
Good realworld (open source) examples of F# (to read and learn)

Possible Duplicates: F# open source projects F# real world apps? Open source F# programs as examples for learning I'm reading the new F# book, and it's all neat and nice to be able to process a list and sum up some values, it's not typical stuff I do in programs all the time. I was wondering if there is some website or book...

Example code for dynamic parsing techniques

I would like to learn how to write dynamic parsers to perform tasks such as code-completion, highlighting, etc. I have read the dragon book and written some parsers, but I would like more experience with handling incorrect code, especially code as it is being written. IDEs like Eclipse and NetBeans obviously include code for stuff like...

R code examples/best practices

I'm new to R and having a hard time piecing together information from various sources online related to what is considered a "good" practice with writing R code. I've read basic guides but I've been having a hard time finding information that is definitely up to date. What are some examples of well written/documented S3 classes? How a...

antlr: is there a simple example ?

I'd like to get started with antlr, but after spending a few hours reviewing the examples at the antlr.org site, I still cant get a clear understanding of the grammar to java process. is there some simple example? something like a four operations calculator implemented with antlr going through the parser definition and all the way to ...

What is a good example to show to a non-programmer to explain what programming "looks like"?

A friend of mine asked me the other day if I'm just looking at lists of numbers when I'm programming, or how it works. I tried to explain that it's generally more like math formulae, with the odd english word tossed in, and that it's generally mostly readable. But that's a very vague explanation, and it doesn't really explain much to a n...

JFace examples in Eclipse like SWT Examples?

Hello. Are there any all-in-one JFace controls example out there like the SWT Examples in Eclipse? Searching (googling and searching here on stackoverflow.com) did not help me. It would be nice if it was a standalone app or an eclipse plugin. Thank you. ...

Is there a simple example of the PopupWindow class using Android v2.0?

I looked online and was not able to find a working example of the PopupWindow class. The code examples I found online either compile but do not work, or are using methods which have since been removed (such as Activity.getViewInflate()). Is there a simple working example that displays a PopupWindow? ...

Where to find DirectShow Graph for working with AverMedia TV sets examples?

I have an old AVerTV USB2.0 PLUS. I have its old drivers and old program for working with it. I want to write my own program (or at least simple graph for GraphEdit) to use this TV device in Windows 7. So for the beginning I want to see some examples of creating DS filters for AVerTV's (model does not matter in general I hope) . So my q...

Good Examples of Build and Deployment Documentation

Hi, I'm in the middle of writing a build and deployment document for a major enterprise platform, and I would appreciate a good example to use as a template for how to structure the document. Can anyone point me towards a good example of a well written build document? It does not have to be an online document, but could also be includ...

Appkit examples on OSX 10.6

I'm trying to re-invent Preview.app. I've been told that some examples in /Developers/Examples/AppKit will help me. However, on my 10.6 system, I don't have such a folder. Did the examples get moved? Is my installation somehow incomplete? will the examples I copy from a 10.5 system work? thanks ...

Using C++ Boost memory mapped files to create disk-back data structures.

I have been looking into using Boost.Interprocess to create a disk-backed data structure. The examples on Boost Documentation (http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_41_0/doc/html/interprocess.html) are all for using shared memory even though they mention that memory mapped files can also be used. I am wondering whether anyone here has used mem...

Using PHP to manage(add/edit/update) Trac via XML-RPC - Sample code/Tutorial?

I know there exists xml-rpc plugin for Trac (http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/XmlRpcPlugin), but I was wondering if anybody knows any example/tutorial for using xml-rpc PHP client to update Trac infos. Thanks ...

Looking for an example of a complex text editor using SWT's StyledText

I need to write a text editor which can merge arbitrary text styles from several sources (in my case: spell checker, style hints like repeated words, links and other markup) using SWT StyledText. I examined the the standard ways to do it: I could install a modify listener and create the styles for the whole text for each modification. ...

Core-Plot iPhone Animation Examples

Hi, I've been looking into core-plot for the iPhone and I'm having trouble finding any examples of animation actually being used. What I need to see is an example of how to use core-plots animation to add an extra plot to a graph when someone clicks a button. If anyone can produce and example, or show me a link to one, that would be g...

Real Life examples of Sinatra applications

Im getting interested in Sinatra to develop micro web applications. I'm not sure where to draw the line when choosing between Sinatra and Rails. Please can you provide some real life examples of applications in Sinatra in the web? ...

Machine.Specifications and Entity Framework Examples

I'm trying to find some best-practice examples (or any examples, actually) of using Machine.Specifications with the ASP.Net Entity Framework in an MVC project. Not having had much experience with Machine.Specifications, I'm keen to see what sort of tests other people find useful and whether there are any gotchas for using the EF-generat...

Great example of development architecture

I am looking for a sample application which shows off good to great use of architectual patterns, so far I found TailSpin DinnerNow The problem with the above is that the requirements to get this up, make it a nightmare to work with. My requirements list is it should be simple to get up and running, covers the basics and does need...

Elaborate documentation / tutorial for using jQuery UI stylesheets in website.

Hello. I'm using jQueryUI in my web application. I'm planning to make the most of the out-of-the-box styling provided as part of the jQueryUI theme for my other elements of the application. However, I am struggling to find adequate documentation about using the styles in ui.core.css & ui.theme.css files. I am looking for elaborate doc...

Any examples to know about css sprites?

I know about css sprites.. Now i want some examples of css sprites.... How did you manage to get css sprites work? ...

Example of a very insecure ASP.NET application.

I am looking for a very insecure ASP.NET application. Ideally i'm looking for an application that was written by a noob who has made a lot of security mistakes. If the app has a MS-SQL back-end that would be a bonus. I know of two cool projects for PHP and J2EE which fill my needs. Do you know anything like this for ASP.NET? ...