
how to get such results using excel formula

i have two excel sheets An example of the two sheets are below sheet1 a 1 b 2 d 1 e 3 g 1 sheet2 a b c d e f i want to put a formula in b1 of sheet 2 and drag it down so that the resulting sheet 2 is sheet2 a 1 b 2 c 0 d 1 e 3 f 0 explanation : - a = 1 because same value in book1 b = 2 because same value ...

TAB separated txt file from Excel VBA/MACRO

Hey guys I need to make an excel file that has a some values in it..into a tab separated values text file.... solution 1 -i can save it as a tab separated text file..but the issue is it also saves the column headers which i dont need.Dont know how to change that ! solution 2--i have this code: Public Sub CharacterSV() Const DELIMI...

VBA macro issue

Hey fellas, I have the following VBA code. It gets the values from an Excel sheet and saves them in a Tab-delimeted text file. However, it adds the column headers. How do I just get the values of rows say starting from row 2, cell A1 if the columns are in row 1, cell A1? Thanks. Sub DoTheExport() Dim FileName As Variant Dim Sep As ...

Excel VBA Application.OnTime. I think its a bad idea to use this... thoughts either way?

I have a number of users I support that are asking for things to happen automatically ( well more automagically but that's another point!). One want events to happen every 120 secs ( see my other question ) and also another wants 1 thing to happen say at 5pm each business day. This has to be on the Excel sheet so therefore VBA as addin...

Excel to xml conversion not working for columns with different datatype values starts from number to string.

I am facing a problem while reading the excel and writing them to XML using LINQ to XML. I am having a column name as PinCode which has values like 9999 12 "123" "20" "999" 3 While converting the excel to dataset I have the values 9999,12,3. I am not able to retrieve the values in string format. I dont want to change the formats in ex...

How to get an array in Excel from a C# xll?

In my C# xll, I have a string array. I can read it from VB in Excel one element at a time, with the following code on c# side: public int NumColumns() { return _columns.Count; } public string ColumnName(int columnNumber) { return _columns[columnNumber]; } and this code in VB on Excel side: n = Application.Run("NumColumns") ...

Exported CSV data not showing up correctly in Excel

I have a gridview export to .csv file. When I export data, if there is a value like 10-10 and it open in excel it is shown as "10-oct". What do I do to get it to show up as "10-10"? ...

Dynamic Excel Spreadsheets

All, In the past I created a lot of dynamic Excel (2003) spreadsheets in the following ways: 1.Using Excel COM object, 2.XML representation of spreadsheets, 3.SyncFusion controls for creating Excel Spreadsheets All the above generated from C#.NET Code Now my question is what are the best tehcnologies for creating Excel 2007 spreadsh...

how Read and write binary excel file without com library

I want to read and write excel file . it can do with oledb , there is a limitation maximunm characters < 255 solution is mono data type , now create table become second sheet (when open excel it is shown as hidden.) please give proper answer ...

Ms Excel Problem Linking Range in Source Document to Custom Function in Target Document

I have some customer MS Excel VBA code (MS Excel 2007) that takes a range as input and then does some work on it (it is quite a large range). I want to use a separate excel document as the source of the range data. If I have both the source and target document open then the function works just fine. If I have only the target document ...

How do I import Spanish into a SQL DB?

So I have some Spanish content saved in Excel, that I am exporting into a .csv format so I can import it from the Firefox sql manager add-on into a .sql db. The problem is that when I import it, whenever there is an accent mark, (or whatever the technical name for those things are) Firefox doesn't recognize it, and accordingly produces a...

In VSTO Excel, how to detect data in cells?

I was wondering if anyone knew how to quickly detect whether there is data in a given worksheet or not, without actually looping through all of the rows/columns of the worksheet to figure this out. I am writing an importer that will import data right into the active worksheet (if it has not been modified), or create a new worksheet and ...

Open a single worksheet (single tab) from a huge excel file on a web browser using c# asp.net / MVC

I have huge excel files that I have to open from web browser. It takes several minutes to load huge file. Is it possible to open a single worksheet (single tab) at a time from excel file that contains many worksheets? I have to do this using C# / asp.net MVC ...

How to export data from Excel to a valid XML ?

Hi i have an excel table with some data that i would like to export in XML. This exported XML need to be valid, so after formatting it, it has to be validated against an XSD. What's the best way to do it? Obviously all the formatting and validation need to be done with Excel that is the only tool available. This excel file will be us...

Excel question combing text with numbers

Hi, Can someone tell me how I can make the following output? I have a cell with a number for example: 12345 (a1) I have a path to a file: ../dir/dir2/dir3 and a file extension called .jpg I need a output in f3 like this ../dir/dir2/dir3/12345.jpg I tried a lot of stuff like: ../dir/dir2/dir3+A1 (I know, I can't count te...

Excel VBA - Parse Server Logs

heya, We have a small project that involves automatically parsing some server/mail logs (among other things). Now, Plan A was to just hack together some Python and Django to do this properly grins, but I got veto-ed and the solution has to be pure-Excel, as it's believed that will be more portable. 1. Importing tab-separated file Our ...

Is there a code-generator to create DataTable definition block from Excel Work sheet?

Hi, Basically the thing I want to achieve is to have a data-table that I want to use in my unit tests. And when I run my unit tests, I do not want to read any excel file into a data-table -or any call to Db-. So, I would like to have method that returns a data-table with the values that I can use in my test. Is there already any writ...

Excel Process Hangs when Run by MSTest from CruiseControl.NET

I'm using CruiseControl.NET with MSTest to build my Excel add-in. Some of my tests involve opening Excel, performing some operations and checking the results. This is all achieved through COM. If I run the tests from with Visual Studio 2008, they work perfectly. However, when the tests are started by CruiseControl, the Excel process ...

excel vba, find a range

In excel, everyday i have to find where "spot" in the cell and then select after this row befor the cell containing "public". can any one help me How to find rows contains "spot" and end selection before containing cell "public". ...

Ole 800A03EC error when using TExcelWorkBook SaveAs method in Delphi 7

I am trying to open excel 2003 workbook and save it as something else, for example excel 95. I use the following code: XLSApp:=TExcelApplication.Create(Self); XLSApp.Workbooks.Open(SomeFileName,NULL,false,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,defaultlcid); XLSWB:=TExcelWorkbook.Create(XLSApp); XLSWB.ConnectTo(XLSAp...