
Regex filter for STL messages

Given the follow STL error: ./poly_power/poly_class.cpp:496: error: no matching function for call to ‘state_operator< polynomial< variable_term< polynomial< variable_term< std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits< char>, std::allocator< char> >, int> >, polynomial< variable_term<std::basic_string< char, std::char_traits< char>, std::all...

What does this error message generally mean for Java Programs?

What does this error message usually mean for a java program? Usage: java [-options] class [args...] (to execute a class) or java [-options] -jar jarfile [args...] (to execute a jar file) where options include: -client to select the "client" VM -server to select the "server" VM -hotspot is a synonym...

How to localize ActiveModel error messages in Rails 3?

class User include ActiveModel::Validations validates_presense_of :first_name validates_length_of :last_name, :in => 3..20, :too_long => "pick a shorter last name", :too_short => "pick a longer last name" attr_accessor :first_name, :last_name end How do you localize error message(s) for :first_name localize error message(s) ...

Where can I find a C99 front end with good error message for students

I'm teaching a course in which students get their first experience programming in C. We're using gcc on Linux and (for beginning students) the user experience is terrible. I'm looking for a C front end that will do one or more of the following: If it cannot find a .h file, announce the fact and shut up. Don't spray screenfuls of garb...

Why does Joomla display this error?

I have made a website in Joomla and have i on my local machine. Everything works perfectly, but when i upload the site to my domain i get this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/www/ on line 1 I have edited the configuration file so it connects ...

howto display validation errors in freemarker template

Hello, all approches i do to display my validation errors in a freemarker template fail. i use spring mvc version 3. My form looks like that <@layout.basic> <@spring.bind "user" /> <#if spring.status.error> <div class="errors"> There were problems with the data you entered: <ul> <#list spring.status.err...

'var' is null or not an object

The code works fine in Firefox, but not in IE8. I'm getting an error: 'address' is null or not an object. Have been googling for days and couldn't get a clear answer on how to fix/debug this. Hope can help. var latlng = [ { address: new GLatLng(-6.1364941,106.8000411), marker0: myIcon0 }, { address: new GL...

Checking each row of datagrid view and then displaying error message linked to each row under the hyperlink button on the data grid view

Hi, Stage1 My web portal checks if there is a csv file selected and then uploads a csv file through file upload option saving i tonto a tempdatabase on sql Server and displays the data on the grid view. The grid view contain fixed 29 columns with a hyperlink named (view) and a check field. Stage 2 & 3 What I want is, once the file ...

"Wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)" in the "create" action

I've got a functional test that errors on the following method, saying that the first "Quality.create!(..." statement has too many arguments, which doesn't make any sense to me at all. Running Ruby 1.8, Rails 2.3.5 def reset_quality_lut Quality.delete_all Quality.create!(:value => 1, :name => "Scrap", :extended_na...

How should I handle errors inside or outside a Perl module?

I started learning how to make a module in perl with perltoot: package Person; use strict; my($NAME, $AGE, $PEERS) = ( 0 .. 2 ); sub new { my $self = []; $self->[$NAME] = undef; $self->[$AGE] = undef; $self->[$PEERS] = []; bless($self); return $self; } sub name { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self...

jquery validate with multiple rules

How to validate a email address field with three rules with three customized messages in the div container. ie. rules: { email: { validationRule: true, email: true, remote: '/ajax/emailDuplicationCheck.php' } } if first one false message should be "validation rule failed" if second one false(...

Entity Framework Invalid Object Name Error

I'm using VS2008 to connect to a SQL server database in order to populate it in C#. It's going pretty well, I'm able to query, insert, and update all tables in my database successfully, except one. Anytime I try to query or insert into one table I get the following error: Message = "Invalid object name 'DB_NewModelStoreContainer.DATATYP...

Error messages when using OpenGL ES template

I made a new OpenGL ES application, and without modifying anything, I ran the program. It runs, but I see these error messages: Detected an attempt to call a symbol in system libraries that is not present on the iPhone: open$UNIX2003 called from function _ZN4llvm12MemoryBuffer7getFileEPKcPSsx in image libLLVMContainer.dylib. Detected an...

Customizing the default "The application failed to initialize properly (0x00000135)" message

Hi, When the .net framework cannot be found, the following message is displayed: "The application failed to initialize properly (0x00000135)" Is there a way to make it a tiny bit more specific (instead of writing a wrapper in another language), eg. by telling the user about the .Net fx? Thanks! CFP. ...

How to open a blend 4 project in Visual Studio 2010 without having Blend

Hello, I just discovered Expression Blend 4 and was amazed by the possibilities it supplies. After having created an HMI prototype in blend, I tried to send it to a colleague who doesn't have Blend, but he couldn't build it. I googled around and found a Blend 4 SDK, which he installed. Unfortunately, he still cannot build the projec...

Rails Return Error on Class Method

I have a class method that I would like to return a error from, is something like this possible? class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base def self.do_this if b = Bar.find_by_id(5) return 'Yea' else self.errors.add_to_base('I was not found') end end end ... error : Column ambiguously define, when migrate to other server

I have ASP.Net application, It using mix .net framework, there are project with ,net framework 1, 2.0 and 3.5. buat they are in separated project / location. And its running well before. I have a problem when I migrate my application from old development server to new one, FYI, my old server is windows server 2003 32 bit with oracle 10g,...

Storing error numbers and message text centrally

I'm currently re-organising our collection of around 6 windows services which includes bolstering their robustness and error logging. We have a new central service manager where our services can phone home and also raise events which in turn can be farmed out to relevant technical contacts if needs be. What I want to do is centralise e...

Handling Net::HTTP.get failures

The following line: page_source = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse("")) When passed a url that is properly formatted, but doesn't go anywhere (like the example above), dies out with: getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known I'm trying to figure out how to "begin / rescue" this condition, but I can't...

ECONNABORTED in ruby TCPserver

Hello, I'm recieving an error ECONNABORTED, and i really can't figure out, what is the cause of it. The IBM guide suggests that it is because of a timeout, but that doesn't ring the bell for me. I don't know where to start so here are few questions. a) accept() is the only thing needed to establish a connection - i mean no other functi...