
"Constraints for explicit interface implementation..."

Hi guys I can't figure out why the following wont work, any ideas?? public interface IFieldSimpleItem { } public interface IFieldNormalItem : IFieldSimpleItem { } public class Person { public virtual T Create<T>() where T : IFieldSimpleItem { return default(T); } } public class Bose : Person { ...

Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in .. ?

Hi, The line where this error was called from is this: $celkova_suma=mysql_result($c_res, 0, 0)+mysql_result($d_res, 0, 0)-$zlava_suma+$arr[$_POST['sp_platby']]; Can someone tell me what I should be looking for?? ...

OCIEnvCreate Failed Error - When accessing .aspx pages

Hi, I am currently stuck on an ASP.NET error when trying to access a .aspx page through localhost. This is the error: OCIEnvCreate failed with return code -1 but error message text was not available. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more inf...

Examples of professional & useful error pages

What real-life error web pages have you seen that have really impressed you AND would be genuinely useful to all types of users (savvy,novice,laid-back,frustrated,etc). Why were you impressed by the error? ...

The Web Server Could Not Find the Requested Resource

I have a .NET 3.5 Web application on VS 2008 SP1 running on Vista Ultimate 32 SP1. I created an Application under the Default Web Site. So the url to the app is "http://localhost/mysite". The application folder is pointing to the solution folder and it is outside the iisroot folder. Anonymous and Integrated Auth (Windows) is enabled in I...

Error when installing Visual Studio 2005 on Vista

I am getting the following error when trying to install Visual Studio 2005 on my 64bit, Vista computer: "1305.Error reading from file C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition - ENU\SITSetup.dll" I have successfully used the same DVD's to install Visual Studio on my old X...

I need Help to customise the error message in SSRS

I have SSRS REport accessing from Report Server. Is there any way i can give an error message of my own, if my report is failing to open there. ...

Custom Errors for "App" folders? (ASP.NET)

Where can I setup custom errors for directories in my application such as App_Code, App_Browsers, etc.? I already have customErrors configured in the web.config and that works as expected. For example, > redirects to 404 page but > displays "The system cannot find the fi...

warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'SIZE_T' to 'DWORD', possible loss of data

I need to have a set of overloaded functions in my code but I get convertion wanrings. Here is a test code: #include windows.h void f(DWORD arg){...} //void f(SIZE_T arg){} void main(void) { DWORD dword=0; SIZE_T size_t=dword; f(size_t); } The compiler gives warning: test.cpp(11) : warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'SIZ...

Why would VS2005 be looking for a file it's supposed to be generating?

I'm working on a PocketPC app in Visual Studio 2005. The solution was building fine, then suddenly broke. The first error is this (assume the project is FooPDA): "Unable to find source file 'C:\FooPDA\obj\Release\FooPDA.exe' for file 'FooPDA.exe', located in '%InstallDir%', the file may be absent or locked." This error is rather conf...

What is the best way to return an error from a function when I'm already returning a value?

I wrote a function in C that converts a string to an integer and returns the integer. When I call the function I also want it to let me know if the string is not a valid number. In the past I returned -1 when this error occurred, because I didn't need to convert strings to negative numbers. But now I want it to convert strings to negativ...

Silverlight DataBinding Error - Works in WPF Though!

Start a new Silverlight application... and in the code behind (in the "Loaded" event), put this code: // This will *NOT* cause an error. this.LayoutRoot.DataContext = new string[5]; But... // This *WILL* cause an error! this.LayoutRoot.DataContext = this; The error that is raised is "Value does not fall within the expected range." ...

What are effective ways to log and track programming mistakes?

On occasion I've heard people discuss the benefits of keeping track of programming mistakes, if for no other reason than it increases awareness of common errors. I've started to keep a list of bugs that I find in my code, along with what could have led to them. The main question I have is this: What information related to my mistakes...

How can I read stderr when a command execution fails in Perl?

Hi, I am executing a diff command in perl. my @lines = `/usr/local/bin/diff -udr \"$expected_file\" \"$gen_file\"`; if ($? != 0) { print ERRFILE "Diff between $expected_file and $gen_file failed\n"; return $diff_err; } Here the diff might have failed because of some reason. For example: the stderr showed that /usr/local/bin/...

C++ Visual Studio Runtime Error

Can anyone explain to me what this means? "Run-Time Check Failure #0 - The value of ESP was not properly saved across a function call. This is usually a result of calling a function declared with one calling convention with a function pointer declared with a different calling convention." ...

WPF - How can I selectively set the "Visibility" of a TabItem via DataBinding/Triggers

I have a tab page that should be hidden if a property (BlahType) is set to 1 and shown if set to 0. This is what I WANT to do: <TabItem Header="Blah"> <TabItem.Triggers> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding BlahType}" Value="0"> <Setter Property="TabItem.Visibility" Value="Hidden" /> </DataTrigger> </TabItem.Triggers> ...

LINQ to SQL - Nullable INT in ForeignKey = "Cannot create an association..."

I have a table that has a primary key that's an INT... I have another table, that has a foreignkey relationship to that first table, but it's a NULLABLE INT. This is perfectly ok, and 100% acceptable to SQL... however LINQ to SQL is complaining about mismatched types ("int to Nullable[int]"). Error Message: Cannot create an association...

Why does my script report 'uninitialized value in eval "string"?

I am getting this warning: Use of uninitialized value in eval \"string\" at line 57. When I run this code: eval; { `$client -f $confFile -i $inputFile -o $outputFile`; }; if( $@ ) { # error handling here ... } What is causing the error? How can I fix the underlying cause? (Or otherwise suppress the war...

Can you get a specific error condition when a C++ stream open fails?

Is there any way to get a specific error condition when a C++ stream open fails? That is, whether it failed because the file didn't exist, or permissions were wrong, or etc. Basically I'm looking for functionality equivalent to errno for fopen() in plain C. GCC seems to set errno properly, but that doesn't seem to be required by the C++...

How can I indicate in an Expander header that collapsed contents have an error

Hi, I have expanders that contain text boxes, the text boxes use the wpf validation stuff to draw a red box around them ( text boxes are wrapped in Adorner Decorators to make sure I don't get empty red boxes everywhere when the expanders are collapsed) I want to indicate in the header of the expander that it has contents that have erro...