
iBatis - select environment using XML

I have this configuration in ibatis-config.xml <configuration> <properties resource="collector.properties"/> <environments default="development"> <environment id="development"> <transactionManager type="JDBC" /> <dataSource type="POOLED"> <property name="driver" value="${dev.jdbc.d...

Defining an environment shorthand in Latex using \newcommand

I'd like to define a shorthand command for \begin{align*} and \end{align*}. When I write \newcommand{\ba}{\begin{align*}} it works fine. But when I write \newcommand{\ea}{\end{align*}} latex complains. It looks like it's interpreting it as part of the environment and is not happy with that. Anyone know how to fix this? ...

Suppress indentation after environment in LaTeX

I'm trying to create a new environment in my LaTeX document where indentation in the next paragraph following the environment is suppressed. I have been told (TeXbook and LaTeX source) that by setting \everypar to {\setbox0\lastbox}, the TeX typesetter will execute this at the beginning of the next paragraph and thus remove the indentat...

How to Best Setup a Website Project in VS.NET

I have very little experience with setting up a website from scratch in a .NET environment. As I am doing this now, I am wondering - what's the best way to go? Is it better to create a new Website Project, and include the various backend services and database code as part of that project, or is it better to split out the various aspect...

Why should QA have their own QA Environment? What are the pros and cons?

Versus using the DEV environment for testing even though it has the latest code I want to know what are the pros and con if QA have their own Test enviornment. How should it work? Who should make deployment to it? Should it have the latest code? How does it benefit QA or developers or does it benefit anyone? ...

starting rails in test environment

I'm trying to load up rails in the test environment using a ruby script. I've tried googling a bit and found this recommendation: require "../../config/environment" ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = ARGV.first || ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || 'test' This seems to load up my environment alright, but my development database is still being used. Am I doing somet...

Rails initializer for development and production

I have the following code in /config/initializers/chargify.rb Chargify.configure do |c| c.subdomain = 'example' c.api_key = '123xyz' end But I have different settings for development and production. So, how would I have a different set of variables values based on environment? ...

How to set up a clean test machine for every test

I want to know if there are any general guidelines that programmers in general and QA in particular follows for setting up a clean test system. The system should be clean every day, free of any unwarranted dependencies (for instance .NET), free of ghosts from previous installs and tests conducted and fairly easy to image and change. An...

How to extend per environment configuration in grails

It seems that only grails.serverURL and grails.path are recognized as per environment configrautions. bla and foo are ignored and could not be used in application Anyone could solves this and provide a way to get bla and foo configured per environment? environments { production { grails.serverURL = "http://alpha.foo.de" ...

Tripple-wrapping fails: \colorbox → \NewEnviron → \newenvironment fails

Hello! I am trying to wrap an environment created with \NewEnviron (package 'environ') into an old good \newenvironment: \NewEnviron{test}{\colorbox[gray]{0.7}{\BODY}} \newenvironment{wrapper}{\begin{test}}{\end{test}} \begin{wrapper} debug me \end{wrapper} However, this gives me a strange error: LaTeX Error: \begin{test} on in...

Rails test across multiple environments

Is there some way to change Rails environments mid-way through a test? Or, alternately, what would be the right way to set up a test suite that can start up Rails in one environment, run the first half of my test in it, then restart Rails in another environment to finish the test? The two environments have separate databases. Some neces...

Where do you extend classes in your rails application?

Just about to extend the Array class with the following extension: class Array def shuffle! size.downto(1) { |n| push delete_at(rand(n)) } self end end However, I was wondering where a good place to keep these sort of extensions. I was thinking environment.rb or putting in its own file in the initializers directory. ...

.tex files not found when placed in a folder declared in TEXINPUTS

I have a set of documents based on a LaTeX template. Every document has its own folder, as following: docs-folder |-doc #1 |-doc #2 ... |-doc #n |-texmf |-tex |-bibtex |-fonts |-docs |-misc |-logo.jpg |-acronyms.tex I wrote the template on my own, and, for every document (from #1 to #n) it loads the files...

How to use git to manage one codebase but have different environments

I'm using git for a personal project at the moment and have run into a problem of having one codebase for two different environments and was wondering what the cleanest way to use git would be. Main Desktop I Use this machine for most of my development. I have a git repository here that I cloned off of an empty repository that I use on...

Syntax for loading observers (in a model subdirectory) in environment.rb?

I have a lot of model observers, so I want to organize them in a subdirectory under the model folder. model --> observer --> user_observer.rb, activity_observer.rb, etc. Prior to placing in the subdirectory, I was loading the observers like this: Rails::Initializer.run do |config| config.active_record.observers = :user_observer, :...

How to define a multipage environment not interrupted by tables and figures?

I have defined a new LaTeX environment for excursions in a book chapter I am writing. The environment is multipage and often includes inline images. Moreover, I am using the shaded environment to give the environment a background colour to make it stand out a bit. However, the environment, as shown below, is split up by floating tables ...

Enumerate available SQL Servers from .Net

Anyone know if there is a more "up to date" way of enumerating all available SQL Server instances via .Net, i.e. without using System.Data - DataTable/DataRow bits. SqlDataSourceEnumerator sqlEnumerator = SqlDataSourceEnumerator.Instance; DataTable dt = sqlEnumerator.GetDataSources(); foreach(DataRow row in dt.Rows) { Console.WriteL...

Bash shell losing environment variables between two lines

I have a bash script as follows: rvm use 1.8.7 rvm list The first line is a function loaded within my .bashrc file that defines some enviroment variables. When executing the second line, those variables have been set to their previous values (the set values have been lost). What am I missing here? Running on a ubuntu box. ...

ConfigurationManager.RefreshSection("AppSettings") doesn't work

I am trying to get a (ClickOnce deployed) application to read the non-default config file, depending on an environment variable set on the _envName = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ENV"); if (_envName == null) throw new Exception ("The ENV environemnt variable must be set"); string envFileName = "app." + _envName.ToLow...

Need instructions for development environment setup for Portable Apps

Hi, I need to customize the Portable Apps launcher executable. I understand it is an open source project. Can anyone who has done this in the past, please tell me the development environment needed (what compilers, libraries etc), and the link to the source code for the launcher itself? I downloaded the source code from SourceForge p...