
Constant server polling by SSMS 2005

As part of our corporate security practices it has been suggested that we turn on successful and failed login auditing on our SQL Server. Unfortunately the successful logins flood the event log with what appears to be polling from the SSMS client. Does anyone know if this is true and is there a way to change the polling interval or sto...

Is there an API to remotely read a Windows machine's audit configuration?

I need to know, for each subcategory, whether it'll be audited on success, on failure, both, or none. Below is an example of the information I need to collect. Can I get this through WMI? Or if not, by other means, assuming I have proper (admin) credentials to the target machine? Again, to clarify, it's not the event log I need to read...

Eventlogtracelistener not working on windows server 2008?

Hey guys, I'm trying to debug a service to tries to start but is immediatly stopped. I'm integrating an eventlogtracelistener, and tested it on my pc. When i start the service, i get 5 logs in my eventviewer. One is even the first thing it calls. When i install my service on the server, and try to start it, i don't get even 1 log in eve...

How to open saved event log archive in .NET?

I have used the System.Diagnostics.EventLog to view the logs on the local computer. However, I would like to open a saved event log archive (.evt or .evtx) and view the logs that are contained in the saved file. I just need to view timestamps, messages, sources, etc. associated with the logs in the file. Can this be done in C#? ...

Application error: fault address 0x00012afb (Expert)

Hi, I need some "light" to get a solution. Probably there are tons of things that cause this problem, but maybe somebody could help me. Scenario: a Windows server running 24/7 a PostgreSQL database and others server applications (for processing tasks on database, etc...). There are differents servers scenarios (~30), with different har...

What is the time format of Windows Event Log?

Which format does this stirng 2010-06-19T06:28:01.077148400Z belong to? It represents 6/19/2010 11:58:01 AM. I tried parsing the string to DateTime.Parse() and the DateTime object represents the above time. Now I want to convert that DateTime object to the format once again. How can I do that? ...

How to limit EventLog entries to one source?

I'm using EventLog to support a logging class in my C# application. (Previously...) Here's a whittled down copy of that class: class Logger { private EventLog eventLog; private ListView listViewControl = null; private String logSource = "SSD1"; public Logger(ListView _listViewControl = null, string _logFileName = null) ...

NLog: can't write to event log

I can't write to the event log with NLog. I've been able to write to the console and to a file. I've turned on exceptions in NLog and am receiving no feedback from NLog. Here is my NLog.config: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <nlog xmlns="http://www.nlog-project.org/schemas/NLog.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XM...

Will this code create an EventLog at installation time?

Following the advice of Henk, I've created a Setup Project in VS10 with the aim of adding a custom action. This custom action will hopefully add an EventLog whilst running as admin (ie during installation) rather than having my app throw an exception on OSes with UAC. Unfortunately, I don't ordinarily have access to an OS that uses UAC....

How to pull a range of failed services from a remote server after a reboot

Caveat: Without spiking the cpu while a Get-WmiObject call parses the whole event log to match my specified filter. Situation: I am working on a script that remotely runs some checks, then reboots a pc. I want it to check the health once the server reboots (after sleeping for some time) to make sure services that were supposed to start ...

Event Logging in C# on Windows 7/ 2008 Server.

Hi i am trying to make an event logger for my cmd line application. However I get this error when it tries to create the log for the first time. The source was not found, but some or all event logs could not be searched. Inaccessible logs: Security. So I found this is a because of windows 7 and some new security. So right now...

Writing the Windows Event Log using Visual Studio C++ 6

Hi All, I am attempting to write a simple function using VC++6 to write to the event log. It must be in this version of studio because it is being added to a legacy application. The problem that I am having is that it writes the message similar to below. The only thing that is valid here is the "This is a test" string. I don't need this...

Ever have any trouble with allowing the WinEventLog:Security to be huge?

Currently my WinEventLog:Security is set to 128MB max, at which point it writes over old events. I would like to make this log much larger, hopefully a few Gigs. Besides the longer search time if I were to manually parse through the event log, are they any other ill effects I could expect when making such a change? ...

How do I log a general exception to the Event Log?

I have a windows service, in which I want a top level try-catch that catches any otherwise unhandled (or bubbled) exception, logs it to the Event Log and then swallows it so the service keeps running. However, I can't find any overload to System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry that takes an exception as a parameter - is there no way to j...

EvtArchiveExportedLog fails with ERROR_DIRECTORY

I need to export some events from Windows Event Log to XML on Windows Server 2008 R2. To achieve it I export these events to a file using EvtExportLog and then try to use EvtArchiveExportedLog to get localized descriptions for events. Here's the sample: EvtExportLog( 0, 0, query, logFileName, EvtExportLogChannelPath ); EvtArchiveExporte...

Receiving "...has already been registered..." from EventLog.CreateEventSource even though I'm checking !EventLog.SourceExists

My following code fails with "...has already been registered as a source on the local computer" even though I'm doing checks first: lock ( eventLock ) { string eventLog = Constants.EventLogPL; string eventSrc = Constants.EventSrcPL; if (!EventLog.Exists(eventLog)) { if (!EventLog.SourceExists(eventSrc)) ...

Who knows how to use the mc.exe (Message Compiler) ?

I am trying to use the mc.exe to make message files for my event log writing program. But even the sample message file provided by the Microsoft won't compile. Who knows how to write a message file that could be compiled by mc.exe? EDIT: The error message I got is : msgs.mc(1) : error : expected keyword - ?? Edit 2: Problem sol...

"Cannot open log for source" - Windows 7 - .NET web service - event log

I have a .NET web service that is trying to log to the Windows Event Log. However, when I try to send a SOAP request to a web method in this web service, I get back this error in the SOAP response: System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot open log for source 'MySource'. You may not have write access. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32...

Mocking EventLog and EventLogEntry

I'm trying to write unit tests for an application that reports on Entries in an EventLog. Right now when I run the unit tests, I'm having to create a temporary EventLog, write entries to it, and delete the log when I'm done. I'm doing this because I need to get back the EventLogEntry object, which have no constructor. My question is...

the event log file is full.

the event log file is full. when i connect my datasource im getting this error. i cannot able to connect my datasource. how to do this.how to solve this..pls help ...