
Create Excel document from a ContentType in SharePoint

Is it possible to create an Excel document using VSTO, using a SharePoint contenttype? Creating a document in VSTO based on a template is easy. Workbook newWorkbook = this.Application.Workbooks.Add(@"C:\temp\TestTemplate.xltx"); But the "template" that's assigned to a content type in SharePoint has xlsx as an extension. ...

Consuming a php soap web service with excel2007

Hi all, I'm trying to figure out how to connect Excel 2007 to php5 based web services. I found this pretty interessting article on the topic. Ok, so it seems to be doable. Now, php5 soap services don't accept parameters in url form, so a RESTesque call like http://domain.org/service.php?getme=something won't work out since there are ...

Exporting excel to xml spreadsheet with blank cells

Hello I am exporting an excel workbook into xml spreadsheet The excel has lets say 10 columns and 10 rows Some of the cells are empty(i.e with no value) When i save the file into xml spreadsheet and review the row that has blank cell in it it has only cells, the cell with the empty value is not there and the xml show that the cell befor...

How to use an specific version of Excel in a C# program

For many reasons, I have installed on my laptop MSExcel 2003 and MSExcel 2007. I need both versions to develop specific projects for each version (Document level projects and Application level projects). Now I need to do a WinForm project that opens an Excel file, read a CustomXMLParts and write a new Excel file. I'm using a reference t...

Enable/disable Excel 2007 combobox

I need to prohibit user from selecting value in some Excel 2007 combobox control inserted via Developer menu by condition. Now I managed only to show/hide the control. ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("summary").Shapes("months").Visible = year <> "" Is it possible to enable/disable it instead? ...

preserve empty cells when saving excel as xml

Hello, I have an excel document where some of the cells are empty When i save the excel as xml spreadcheet i get the row with only the cells that have data and and the empty cells disapear (and the following cell gets an index attribute to indicate his true position) Is there a way to save the excel in xml and have the empty cells apear...

Excel 2007 - Sheets.add from template file loses formatting

I have a template in Excel 2003 that copies in template sheets as needed. We are about to upgrade to Excel 2007, and I have found that when the sheets are added as in the past: Sheets.Add Type:="Z:\Investments.xltm" The buttons on the sheet move around and it drops random cells formatting. I am wondering if anyone else has encounter...

VSTO 3.0 Get/Change an excel 2007 workbook connection

Hi all, I've struggling to find a way to get and change and excel 2007 workbook connection (Menu Data -> Existing Connections -> Connections on this Workbook).It's a connection (several actually) to a SQL Server and used in a pivot table. I've tried using Application.ActiveWorkbook.Connections or Globals.ThisWorkbook.Connections but th...

VBA - Connect Excel 2007 Spreadsheet to Access 2007 Database via ADODB

Currently there is a Excel 2002 spreadsheet writing/retrieving data from a Access 2002 database. IT is presently researching a upgrade to Office 2007 and when I upgrade both the spreadsheet and database the ADODB connection fails. The 2002 era VBA connection string is: Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Jet OLEDB:Database Password = st...

Programmatically injecting Xml data into an Excel 2007 workbook

I need to create an Excel 2007 template workbook and devise the means to programmatically populate it with a dataset. The template workbook should include all of the formatting and boilerplate content that will appear in the final result, but will not inlcude any data rows. The data injection process must be able to dynamically insert d...

Using IMEX=1 in SSIS excel 12.0 connection manager causes export to fail

Hi all, I'm using SSIS VS 2008 to export a bunch of data to an Excel 2007 file. I've used the IMEX=1 option many times in the past to export data to excel 2003 files with great success. For some reason though, this time when I add it to the connection string it falls over at the export step. If I take it out, everything works like a ...

Excel VBA "Autofill Method of Range Class Failed"

The following VBA code (Excel 2007) is failing with Error 1004, "Autofill Method of Range Class Failed.". Can anyone tell me how to fix it? Dim src As Range, out As Range, wks As Worksheet Set wks = Me Set out = wks.Range("B:U") Set src = wks.Range("A6") src.AutoFill Destination:=out (note: I have Googled, etc. for this. It comes u...

Can Excel use itself as a Database?

I found an interesting article at MSDN, which says: ADO makes it possible to treat an Excel workbook as if it were a database. So is it possible for an Excel workbook to connect to itself, and treat one of its worksheets as a database table and execute queries on it? -- and is this possible via VBA programming? ...

Has the way excel evaluates the Date type changed in Excel 2007

I have some fairly old code that runs just fine in Excel versions before 2007. In 2007, it throws a runtime error: run-time error 16 : expression is too complex. The expression is pretty simple and the error seems unrelated to the actual problem. I'm trying to compare 2 dates. Example code follows: Function getContractEnd() As Date ...

Excel Embeded If Statements

In excel is it bad to have about 1000 embedded if statements? I have about 1000 options that I want to pre-populate in other excel fields, what is the best way to do this other then inefficient if statements? ...

Excel 2007-style folder browse dialog

Excel 2007 uses an updated/custom version of the standard Windows folder browse dialog, which you can see if you navigate to Office Button -> Excel Options -> Save -> Server drafts location -> Browse... Our client wants us to use that dialog instead of the standard C# FolderBrowserDialog - is this possible (i.e. what Win32 DLLs/API call...

in Excel , in my pivot tables when i drop down the row fields, value filter option is disabled

in Excel , in my pivot tables when i drop down the row fields, value filter option is disabled any idea why ? ...

How do I deliver an Excel 2007 VBA script?

Once I've finished writing an Excel 2007 VBA script how to I deliver the Excel 2007 VBA script to the rest of the team members? Is there a way to package an Excel 2007 VBA script so that it can be provided to other team members? Thanks again for any feedback. ...

C#: Create/Insert Excel 2007 charts into Word 2007

How do you create and then insert an Excel 2007 chart in Word 2007 with office interoperability? Important: I do not want to save an Excel file to create a chart. ...

Adding Larger Icon On Excel 2007 Ribbon Button

I've got an Excel 2007 VBA script that adds a button to the ribbon, but unfortunately the icon is tiny. I tried several different FaceId's, but they all seemed to add tiny icon buttons. Is there a way to load in some of the newer 2007 size icons? Here is a snippet of the code that I've got loaded in ThisWorkbook: Set NewButton = Ne...