
How do I find all "true" in a column and insert two rows above each found true?

AccountCode 01-80-07 03-24-00 True 03-24-00 03-69-00 04-16-00 True 04-20-00 04-21-00 05-99-00 True 07-01-00 True 07-01-00 07-10-00 07-10-00 94-40-95 True Does anyone understand what I need? Trues are in column B and each month there may be a different number...

Excel macro, to copy and paste a cell value based on another cell value?

Hi I shall try to explain clearly what I need to be able to do, here goes: I have an Excel spread sheet 1 with postcodes in column A and a number in column B. I need to create a macro/formula so that it will see the number (i.e 3) and copy and paste the postcode that number of times into sheet 2 column a underneath each other. I need to...

Can't see drop down list in Excel VBA

I've created a very simple drop down list in excel. It holds a sequence of integers loaded from a cell range (years). I need to read the selected value in vba. However I can't even seem to find the control! I've tried CboYear Sheet2.CboYear Worksheets("SheetName").CboYear etc. etc. From everywhere in VBA this control just doesn'...

How do you stream an Excel 2007 or Word 2007 file using asp.net and c#

I'm working on a web app and need to stream various files. I can do pdfs, images, and older Office documents. However, when I try to do with 2007 documents, it breaks. Here is my code: Response.Buffer = true; Response.Clear(); Response.ClearContent(); Response.ClearHeaders(); switch (FileExtension.ToLower()) {...

Creating Excel Files with # in Column Name

I'm having problem creating Excel files using Jet. When I create a table and give it a Column name as CreateTable [Sheet1] ([ColumnName#] String) It replaces the header column with ColumnName. Is there a way I can make excel give the column headers a name with out any conflict in what characters I can have in it? Are there any esca...

Getting "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near 'Microsoft.'

Hi Experts, I'm getting an error, "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near 'Microsoft.' Here is the code: Dim conn As ADODB.Connection Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset Dim stSQL As String Public Sub loadData() 'This was set up using Microsoft ActiveX Data Components version 6.0. 'Create ADODB connectio...

Excel Data List Validation in Powershell

Hi, I have a range named "STATE". I want to set data validation in range ("A1") to only take value within this range using Powershell. Below is what I have tried. Does not work. I dont know what to put as 4th and 5th parameters. The first 3 are Excel constants equivalent to xlValidateList, xlValidAlertStop and xlBetween respectively. ...

VSTO Excel 2007: Include or embed a Workbook/Worksheet in an Add-in

I want to include/embed an Excel worksheet with a predefined layout in an Excel Add-in, but I cannot add a project item "Workbook" to my VSTO project nor can I add a reference to a "Excel Workbook" project. So how can I do this? My aim is to build an Excel Add-in which adds a new worksheet to an existing workbook (which is a download fr...

Reading Excel Cells using C#

What's the way to open a excel workbook and to read excel cells? ...

Updating data source on multiple pivot tables within Excel

Is there an easy way to update the data source for multiple pivot tables on a single Excel sheet at the same time? All of the pivot tables reference the same named range, but I need to create a second worksheet that has the same pivot tables, but accessing a different named range. Ideally I would like to be able to do some kind of sear...

copy or clone a HSSFWorkbook

Hi, Currently I am doing the following in a loop (at least 300 times): - create a HSSFWorkbook from a template file - add some values to specific cells in the workbook - save the workbook as a new excel file The first line takes about 70% of the time (reading excel file). What I would like to do is to take this out of the loop, and rea...

Does Chrome always adds an XLS extension on a vnd.ms-excel mime type?

It seems that a simple download of a PHP generated CSV file (with a vnd.ms-excel mime type for the sake of opening it with (Open)Office readly upon the "Save as..." dialog, when present) always gets the unwanted .xls extension when the UA is Google Chrome. The file would then be named as myfile.csv.xls. Firefox behaves correctly. I wonde...

Automation Error upon running VBA script in Excel

Hi guys, I'm getting an Automation error upon running VBA code in Excel 2007. I'm attempting to connect to a remote SQL Server DB and load data to from Excel to SQL Server. The error I get is, "Run-time error '-2147217843(80040e4d)': Automation error". I checked out the MSDN site and it suggested that this may be due to a bug assoc...

Function returning a class containing a function returning a class

I'm working on an object-oriented Excel add-in to retrieve information from our ERP system's database. Here is an example of a function call: itemDescription = Macola.Item("12345").Description Macola is an instance of a class which takes care of database access. Item() is a function of the Macola class which returns an instance of an I...

Running a simple VBA script to test a connection

I'm trying to test the connection of a GoDaddy SQL Server database. I'm getting an 'invalid connection string attribute.' What's wrong with this script? Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection Dim canConnect As Boolean Public Sub TestConnection() Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection cnn.Open "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=GoDaddyServer.com...

Writing string, numeric data to Excel via C# works, but Excel does not treat numeric data correctly

Hi, I'm getting result sets from Sybase that I return to a C# client. I use the below function to write the result set data to Excel: private static void WriteData(Excel.Worksheet worksheet, string cellRef, ref string[,] data) { Excel.Range range = worksheet.get_Range(cellRef, Missing.Value); if (data.GetLength(0) != 0) ...

How can I create an .xls file with a readwrite password from Delphi

I know that it is possible to create .xls files from Delphi using ADO, OLE automation with Excel and even using several commercial libraries. My requirement now is not just creating a new .xls file and adding data to it but in addition protecting it with a password against editing. I guess this would be possible using OLE automation bu...

Launch Documents To Go app from third party Blackberry App

I was wondering if it's possible to open doc, xls, pdf, etc files using the "Documents To Go" app from a third party blackberry app. ...

Excel function advanced filter

I have a list of sales people and a list of their sale revenues in two separate columns. How do I use an advanced filter or other sorting means to find the max of the sale revenue column and then have the formula output be the corresponding sales person? ...

How to determine the format of Excel file in Java?

I am working on a light weight Java client library for Android mobile platform that can read and write to Excel files in .xls(BIFF) and Office 2003 XML format. No sooner we decided to start than we got stuck with a basic question. How do we determine the format of the excel files in Java? Please help. Thanks. ...