
In case of unhandled code exceptions, what is the most appropriate thing to show the end user?

In a web application, when your server side code screws up and experiences an unhandled exception, what is the most appropriate way to tell the end users of what happened? Do you simply say "Something unexpected happened and we are sorry". Should you try to make some sense of what the exception was and what the user was trying to do and ...

Is this method good/secure enough for showing errors to users? - PHP

Hi I'm developing a website, and due to user-input or by other reason, I need to show some error messages. For this, I have a page named error.php, and I get the error number using $_GET. All error messages are stored in a array. Example: header( 'Location: error.php?n=11' ); But I don't want the users to the enter the error code in...

C#: No implicit conversion between 'lambda expression' and 'lambda expression'?

Type of conditional expression cannot be determined because there is no implicit conversion between 'lambda expression' and 'lambda expression' Say whaat? Could someone please explain this compile error to me? This is the code that produces it: protected override Func<System.IO.Stream> GetStream() { return someBool ...

Why does ASP.NET show this error?

I have installed Visual Studio .NET 2005. But when I am trying to execute an application then I am getting the following error: Unable to open the Web 'http://localhost/adiii'. Could not find a Web server at 'localhost' on port 80. Please check to make sure that the Web server name is valid and your proxy settings are set c...

connecting to a sql server using sqlconnection class

Hi Guys.I am trying to connect to a Sql Server in my apllication using the following code : SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(); myConnection.ConnectionString = "Data Source = (local);Initial Catalag = Inventory; Persist Security Info = false; Integrated Secu...

Zend_Form_Element_Text Raising Error Prematurely

This is my code $firstname = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('firstname', array('id' => 'firstname')); $firstname->setLabel('Firstname') ->addError('Your firstname.') ->addFilter('StringTrim') ->addFilter('StripTags') ->addValidator('StringLength', false, array(1)) ->setRequired(true); $form->addElement($firstname); ...

Process for copy-editing text on your software products

Do you have a process within your company for the approval and copy-editing of text on your software products? If so, do you employ a professional copy-editor, or does a nominated person within the organisation take responsibility for this? Edit I know that this is not exactly programming-related, but it does have a strong bearing on ...


Does anyone have a T_PAAMAYIM_NEKDOTAYIM? ...

Javascript: Error 'Object Required'. I can't decipher it. Can you?

Hello again. I am using a javascript called 'Facelift 1.2' in one of my websites and while the script works in Safari 3, 4b and Opera, OmniWeb and Firefox it does not in any IE version. But even in the working browser i get the following error I cannot decipher. Maybe in due time—with more experience in things Javascript—I will be able ...

WMI Configuration Error on SQL 2005 install

SQL Server 2005 is giving me the following error during the "System Check" portion of the initial install: "The SQL Server Configuration Checker cannot be executed due to WMI configuration on the machine Error:2147749907 (0x80041013)." Machine is a Dell D620 running XP SP2. I found a batch command online that is supposed to fix the...

Most daunting error message?

I got this one yesterday, and immediately decided to use a different library: TypeError: publish_programmatically() takes exactly 17 arguments (1 given) (I won't name and shame the library but you Python programmers may recognise it) So, what is your most daunting/uninformative error message? Edit: And before the duplicate people g...

"multiple types in one declaration" but no ; missing.

I tried to compile my program, with Code::Blocks (gcc compiler). And I get an error: Here is the source file it complaining about: #ifndef BOT_H #define BOT_H #include "player.h" #include "timer.h" class BOTS; // forward decalaration of BOTS class BOT : public PLAYER { public: enum BotStatus{BotMoving,BotPursue,BotChasePowerup}; ...

Symfony 1.2: Error when adding/editing entry in admin module

I get this error when trying to run the model module "user" in the app "backend" with backend_dev.php/user, then clicking "New" and adding some data: Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The first argument should be either a string or an integer in C:\xampp\htdocs\sf_sandbox\lib\symfony\util\sfParameterHolde r.class....

ColdFusion Error: coldfusion.compiler.FactoredNodeAggregation cannot be cast to coldfusion.compiler.ASTfunctionDefinition

coldfusion.compiler.FactoredNodeAggregation cannot be cast to coldfusion.compiler.ASTfunctionDefinition I get the above error when attempting to replace a really, really old legacy custom tag with a new custom tag that has some substantial workflow improvements. I only have one idea on how to debug this: comment out different parts ...

How to display an error message in an ASP.NET Web Application

Hi, I have an ASP.NET web application, and I wanted to know how I could display an error message box when an exception is thrown. For example, try { do something } catch { messagebox.write("error"); //[This isn't the correct syntax, just what I want to achieve] } [The message box sh...

Message Queue Error: cannot find a formatter capable of reading message

I'm writing messages to a Message Queue in C# as follows: queue.Send(new Message("message")); I'm trying to read the messages as follows: Messages messages = queue.GetAllMessages(); foreach(Message m in messages) { String message = m.Body; //do something with string } However I'm getting an error message which says: "Cannot fin...

VB Script GetObject method error...Help please WMI

Hi below is the code, at this point i get error message: Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _ & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Error: Invalid procedure call or Argument: "GetObject" Code: 800A005 Source: Microsoft VBScript Runtime error ...

Displaying friendly error messages

I'm curious if anyone has given some thought to the wording in desktop application error messages. As a developer I always put on my programmer hat and display it in a dialect that looks like a robot is speaking to the user. For example: Failed to open file _ Unable to retrieve settings file Error occurred updating the database Cannot...

How to display errors to the user while still logging it?

I'm using a PyQt4 user interface. I've redirected stderr to a log file for easy debugging and trouble-shooting, but now I need to display error messages to the user when an error occurs. My issue is that I need to catch an exception when it happens and let the user know that it happened, but still let the traceback propagate to stderr ...

Is it currently possible to get more meaningful error messages from C++ template code?

As in the title. ...