
I have a Netbeans project written in Java which uses commons codec. I get next error.

What is the problem(package org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64 does not exist.)? ...

USB and VMWare Workstation on Windows 7 x64

Hi, I am facing challenges with VMWare Workstation and Player on Windows 7 host. When a USB device is plugged in, the status bar doesn't display an icon for the recently plugged in device. But pre-configured devices such as mouse, keyboard, and CD player are available in the guest. If I start the Workstation with a device plugged in, ...

How do I debug a PHP WSOD?

Very occasionally I get a mystifying white-screen-of-death PHP error - nothing is displayed or logged, even with the following settings: ini_set("error_reporting",E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors",true); ini_set("log_errors",true); ini_set("display_startup_errors",true); ini_set("html_errors",false); ini_set("error_log","/var/log/php_er...

iOS: How can i receive HTTP 401 instead of -1012 NSURLErrorUserCancelledAuthentication

I have a problem similar to the one described in the link below. I use [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:returningResponse:error:] to get data from a server. When NSURLConnection receives the HTTP Code 401, it does not...

solve 2147317562 (800288C6) Duplicate ID in inheritance hierarchy

Hi, When I tried opening VB application(which has .Net usercontrols embedded) I got error saying "error while loading the project" and .Net user controls are not loaded. Then I tried adding components to the VB application then I got the error: 2147317562 (800288C6) Duplicate ID in inheritance hierarchy I searched in net and understood ...

Unusual Android error

I have an Activity that uses a ListView to simply display a list of options for a user to select and when they select an option they are taken to a new Activity. However on occasion the Activity with the options freezes when I try to select one of the options, I get the ANR and in the log cat the following error is displayed: java.lan...

IE 8 javascript object problem?

Hello, I am getting an error in IE 8 that says it does support the use of that object, it works perfectly in Chrome and Firefox however. item = validateDates({endDate:$('#campaign_to_date').val(), startDate:$('#campaign_from_date').val(), required:"none"}); Not sure what is wrong with it at all, since it's just a method call. ...

iphone: co-processor offset out of range

hi, i have a strange compiling problem with xcode and iphone. my game is almost finish but now i got suddently this compiling error: {standard input}:6108:co-processor offset out of range gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1 this only happens if i compile the release version for the device. the debug version and both versions for the simu...

cakephp SQL error at $this->User->saveField()

Hey guys. When I try to update a user, let's say his account balance $this->User->id = $validUserId; $this->User->saveField('balance', 100); I get this error SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column 'User.group_id' in 'field list' with this automatically generated query druring the save process SELECT `User`.`group_id` FROM `users` AS `Us...

Error installing ADT plugin in Eclipse on Ubuntu 10.04

I have installed the plugin many times before, but this time I keep getting this error: 'Install' has encountered a problem An error occurred while installing the items Eclipse has some memory issues when running on my machine, so I just want to install the bare minimum plugins, etc. Has anyone got any ideas how to get arou...

Redeclare function error...

Hi everyone, I am having a re-declare issue and I just want to understand why can someone enlighten me. Here's my code. function createAdminPage($dialarg,$topsnamearg,$shortnamearg) { global $dial; $dial = $dialarg; global $topsname; $topsname = $topsnamearg; global $topname; $topname = "Top ".$dial; global...

Visual Studio 2010 Project on shared folder: fatal error C1033: cannot open program database

I am running Windows 7 inside VMWare on a Mac as I am working on a cross plattform project. I want to keep all my plattform independent files in the same folder - that's why I want to organize everything in a folder on the mac and share it with windows that's running in the VM. When I try to compile the project in the shared folder, I ge...

Autofac with FluentValidation in MVC2

I'm getting a 'not registered error' during execution in the ValidatorFactory.CreateInstance call. It appears the type being sent into the method is correct. My registration code: ... builder.RegisterAssemblyTypes(assembly).Where(t => t.Name.EndsWith("Validator")).As<IValidator>(); builder.Register(d => _containerProvider).As<IContain...

Can't delete entity from Doctrine "Not unique table/alias" error

I am using Doctrine 2 and am unable to delete an entity. When I try to access a property/method of the entity, it returns the value as expected. Doctrine\Common\Util\Debug::dump($entity->getId()); //int(17) When I try to access the whole entity I get an error (the same error when I get when try to delete) Doctrine\Common\Util\Debug...

MySQL Error? Where the syntax mistake?

Tried thus query with "SELECT *" instead of "DELETE FROM" and it worked perfectly. DELETE FROM `80dage_garmin_track` t1 WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM `80dage_garmin_track` t2 WHERE t1.Length = t2.Length AND t1.Time = t2.Time AND t1.idgarmin_track > t2.idgarmin_track ) MySQL Error: .#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; chec...

Warning: mysql_fetch_object(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource

Hell there when i try and connect to pull thing out of the database i get the following error: Warning: mysql_fetch_object(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/content/49/5548763/html/matt/download.php on line 17 None of the other answers on this site worked. here is the script: <?php $con = mysql_conn...

Effects of a 20GB error.log for Apache

Hello all, I found an error log file that is 20GB in terms of size! I wanted to know if it will be slow for Apache to write to this? I ask because the way I understand it is that Apache opens the error_log file upon start and writes to it, which shouldn't be that slow - Is this true? Or will this sort of file size reduce speed of l...

rails toggle problem - ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `[]' for #<Enumerable::Enumerator

After this rails app has been running fine for over two years... just started getting this one error on only one page. ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `[]' for #<Enumerable::Enumerator:0xb25fbc4>) on line #10 of app/views/notes/_form.rhtml: 7: <%= @n.text_field 'note', :size => 55 %> 8: </label> 9: <%= link_to_function('Cu...

MKErrorDomain error 4 iPhone

I keep getting this randomly when I run my gps app I'm building. It doesn't happen everytime, and the coordinates passed in are always valid (i nslog them). Is there documentation for these somewhere? EDIT: CLLocationCoordinate2D coord = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(locManager.location.coordinate.latitude, locManager.location.coordinate....

iPhone Build Error (Entitlements)

I'm getting this error when trying to build: The entitlements specified in your application’s Code Signing Entitlements file do not match those specified in your provisioning profile. (0xE8008016). This is not my first time building apps. This will be my sixth app, so this thing is tripping. I'm making an AppStore distribution build, s...