
Excel macro to select and cut multiple rows to a new worksheet

I run a report every week and would like to cut the rows for a particular date range into a new worksheet (i.e. all rows with transactions between the 16th of one month to the 15th of the following month). I'd like to cut all rows between 07/16 and 08/15 and past them in a new worksheet called "Aug" And cut all rows between 08/16 and 09...

How to identify a column heading from a normal cell in excel through vba

I have a sheet in which I'm entering values in cell from two different tables.First table has 3 fields so sheet1.range from A1 to c23 gets filled with this table values.Now the second table has two fields and I fill Sheet1 from A25 till B37. Now each of the table gives me column headings at A1,B1,C1 for the first table and A25,B25 for t...

Removed Feature: Data validation from /xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml part

Hi, Does anyone of you know the reason of the following error message? Removed Feature: Data validation from /xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml part I created an application using Excel VBA. it was working fine untill a point where when I open the file it gives me an error message as Excel found some unreadable content. then it asks me if I want...

Creating Excel dashboards from info stored on SQL

Hi all, I'm creating an Excel dashboard that imports a variable number months' worth of financial/accounting information from a database to an Excel sheet. Using this information I have a Calculations sheet that computes some financial indicators, again, month by month. Finally, this information is displayed in graphs on a separate she...

Complicated Excel VBA Macro with Loop

Hi all. I require help with a reasonably complicated VBA macro loop for a dataset I've been provided. The dataset exists as one long column one thousands of different entries. I've tried recording macros but I am at a loss at the best way to approach it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. In its simplest terms, I need to locate a ...

Get in column B the words of column A that are `not in dictionary`

How could I create a macro that would check each cell of column A, find the words that are not in the defined dictionary, and write them (separated by space) in the next cell. In the picture below you can see an example of the worksheet after that macro was completed. The complete idea was to get a (varchar) column from a database and...

VBA Formula Problem, Someone please Help

I have been going crazy trying to make a VBA code to do the following - I will explain it the best I can. I have 2 Sheets, one named Pay_balance and the other Debtor_list. The Debtor_list Sheet is a Table from Cells A2:B13; A1 & B1 are Headers ("Debtors" and "Balance"). Both columns have names assigned ("Alldebtor" - A2:A13 & "Allbalanc...

Unlocking range of cells in excel selected by cellname Office 2007

I have 3 cells which are merged with each other and are referenced to with a given cellname (for example "foo"). I now want to unlock these cells with the locked attribute. The lock in the following code will not work, but the value will be successfully assigned to the cell: Workbooks(loadedSheetName).Worksheets("foo").Range("bar").Lo...

Procedure with paramters in excel

I have a stored procedure running in Excel. I need to pass a procedure to that parameter but I dont want to have to change that connection every time.Is this possible? I dont know vba at all so as much detail would be appreciated. ...

Simulate paste action in excel using vba

Hi, I am trying to populate an excel spreadsheet using VBA (is actually something different using a COM server but it is the same syntax). Thisis a report generated that I want to write in Excel for formatting and presentation purpose. CSV exports and other techniques are out of the equation because of the technology involved. So, I a...

Excel Stored Procedure with Excel

I have stored proc Im pulling in to excel but to get it to Run I have to enter my text exec roc 'Name' I need it to be able to have someone else thats running it be able to enter a name as they refresh the data. I dont know VBA at all and am looking for help. ...

How to build Excel macro

Hi, Need help. I have created the below as a macro so that a user can extract the info by clicking a single button:- Sub Sales() Dim StrSQl As String Con = "Provider=IBMDA400;Data Source=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX;User Id=yyyy;Password=zzzz" Set Db = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") Db.connectionSTring ...

Excel Spreadsheet Convert to UserForm VBA Problem

I made a Sheet which I have now converted to a UserForm but the VB code I was using no longer works, I will copy the old code used and the new one which keeps telling me "Debtor not found", any help would be Appreciated. Old Code: Sub Buy_Click() Name = Worksheets("Purchase").Range("G19").Value Amount = CSng(Worksheets("Purcha...

Textbox on UserForm doesn't refresh when I change ComboBox2 Value

Here is the code, I have 2 ComboBox's on this form and 2 TextBox's and for some obscure reason when I change the debtor ComboBox it Refreshes the Balance, but doesn't refresh the Price; Price is a cross reference of Debtor and Quantity. Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Purchase_Select_Debtor.List = Workbooks("New Template.xlsm").W...

Can we change worksheet in function?

I am trying to write a vba function that takes a range as an argument and returns some coefficients to the worksheet. But when I try to write anything to my worksheet from the function, I get an undefined value (#VALUE!). When I change function to macro(sub) and hardcode the arguments in the function, it allows me to set values in worksh...

Accessing COM add-in code from VBA

I have created a COM add-in for Excel 2003 using Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office. The add-in code looks like this: [Guid("EAC0992E-AC39-4126-B851-A57BA3FA80B8")] [ComVisible(true)] [ProgId("NLog4VBA.Logger")] [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDual)] public class Logger { public double Debug(string context, string message) ...

How do you query a website in vb6?

What is the function to query the web from vb6? What I am trying to do is to get data from yahoo finance. For example this url returns a csv file with the dividend value of General Electric: http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=GE&f=d I need to run this in a function and have the function return the answer. ...

Bitwise And with Large Numbers in VBA

I keep getting an Overflow on the bitwise and in this first function. I fixed the other overflows by converting from Long to Currency (still seems weird), but I can't get this And to work. Any ideas? I'm just trying to convert some IP addresses to CIDRs and calculate some host numbers. Option Explicit Public Function ConvertMaskToCIDR...

VBA inheritance, analog of super

For example I have class A which implements class B ---class A---- implements B public sub B_do() end sub --class B---- public sub do() end sub How can I call do() from A? (super.do()) So, how I can define some common variable for both classes? Now I can inherit only functions, sub and properties... added: same question http://s...

Excel combo box problem

I have a form in Excel with a combo box control. I want the values to be filled from a database table when the combo box is opened using what has already been typed in as a LIKE criteria. This is the code I have so far for the DropButtonClick event to achieve this. Private Sub cboVariety_DropButtonClick() Static search_text As Strin...