
How can you have boolean -datatype in VP-uml?

My ERD is I use at the moment integer(2) to signal that the datatype is boolean because the program does not allow me to type boolean to the datatype -field. How can you have boolean as a datatype in the program VP-uml? [edit] The problem still persists. I see the following in my VP-uml: ...

Where we can find database designs schemes (ERD or other) for very common use cases?

The question is more simple than what it looks. There are many use cases that are well known and people have put a lot of thought into them. For example: Audit trailing, login users, and so on. We are looking for a good resource site that present the DB design for those common use cases. ...

what is the best software to draw ERD for a mysql database for windows

hi all, i am looking for the best software to draw ERD in windows for a mysql database. ...

Is there any er diagram tool in Windows that I can use to connect to a MySQL 4.1 database in Unix?

I have a few test databases in some Unix SUSE 8 servers and initially the plan was to find some tools which can directly create the ERD straight from the server until someone told me that I can find tools to connect from the Windows PC straight to the Unix MySQL database. So I saw MySQL query analyzer which can do this but unfortunately...

Generate graphical schema representation from CREATE TABLE SQL

Hi all, I have a .sql file containing many CREATE TABLE statements. There's no referential specification (MyISAM stuff) but I would enjoy to create different table boxes, and then compose the table relationships by hand. I am using a mac. Is there a free program to do this ? ...

Diagram to model database entries

Hi all! Do you know a diagram to show the entries of an database? I guess something like the object diagram in UML. I know there is the entity-relationship model but it does not show the existing entries of the database. ...

Entity Relation notation in text

Is there a standard (non-graphical) notation for Entity Relationships? right now I'm using my own janky notation: User >> Photo , (1-many) User > Profile , (1-1 hasOne) Profile < User , (1-1 belongsTo) Photo << User , (many-1 belongsTo) Photo <> Tag , (many-many) ...

creating sql diagram

I installed SQL Server 2005, and I want to create a database but I can't. When I right click on the Database Diagrams folder for my database in SQL Server Management Studio 2005, I don't see any choice for creating database diagram. I see two things: Working With sql server 2000 Diagrams Refresh ...

Inexpensive tools for SQL Server ERDs and forward-engineering?

In the past, I've used Visio (2003 Professional, if it matters) to doodle database diagrams while we're in the conceptual design phase. This is pretty painful, though, because there's no good way to get the data out of Visio (though this answer gives me hope of a temporary analgesic). Since the designs are generally pretty small, that pa...

MySQL: How to study/analysis a MySQL DB tables relationships?

I'm given a MySQL DB that contain 108 tables. Is there a way or tool (software) to be able to see how these tables are connected (hopefully in a visual way) so I would be able to understand the usage of each table and how everything is working together. I'm accessing them through something called "MySQL Tools" -> "MySQL Administrator" w...

Database design concepts

I've just started a project and need a little push in the right direction. Here is my table structure: users departments sub-departments ------- ------- ------- id id id name name name email password created modified posts photos profiles ------- ...

Best visual modeling tool for SQL Server (Erwin alternative)

We're looking for a visual modeling tool for SQL Server that allows for forward-engineering from the model to DDL. Erwin works great but is unavailable on this project, so we're looking for alternatives, an open source program would be ideal. We also have VSTS Database Edition, but it does not appear to allow for this type of functiona...

Is there a Database for ALL ENTITIES in the world? or an Object-oriented library?

Hi Guys, I do not know why I want to get or make this, a relational database contains all entities in the world, or an object-oriented set of classes, structs, interfaces.. etc for EVERYTHING in the world! Do you know where I can find something like this? ...

Tools to visualize a database and understand the datamodel quickly

I have several SQL Server 2005 databases ranging from 20 – 600 tables in an application and no documentation. I am looking for a database diagramming tool that is smart enough to pick tables that seem to be related to one entity (e.g., tables related to Patient, tables related to Orders) or one functionality (e.g., Patient Management, Or...

SQL ERD newbie question

Hi, If I have a datawarehouse erd - which has the relationsips etc How will i know what type of join to use , inner, outer left, outer right, full outer,, surely if the database has been created correctly they all would be inner joins ? bar data quality issues ...

How to handle an "OR" relationship in an ERD (table) design?

I'm designing a small database for a personal project, and one of the tables, call it table C, needs to have a foreign key to one of two tables, call them A and B, differing by entry. What's the best way to implement this? Ideas so far: Create the table with two nullable foreign key fields connecting to the two tables. Possibly with...

What is a logical requirement?

An SRS should specify "logical requirements" but not start "design". My problem is in the IEEE SRS document (IEEE Std 830-1998) section 5.3.4 says: 5.3.4 Logical database requirements This should specify the logical requirements for any information that is to be placed in a database. This may include the following: a) Types o...

ER Data Model - confused by diagram.

Hi im a little confused by this diagram (Last diagram in the article) 1 - In the "ACCOUNTING ENTRY" table it shows "DebitEntry" and "CreditEntry" i) is this two column or ii) is this two rows of data? or iii) is it two separate tables on its own, Acounting_entry_credit and Acc...

MS Access 2003 - Performing Calculations in a table's field with Transactions Table

One thing I want to do is build a personal database for myself at home to use a financial database (transaction log, checking/savings account tables, etc), and I want to do this mainly to learn more about developing databases. I am pretty familiary with MS Access, though not put to use in this context, but what I am really trying to lear...

Which should be created first ER Diagram OR Class Diagram?

The very first step i created a DFD. Then i moved on to create a Class Diagram. And while doing that i felt that i should create the ER diagram first. As there were many details which could not be captured in a Class diagram. So, my question should i create ERD first OR Class Diagrams ? your valuable inputs are appreciated guys!!! than...