
description for event id from source cannot be found

When I write a log into windows event log, I get the event below, what's the root cause of this message, and how can I fix it? Many Thanks The description for Event ID 51001 from source RRWS cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted....

Does the System.Diagnostics.EventLog class participate in transactions when calling the WriteEntry method?

Title says it all. I'm making calls in a transaction, and when an exception is thrown (thus preventing my scope.complete()) I don't see them, even though I know they were called. [Edit: For clarification - this is running on Server 2008 R2, .Net 3.5] [Edit: added example - basically answers the question, but if someone could cite docum...

How do I create a new log in the Event Viewer with Command Prompt? (Windows Server 2008)

I'm looking for a way to create a new log in the Windows Event Viewer. With eventcreate, I can create an event for a certain log and source, but if I give a non existing log name, I get an error saying the '....' log does not exist. If I use the C# EventLog.CreateEventSource, the Log is automatically created. So, how do I create such a...

Writing to windows Event Log from within IE extension in Protected Mode - fails with Access Denied

In a BHO running within Internet Explorer on Windows 7 with Protected Mode On, I'm trying to write to the windows event log. I'm writing to a source that already exists, and it's in the Application Log so I don't see why this would be blocked. However, my call to System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("MySource", "Some message") fails wi...

Why do I get an empty eventlog when I do this with log4net?

I have class namespace LogToolsTest { public class Foo { private static readonly ILog logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(Foo)); public Foo() { logger.Debug("Save this text"); logger.Info("Save this text"); logger.Warn("Save this text"); logger.Error("Sav...

Viewing available message strings (from mc.exe) in a 3rd party DLL

Is there a way to view all the messages (ie messages created for FormatMessage by the mc.exe message compiler) available within a DLL? It appears they are added as a single resource as type 11. Unfortunately that resource is binary. ...

Event IDs don't match what is displayed in Event Viewer

In the System event log is an event with the following details: Source: Kernel-General Event ID: 1 Details: The system time has changed to ‎2010‎-‎07‎-‎17T02:58:20.285000000Z from ‎2010‎-‎07‎-‎17T02:58:20.285868600Z. The EVENTLOGRECORD also has a 1 for the EventID field, so it matches what we see in the Event Log viewer. So far so go...

EventLog WriteEvent - how do I suppress the text "For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp."

When writing my own events to the error log, do I have to have the following text inserted on every message? Is that provided by the error reader of the Microsoft Event Viewer or is that inserted with every message? For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp. How can I suppress it? ...

Are there any free offline eventlog explorer ?

Hi, I want to have some to tool to explore our eventlogs. There are few developers, so it would be nice if this tool is free. Log4net(btw : we use log4net to log in our applications) dashboard ([http://www.l4ndash.com/Default.aspx][1]) looks very nice, but it is paid and online and it's a problem. Has anyone know some interesting t...

Why is Log4Net ignoring my logName?

Okay so I have a WCF service writing to the Event Log. All is well except for one detail..it won't pay any attention to the logName attribute,..here's the config. <!--EventLog Appender--> <appender name="EventLogAppender" type="log4net.Appender.EventLogAppender" > <logName value="MyCustomLog"/> <applicationNam...

Windows service always writes to custom log and application log

I am using a custom EventLog for my Windows service. The service creates the event source after installtion. I don't have any problems. However, I have setup my service so that I can run it from the IDE using the following mechanism: static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExce...

Windows Service: Where to write log messages (EventLog, File or DB Table) / Access from Web

We have a windows service (in .NET) that will write a fair amount of messages to a log. This log is of interest not only to server administrators but also to normal clients who use a web page to access the system. Or to us trying to remote debug the system! We are considering using the normal windows server event log, or writing to a ...

Message compiled into exe not found.

I'm using VC++ 6.0. I have an executable that contains a resource file and message.h file defined and I am trying to write to the event log. It is similar to the simpledown project that can be found on thecodeproject.com. The message ID is defined as 0x103. When I do the call to the ReportEvent, it writes to the event log with the buffer...

Logging to the windows event log from an ISAPI application

Hello, I have an ISAPI application that needs to write to the standard windows event log. The code works just fine when in a user mode process but, as soon as it runs from the ISAPI application, it generates an access denied error when calling RegisterEventSource (no matter what event source I pass it: "Application" fails as surely as a...

WMI EventLog Time interval

Hie all, I'm trying to get eventlog entries using WMI and WQL. I can get the right log with the right sourcename of itand so on, but i can make a select query to only get result for the 5 or 10 past minutes. here is my query: ...

WMI - EventLog - Time interval

Hie all, I get through WMI Evenlogs matching specific criteria like Sourcename and Description and it's ok for that part. Now i'd like to get the same thing but in the 5 or 10 last minutes. I tried to use TimeGenerated and TimeWritten form the Win32_NTLogEvent but no success here is my basic query with no time: SELECT Logfile, Messa...

WIX: Create EventSource using .NET message file

Hi, I'm creating an installer for my application using WIX. Everything works fine so far. However, I'm trying to create a new event source during installation and that doesn't work as expected. I've read and understood this question here on SO, but I have a somewhat different situation in which the given solution does not seem to work...

Eventlog in Windows 7.

I can't seem to write to the event log in .NET. I get the following exception: System.Security.SecurityException: The source was not found, but some or all event logs could not be searched. Inaccessible logs: Security. I don't want to access the Security log. How do I get around this error? Thanks! ...

Is it possible to write to an event log contained in a folder using log4net?

The goal is to have our application specific event logs in a folder with the name of our company. So, Company/App1, Company/App2. I would prefer to accomplish this with configuration, or with very little code. I tried setting logName to "MyFolder/MyLog" to no avail. Example of a folder in event viewer, reference the Microsoft folder ...

My application crashes and leaves entry in Windows Event Log. What to do next?

My application crashes on customer's machine. It leaves entries in Windows event log like this: Event Type: Information Event Source: Application Error Event Category: (100) Event ID: 1004 Date: 9/7/2010 Time: 7:37:32 AM User: N/A Computer: MACHINE_NAME Description: Reporting queued error: faulting application XXXXX.exe, version