
problem with glut.h

[Linker error] undefined reference to `__glutInitWithExit@12' [Linker error] undefined reference to `__glutCreateWindowWithExit@8' [Linker error] undefined reference to `__glutCreateMenuWithExit@8' [Linker error] undefined reference to `glutSolidSphere@16' the problem above came out if i include glut.h header.. why? i cant use gl...

Using divs to display errors

Hi I have an ASP.NET(2.0, C#) web application, and I wanted to know how to display all the general errors that could occur on the master page using divs. For example if there is an 'add new user' page, all the fields that had problems will be shown something like this: The following Error(s) Occured: ... ... I am using a master pag...

VB Question(easy): Adding an error message

Hey I wrote a programme that would add, delete, save and search through records in a database (recordset) however I was doing it in a team. My task was to add the search function to the programme, which I have however I am having problems with adding an error message for when somebody types a word/anything that isn't in the database/reco...

Cannot simply use PostgreSQL table name ("relation does not exist")

I'm trying to run the following PHP script to do a simple database query: $db_host = "localhost"; $db_name = "showfinder"; $username = "user"; $password = "password"; $dbconn = pg_connect("host=$db_host dbname=$db_name user=$username password=$password") or die('Could not connect: ' . pg_last_error()); $query = 'SELECT * FROM sf_ba...

NHibernate Error reporting advice

Hi, This is not so much a problem as advice on best practice really. I am writing an ASP.Net MVC application, and in my DAL i am using NHibernate, but what do you do if an exception is thrown in your DAL? Do you catch the exception in the DAL, log the error and then re-throw the exception? Do you not even attempt to catch exeptions at ...

PHP fopen() Redirection Limit Reached Error

When executing the following block of code: foreach($eventfiles as $eventfile) { if($eventfile['filename']) { $file = $eventfile['filepath']; // Open File if( !($fp = fopen($file, "r"))) { echo '<br>CAN NOT READ FILE.'; exit; } // Read data from the file into $data $data = ""; wh...

Why does Oracle think I'm missing a right parenthesis?

In Oracle 10i, I'm running the following command: ALTER TABLE jnrvwchnglst ADD ( jnrvwchnglst_userid NUMBER(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 ) Yes jnrvwchnglst is an existing table and no jnrvwchnglst_userid is not an existing column. The Oracle error message is: ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis What's wrong with this query and why...

How to respond with a custom error response in Apache 2.2 (c++)?

Hi, I am currently trying to have my Apache module repspond with custom error messages, so that a 400 for example contains additional information like "The coordinates are out of bounds". I found multiple sources on Google saying that it is possible, but none could tell me how. So is there some function that would allow me something lik...

Fortran 90, Compiling program: Error messages

Hi everyone. I'm trying to figure out these error messages: Traceback: not available, compile with -ftrace=frame or -ftrace=full Fortran runtime error: Missing RECL parameter in OPEN statement but I have no ideas what these messages means.... First of all, what is "-ftrace=frame or -ftrace=full" mean? Also, what is "RECL parameter" ? ...

How to fix: mysql_connect(): Too many connections

I am getting the following error: mysql_connect(): Too many connections It has completely shut down my site, which has been running seamlessly for several years. Note: I have shared hosting with GoDaddy. How do I fix this? ALSO: is there a way to close all connections and restart when on a shared hosting plan? ...

Error including image in Latex

I am getting the following error while compiling my Latex File : ! LaTeX Error: Cannot determine size of graphic in tree.jpg (no BoundingBox). Why do I get this error ? What has this to do with an .eps file ? Infact, I could compile it fine with MacTex on my machine. But when I submit it online to a scientific journal for publication,...

The procedure entry point CryptStringToBinaryW could not be located in the dynamic link library CRYPT32.dll

Can't install DVD-RW drive. Error occurs: "The procedure entry point CryptStringToBinaryW could not be located in the dynamic link library CRYPT32.dll" How to manage it on Windows 2000 SP4? Surfing the web found only this and this

Java Object "cannot be dereferenced"

I'm using a library - HtmlUnit - and I just updated from version 2.4 to version 2.5. When I compile my code against 2.5, I'm getting a strange object "cannot be dereferenced" error message that I'm not familiar with. Moreover, I don't understand why it works when I write the code in two lines, but fails when I do it as a one-liner . Her...

How can I exclude all "permission denied"-messages from "find ."?

I need to hide all "permission denied"-messages from: find . > files_and_folders I am experimenting when such message arises. I need to gather all folders and files, to which it does not arise. Is it possible to direct the permission levels to the files_and_folders-file? How can I hide the errors at the same time? ...

<type1>'<typename>' must implement '<membername>' for interface '<interfacename>'

Hi, We have a web service solution in VB .Net 2005 that we have started getting an error in. We provide an interface like the following: Public Interface IBatchTrackerService Function InsertBatchTracker(ByVal BatchTrackerObject As BatchTracker, ByRef errorNum As Integer, ByRef errorMsg As String) As Integer End Interface In ...

C# File.Delete, file being used by another process

Hey, I have a problem when I'm trying to delete an image file. I always get an error that says: IOExeption was unhandled. Acces denied because the file is beining used by another process. I do'nt know what process that could be and how to solve it. private void comboBox3_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ...

Hide Error Report window

Hello guys! I have a following problem: My ASP.Net application receives a C++ source code of simple console programm, compiles it with cl.exe (command line VC++ compiler) and runs it using System.Diagnostics.Process. ASP.Net application runs on PC, which can be used for other work (it is not a server, just a working machine). I am hide r...

About the senseful error message in your SW

I'm confusing how to write a good error message for my SW. like this below: "To Save the project, click on the 'Save' button. To Cancel it, please click on the 'Cancel' button." But I think it's really useless, Do you have any comment about how to write a senseful message? ...

How can I install same certificate on two different store locations with WIX?

I made the installer for certificates but it couldn't execute because it was returning error number 26352. I discovered it is because I am installing same certificate twice but on different store locations (current user and local machine). ...

Sqlite in mono, SQLiteConnection could not be found

I am not sure how to correct this error. The type or namespace name `SQLiteConnection' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference? I included the reference Mono.Data Mono.Data.Sqlite Mono.Data.SqliteClient and a few non related refs. I am using //using System.Data.SQLite; //<-- this line was all i...