
reading an event log

i am trying to read from the event logs on the server.. my current code is working.. but my worry is when there are thousands of entries in the events, will it take longer to load the page?? here is my working code ArrayList chromeEntries = new ArrayList(); EventLog eventLog = new EventLog("Application", "."); foreach ...

is it dangerous to change Windows Server 2008 EventLog security settings

I have an ASP.NET application running on a Windows Server 2008 box with IIS 7. The application started on Windows Server 2003 with IIS 6. When I changed servers I learned about how Microsoft changed the default settings for IIS 7 to be more secure. One of the changes was, the user account set as the identity for the Application Pool had...

How do i read the eventlog of windows service

I am trying to modify an already written Windows service. I see the source has an System.diagnostic.EventLog object which logs different action of the service. I am trying to figure out how do i read this log. From semantics it seems that Eventlog is logging several actions of service. where is this log stored, how can i see it, i n...

Does Windows 7 still assign Event Log permissions via the Registry?

Hey guys, Very simple question that I've been having trouble answering. In Windows XP and Server 2003, I have occasionally come across a problem when trying to write to the event log. "The source was not found, but some or all event logs could not be searched. Inaccessible logs: Security." The solution to this that has worked in th...

Event log mining with C#

Hi, I'm looking for a way to data mine the event logs of a remote computer in C#. The problem I have is that I'm working with Amazon web services and in production we use the auto-scaler to bring up/shut up live virtual machine instances as necessary. However, the web services we have running on these instances all log to its local eve...

How can I remove all events from the Application Event Log for just one source?

I'm using the application event log to write messages about activity happening in my program. I set the source to the name of my app. I would like to offer the user the ability to clear just the events related to my program. Is this possible? I only see a way to clear the whole log. I'm using c# in .NET 2.0. ...

How could I log that a Windows service is terminating because of a system shutdown?

I have a diagnostic version of a service that logs as much as possible in the OnStart() and OnStop() methods. One event that I am unable to capture is when the computer is physically restarted. My logging function usually records its output to a table in a database, but when that is not available it posts to the EventLog. On a reboot m...

Fiddler Event Log font operations

Hello again, I'd like to make the Fiddler Event Log more readable. Right now I use #### lines so I can check the different responses and self-made actions. The best thing would be the use of font operations like color, bold or italic. I could just create my own log-frame, but I'd like to use all available Fiddler functionalities. ...

How to change event log properties from WiX script?

Our WiX script currently creates an event log source using the method described here. However, the log is created with default values for the Maximum log size and how it behaves when the log is full (e.g. Overwrite events as needed). Is there an easy way to change those values when creating the source? I'm guessing it would require cr...

Modify the Event Log Source name for an SSIS package

I have an SQL Server integration Services (SSIS) package using the standard Event Log provider (yes, the event log! I know we can use SQL etc...) The default "Source" of the log events is "SQLISPackage100" but I want it to be something like "AppName" so that the errors are more visible between the different packages when viewing the ev...

Configuring a custom event log for log4net

Hi! I'm using log4net for logging (duh!). Using the EventLogAppender, I can configure my application name, so that my events will show up in the Application/"My Application Name" event log. However, I'd like to log events to "Some other event log"/"My Application Name". How do I configure that? Current config: <appender name="EventLog...

What's the primary use of Windows Event Viewer?

Hi all, Just wondering what everybody's opinion is on the Windows Admin tool Event Viewer? I'm writing a WCF application at the moment and have started logging errors to the windows event viewer when I handle them. I then started thinking, should I be logging more than just errors, such as when a user has logged in or out or would you ...

C++ Compile problem when using Windows - CodeGear

This is a follow-up question to this one i made earlier. Btw thanks Neil Butterworth for you help http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2461977/problem-compiling-c-in-codegear A quick recap. Im currently developing a C++ program for university, I used Netbeans 6.8 on my personal computer (Mac) and all works perfect. When I try them on my...

Cannot open log for source {0} on Windows 2003 Server

I am having a huge problem with the eventlog on my server. Right let me first of all explain the setup. I have a domain setup with 2 computers One computer is running IIS the other is a workstation. The IIS is running Win2k3 the workstation Win XP. The IIS computer is hosting a website which uses Windows Impersonation and tries to log ...

Reading EventLog C# Errors

I have this code in my ASP.NET application written in C# that is trying to read the eventlog, but it returns an error. EventLog aLog = new EventLog(); aLog.Log = "Application"; aLog.MachineName = "."; // Local machine foreach (EventLogEntry entry in aLog.Entries) { if (entry.Source.Equals("tvNZB")) Label_log.Text += "<p>" + entr...

In .net what are the difference between Eventlog and ManagementObject for retriving logs from remote server?

I have found out following two ways for getting Application Event log entries from remote server. 1. Using EventLog object string logType = "Application"; EventLog ev = new EventLog(logType,"rspl200"); EventLogEntryCollection evColl = ev.Entries 2. Using ManagementObjectSearcher object ConnectionOptions co = new ConnectionOpti...

How to get new logs in an EventLogEntyCollection?

I need to monitor security event logs on very busy domain controllers, which generate hundreds of them each minute. I know how to use EventLog, EventLogEntry and EvenLogEntryCollection to open and read a server's event log, but an EvenLogEntryCollection can contain ~300.000 events, and it wraps around continuously (and very fast), so I ...

read the windows event log by particular Source

How can i read the windows event log by particular Source, Date time and category?? ...

deleting eventlog

Hey, How can I delete a specific eventlog entry (say id 130 with source: Myprog) or delete all eventlogs from a specific source without deleting the whole eventlogs under "Application" folder? public static void deleteEvent() { string logName; if (EventLog.SourceExists(SOURCE)) { logName = Event...

How to get Unique Log on & Log off event in windows

I want to get unique logon & log off event from my pc. In the event viewer i can see more then one entry for login & log out event. I check most of the event details but could not found unique event for logged in by user. ...