\YenTopKShortestPathsAlgTest.java I get "package ... does not exist" and...

reference maven value in profile

<profile> <id>test</id> <activation> <property> <name>environment</name> <value>linux-host</value> </property> </activation> </profile> How can I reference "linux-host" inside the profile? ...

DLL Search Path only partially searched

I just set up a new faster computer to be my development station. I'm having a problem with a DLL not begin found when I run an application I'm working on using Delphi 6 Pro, but I don't think the problem is with Delphi. Keep in mind, I have the exact same setup as far as directories and tools on my old computer and on that computer th...

Is there any way to trace through the execution of a batch file?

I inherited some large batch files, and I'd like to rewrite them to a more "developer friendly" language. I'd like to find out the following things: what other scripts it calls what other processes it starts what files does it write to what environment variables it uses, which ones does it set For the last point, I'm aware I can do...

Migrating to Visual Basic to perl - working with user interfaces

I've been around Visual Basic for years in high school, and I've grown up with the IDE supplied by Microsoft. It'd wonderful, but the educational and "working-model" editions of VB available to me through school don't allow me to redistribute software, as part of the EULA with Microsoft. I instead find myself working in perl to design p...

Distributing Windows environment with application

I am interested in distributing an application that will need to have an integrated Windows environment included with it. This environment would be something like BartPE. Basically the application needs to create bootable media with a minimal Windows subsystem included on that media that can be inserted in a system with no operating sys...

How do I configure Mercurial to use environment variables in mercurial.ini

How can I modify the mercurial.ini file to include an environment variable such as %userprofile%. Specific situation: I am learning to use Mercurial. I have modified the [ui] section of Mercurial.ini (in my home path) to include: ignore = c:\users\user\.hgignore Where user is my username literal. The .hgignore file includes filter...

SCons: How to use the same builders for multiple variants (release/debug) of a program

The SCons User Guide tells about the usage of Multiple Construction Environments to build build multiple versions of a single program and gives the following example: opt = Environment(CCFLAGS = '-O2') dbg = Environment(CCFLAGS = '-g') o = opt.Object('foo-opt', 'foo.c') opt.Program(o) d = dbg.Object('foo-dbg', 'foo.c') dbg.Program(d) ...

UNIX, get environment variable

Hi SO I have a ridiculous question due to a ridiculous problem. Normally if I want to get the contents of an environment variable in UNIX shell, I can do echo ${VAR} Let's assume, due to my ridiculous situation, that this isn't possible. How do I get the contents of an environment variable to stdout, without someone who is lookin...

Lua .NET How to use the standard and third party libraries

I am using Lua inside C# WinForms application for GUI automation testing. I want to use the logging library http://www.keplerproject.org/lualogging/ But I don't know where to copy those logging library files and other standard lua files so that I can use the standard lua logging within the lua scripts. I see something like LUA_PATH bu...

zend framework auto switch production staging test .. etc

What do I change to switch from production to staging.. etc.. and where.. Bootstrap ? Also, Curious if anyone has configured their Zend Framework to automatically switch from production, staging, test.. etc based on Host information.. example.. if (hostname = 'prodServer') ... blah if (hostname = 'testServer') ... blah I'm new to...

Ruby on Rails: How to verify haml files syntax within rails project?

I've installed HAML into my project and it is working like a charm - the templates are beeing rendered without a problem. My question is how can I do the rendering on the command line, by using HAML program. That would be super for debugging purposes, meantime while I try to compile HAML file I get the error on first Rails related Ruby c...

What web based programming environments exist, on which to learn?

I loved appjet (the programming environment) before it was taken over by Google. What other web based complete programming environments are out there? Which one do you think is best for starting to do real world coding the fastest? I really think coding from your browser will make programming more accessible to the public. Are there ...

Symfony 1.4: Programatically set environment for CLI

I have a project built on Symfony 1.4 and it has multiple environments - each developer has their own copy installed on their local machine and therefore has their own environment. I am able to dynamically set the environment in index.php, but how can I do this for CLI tasks? I could of course use --env=myenvironment on all tasks, but ...

Problems with umlauts in python appdata environvent variable

Hi, I can't find a correct way to get the environment variable for the appdata path in python. The problem is that my user name includes special characters (the german ae and ue). I made a workaround wit PyQt for Vista and Windows 7 but it doesn't work for XP Systems. Does anybody know the correct encoding of these environment variabl...

Java Runtime command line Process

I have a class with the following code: Process process = null; try { process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("gs -version"); System.out.println(process.toString()); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } finally { process.destroy(); } I can run "gs -version" on my command line and get: GPL Ghostscript 8.71 (201...

.NET platform, .NET environment or .NET framework which is correct? And what's the difference between platform/environment/framework?

In some documents (i.e. ECMA-334) the name of '.NET framework' is used, but in other documents (in many books), '.NET platform' is used. I saw someone refer .NET as .NET environment. Which one is correct nomenclature for .NET? In general, what's the difference between platform/environment/framework? ADDED It's not easy to see that t...