
csv file enclosed with double quotes not stripping quotes

I am generating a csv download from my web server and to be safe, I have enclosed each field with double quotes. i.e. "Field1","Field2","Field3","Field4" "row1_field1","row1_field2","row1_field3","row1_field4" "row2_field1","row2_field2","row2_field3","row2_field4" The problem is that when the file is opened in Excel, it does not str...

PHP generating csv not sending correct new line feeds

I have a script that generates a csv file using the following code: header('Content-type: text/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.date("Ymdhis").'.csv"'); print $content; The $content variable simply contains lines with fields separated by commas and then finalised with ."\n"; to generate a new line. When I o...

Cell value is read as #### in excel

I am reading a cell value from excel using named range in my case sometime the column width is smaller then the value that is present in the cell and hence it is appearing as ##### when it is huge number. when i read this from csharp it is reading as #####. Any fix for this Sample code: Excel.Application.get_Range(strRange, Type.Missi...

generate Excel sheet from datatable in c#

Hi i have the datatable with data. Some cells have null values. I want to create the excel sheet from this datatable in C# + asp.net . I am using VS 2008 . how to achieve this? its urgent please help me ...

Ignoring OPTIONS requests in WebWork

Hi, Our WebWork application is getting OPTIONS requests from Excel 2007. These are causing errors because they are encoding the ampersands! We'd like to just tell WebWork to ignore these OPTIONS requests. Is there a way to do this? Thanks, Alex ...

Accessing a chart's source data cells

What is the best way to access the cells that provide the data to a chart in Excel 2007 (using .Net). ...

Excel manipulation from C# - Set ActiveCell?

I'm currently trying to move some VB6 macros into a C# app and I'm having trouble setting the active cell using C#. In VB6 its simply: ActiveSheet.Range("L1").Select Does anyone know what the C# equivalent is? Cheers in advance. ...

Problem with writing a file to excel with spreadsheet

I am trying to write excel file by using ruby 1.9 spreadsheet version on windows. Everything is going ok, until I get to the book.write statement when I write book.write "c:/spreadsheet/excel-file.xls I keep getting the following error No such file or directory - c:/spreadsheet/excel-file.xls when i am runing it from the ruby...

How to generate a cell click event in Excel 2007 VSTO with VB?

Well I have browsed through Application events in Excel 2007 however I can't find any event generated on a cell click. I can't use a double click event at the moment due to application constraints. Is there a way I can create a custom click event and attach it to a sheet for generating a cell click event. ...

iPhone Excel generation

I'm creating an application that generates purchase order. I'm able to create text file from the details entered by user. I would like to generate an Excel which looks much better than a normal text file. Is there any open source library that I can use in my application? ...

Unit Testing VS 2008 Using Excel

When using Excel (2003) to provide data for my unit tests it seems to think that when a cell has TRUE / FALSE value that it is null when there has been no preceding cell values e.g. if (TestContext.DataRow["SatisfactionExtremelySatisfied"] != DBNull.Value) model.SatisfactionExtremelySatisfied = (bool)TestContext.DataRow ["S...

Excel VBA combox box disable

Hi all, I am trying to enable/disable a combobox based on the value or state of a second combobox in Excel 2007. I think my code should look something like this: Sub DropDown266_Change() If DropDown266.Index = 2 Then DropDown267.Enabled = False End If End Sub However, I am getting a run time error '424' saying an ob...

format excel sheet in c#

Hi, i want to format excel sheet generating by my c# application, as per template excel / source excel sheet which is. ...

Calculate time in Excel

Hi friends, i have two columns in xl sheet A row have this format "8:25 PM EDT" and B row have this format "10:12:15 AM" , Now i want to add one hour to the B column if the A column contains the text "EDT" , Please help me to find out the solution Thanks in advance. ...

Excel Add-in memory explosion

I wrote a small .NET add in to excel 2007 that read data from external c++ api and display it inside an excel. The task manager shows that I'm having a memory leak (the memory usage is inflate linearly up to 250MB after whitch it throws an "Excel cannot complete this task with available resources error") but the problem disappears as soo...

excel dcom error. excel file not getting created on server side

i am getting this error when i try to create and excel file on my server through asp.net vb.net code. System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800A03EC): Microsoft Office Excel cannot open or save any more documents because there is not enough available memory or disk space. • To make more memory available, close workbooks or pr...

Macro to alert me when a cell changes value -- popup alert - EXCEL

Hey gurus, I am looking to create a macro to alert me when a cell's value changes. The cells in this particular column can have values of either "OVER" or "UNDER". I would like to write code to alert me via a popup (Message: "Cell A crosses under(over)") when the value changes. Thanks, patrick ...

Excel : Increment Row number on fill right

When one "Fills right in excel" , the Column name updates eg. 1st cell is =A2 If I fill right the next cell will be =B2 But rather than the column incrementing I want to increment the row number so 1st cell is =A2 The cell on its right is =A3 how do i do that? ...

error while reading Excel sheet

Hi, I have code to read Excel from c3 language : DataTable dtChildrenData = new DataTable(); OdbcConnection oConn = null; try { if (File.Exists(strSheetPath)) { oConn = new OdbcConnection(); oConn.ConnectionString = @"DSN=Excel Fi...

Apache POI HSSF does not write data correctly

Hi, I am working on a project using Apache POI HSSF. In this project I import data from some spreadsheets and export the imported data to another spreadhseet. This all works fine but there is one little flaw: When I export the data to a spreadsheet it seems like it isn't written finally. When I open the document in Excel all values are...