
VBA Excel Range method

I need to move a row of data to another worksheet when a user chooses a value in a listbox. I am trying to use the following code to select the row on the new worksheet I want to move the data to: 'Move data to the "Red" worksheet Sheets("Red").Range ("A11").Select I am getting an "Object does not support this property or method" err...

Python, OpenOffice: Programatically Manipulating spreadsheets

Hi, I have an spreadsheet-based automated report that needs to be created daily, with some charts, aggregating functions (e.g. SUM and AVERAGE) and formatted cells (Dates, percentage, etc.). I have tried to write these results directly to an Excel file, but Python's xlwt and xlrd don'y support charts and functions. Moreover, trying t...

Excel 2007 pastes conditional formats out of order.

I've noticed that when I copy and paste some cell ranges, that sometimes the conditions get pasted out of order, essentially changing the formatting scheme. Every time I paste this range of cells, I have to open the conditional formatting dialog and move the top format back to the bottom. I would love to know why this is happening, and...

How to delete all constraints from solver in Excel?

I can use SolverDelete to delete a constraint if I know exactly what it looks like. How can I delete all constraints with VBA without knowing them? ...

Excel Save As Dialog not displaying correctly..

Hi: I have developed a SharePoint WebPart using ASP.NET and C# (code behind). One of the things that needs to be done is to launch the Excel Save As dialog so that the user can save the Excel file. On the SharePoint Server box, this functionality works correctly. When I click "Export", as expected the Excel "Save As" dialog appea...

how to read an excel file on google app engine

Generally I work with CSV files but for this project I need to support XLS too. Does anyone have experience reading XLS files on GAE with Python? 2 possible alternatives I am considering: xlrd Google Docs API ...

Excel Automation for Business Solution and Server-Side Processing

Hi, Our company has thousands of Excel files, where each Excel file describes one IPVPN network. This Excel files follow single format, which keep data on contact information, site detail, router specifications, primary/backup link specific details, VRF etc. From time to time, the format change, and we have to dedicate few person to ma...

Parse the Excel file using C#

Hi all I want to use the C# to parse Excel file, like get data from it. I Google it on net, find most of them use Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0. This program would run a x64 Windows 2008 server. But the Jet engine is not available for x64 and no longer used. Is there any way to do it? Best Regards, ...

Excel, find and count each occurence of a name is column A then read a value from column B

Hi all, I need a formula that is beyond me and my Excel skills, I need to insert the number of times a match is found in column A into column C and then insert the total number of days for that person in column D. Can anyone help? Many thanks ...

Excel Match Bug in a sparse range with duplicate keys

Data in TheRange is {1,"",1,"",1,"",1,"",2} =Match(2, TheRange, 1) returns 9 as expected =Match(1.5, TheRange, 1) returns 7 as expected =Match(1, TheRange, 1) returns 5 which is not expected Anyone come across this ? Anyone got a fix? Additionally if I use Worksheet.Function.Match in VBA I get more unexpected results. ...

How do I change the TFS server in and Excel worksheet that's pulling data from a query

Hello, I have an Excel spreadsheet that uses a TFS query to pull information on work items. I've created a lot of other formulas and charts based on this spreadsheet. My TFS server changed names and now the spreadsheet can't pull the information because the server no long exists. The query on the new server is the same, I just need to fi...

Unusual exception - reading/updating Excel spread sheet

I am reading content of a full spread sheet to a datatable Then iterate through Table.Rows Query Remote database (Oracle), and Create/Update/Delete ADS account Then update the Excel row with the result (status) Most of the time things go smoothly, but intermittently I get this exception: ContextSwitchDeadlock was detected Mes...

Displaytag is exporting CSV into a .xls file

I export an Excel document with DisplayTag. It saves as a .xls file to my Desktop. When I open it with Excel, this error displays: "The file you are trying to open, 'filename.xls', is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file....

Excel VBA: how to cast a generic control object into a ComboBox object?

Hi, I need to cast a generic VBA form control object into a ComboBox object so that I can add items to it. The generic object won't allow me to insert items into my existing lists Dim ctlCurrent As MSForms.Control For Each ctlCurrent In frmItemInput.Controls If TypeName(ctlCurrent) = "ComboBox" Then Dim lbCurrentComboBox As...

How to write two hyperlink in Excel cell using java

Hi, Is there is any way to write hyperlink in Excel cell using java. e.g. I want to write two hyperlink in one cell. When i click on google.com it should open google site and same for yahoo site. www.google.com | www.yahoo.com Thanks ...

xhtml/rst to excel conversion

I am working on a reporting tool and need to generate reports in various formats including pdf, html and excel(.xls or any format which can be easily opened in excel) I am thinking of generating basic report in xhtml or restructuredtext(rst) and then converting it to other formats, I can use xhtml2pdf or rst2pdf for pdf conversion but I...

How to avoid circular reference when excel cell update

Hi, I'm writing a set of functions in c++ which can be called by excel. However, these functions are asynchronous, therefore no immediate return values available. Once a result is available I used a callback function through VBA which update the result to the relevant cell which called the functions. But, here I'm having circular func...

Save an embedded Word document in an Excel spreadsheet to disk using VBA.

We have a Excel spreadsheet that currently generates a report using a Word template stored on the company LAN. This works fine for internal users but not for anyone not connected to the LAN e.g. laptop users. Management does not want to distribute the template as a seperate file to external users but would prefer to embed this into the ...

How to update Excel cell value "2009.03" instead of "2009.3"

I am updating a Excel Worksheet cell value to 2009.03 and it become change to 2009.3. I tried may ways to solve the issue but value always changed to "2009.3" instead of "2009.03" on Server. It is working on my system but not on Win XP 2003 Server System. I used to set excel cell NumberFormat to "@", "0.00", "####.##" and even tried to...

Insert Image into Excel cell(s) using ActiveXObject ("Excel.Application")

I have a PHP Web Application, which uses the ActiveXObject to export the contents of a table into an Excel spreadsheet. I have a bit of formatting (cell alignment, currency, dates, etc,.) for some cells, but I need to merge the top 3 cells and then import an image. I've been searching, but haven't had any joy. If anyone knows if this is ...