
Moving Rows to another sheet in a workbook

I need Help! I am not well versed in VBA or Macros but i cannot find any other way to accomplish what i need to do without using it. I have a sheet which i will be using to track Purchase orders, and what i need to do is; when i have a row in sheet 1 (Purchase Orders) which has been recieved i.e. the date of receipt has been recorded in...

Populate Excel Child Sheets From Master Sheet

Hi, I have an excel document with a master sheet, as well as several child sheets. My problem is that I need a way to copy content from the master sheet to a corresponding child sheet. Now, for any given row, the value in column B is what decides which child sheet the row in question is copied to. For example, my columns are Compositio...

Adding data from Excel to Mysql via VBA

UPDATED QUESTION...SEE BELOW I have an excel sheet which accesses a MySQL db as a backend.... I insert new records into MySql the following way, but I am not sure if this is the best way. For rowline = 1 To 50 strSQL = myquerystring (INSERT 5 columns per excel row) rs.Open strSQL, oConn, adOpenDynamic, adLock...

Date format - Excel and C#

My C# application send a formatted date (ex: 9/6/2010 - dd/mm/yyyy) to an excel spreadsheet... but then... it comes to 6/9/2010! (mm/dd/yyyy) I just use the following code to send the date: VarRowColumnWhatever = _MyList.MyObject.MyDateTime.Date.ToString(); Debbuging it, i can see that the value are correct! But not in the spreadshee...

Reading strings into Matlab from excel?

I would like to read strings into Matlab from an excel file ID = xlsread('data.xlsx',1, 'D2:D4') the cells in range D2:D4 have strings in them. When I try to import the strings into Matlab all I get is an empty list? what can I do to fix this? ...

How do I write/export a few matrices to an XLS file?

I have a lot of matrix variables. Some have more than 200 rows. How can I export them to an XLS or DAT file with their names? I tried the following: d = {'X', 'Y'; X Y}; xlswrite('tempdata1.xls', d, 'Sheet1', 'A1'); What I got in the XLS file was only the strings 'X' and 'Y' but without the values of X and Y. X and Y should be vectors...

Writing strings into excel using Matlab?

I am writing a cell array of string into Excel from Matlab. I have a cell array data{} that I am trying to write into Matlab. It should writting three large lengths of strings to excel since the strcmp passes 3 times. Currently it is only writing the last set of strings into excel. data = { {1x25} {1x35} {1x20} } looks like this. Also I ...

Excel to XML in C#

How would I go about converting an Excel file to an XML document using C#? ...

Programmatically Save an Excel File Using OLE

How do you programmatically save an excel workbook using OLE and C++ Builder? I'm guessing it might be something like: Variant excel = Variant::CreateObject("Excel.Application"); excel.OleProcedure("Save"); // but how might you specify the file name ...

How to handle this exception related to Excel

Hi, In our application,user can export some data to an excel file.When he clicks export, we pop-up windows file dialog where he chooses an existing excel file to overwrite,or give a new name.But,when he overwrites an existing file,he is asked by windows "does he want to replace",and if he clicks no,an exception is raised Exception from...

Getting "HRESULT: 0x800A01A8" error while hiding rows using vsto on vs2005

Hi, I am attempting to hide some rows in an excel sheet using C#. but the line deleteRange.EntireRow.Hidden = true; is giving errors. The entire code of selecting the range and hiding the rows is given below string rowCnt = Convert.ToString(excelExportData.Tables["AllVersionDts"].Rows.Count + 8); string startCell = "A" + rowCnt; ...

Compare/search Excel Sheet

Hi, I have to Excel tables. They are sorted after one attribute. Now I want to compare these tables. The problem is, my tables don't have the same values. e.g. Table 1 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 table 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 if I try to compare these fields hardcoded (IF(A1=B1;x;y)) i have some missing rows as soon as I get to 3 in Table2. So how am I abl...

Excel Macro to Generate SQL From Sparsely Populated Sheet?

I have a worksheet that has been sparsely populated with data that needs to go into several relational database tables. The sheet looks like this: A B C D E F G Table_1 Table_2 Table_2 Table_3 Table_3 Table_3 Table_3 Table_3 Table_3 Table_3 Table_3 Ta...

openxml - inserting a row, moving others

Hi there, I am using openxml to create an excel report. The openxml operates on a template excel file using named ranges. The client requires a totals row at the end of the list of rows. Sounds like a reasonable request!! However, the data table I'm returning from the db can contain any number of rows. Using template rows and 'InsertB...

How do I create a VBA macro that will graph a changing range?

Hello, Currently, I have a table that will automatically update when new data is added to a spreadsheet. I am able to easily create a macro that will graph a set range, but how do I get it to automatically update the range so that it graphs all the right data? My goal is to be able to create a button that I can press at any time that wi...

PHPExcel - Existing array functions get converted into normal functions?

Greetings all, I'm trying to write a script that loads an existing spreadsheet containing a number of array formulas, add data to a worksheet and save it. When opening the file after the script runs, the spreadsheet's formulas are no longer array formulas. Below is the stripped down version of what I'm attempting: $excelFile = new PH...

manual or programmatic way of creating keyboard short-cuts for excel add-ins

is it possible to have a shortcut like ctrl+p to run a certain macro? is there a manual or programmatic way to do this? ...

Convert Excel 95 to Excel 97 Or Later

So we're using a third-party component for opening up and doing some work on excel sheets. However the tool cannot handle Excel 95 files. Does anyone know of a tool that can convert a Excel 95 file to a later format? It could point to an outside application...something command-line based would be best. Also: We cannot use Excel COM Inte...

Flex standalone application with no database

I am trying to develop an application which can be used locally by my team mates. its a sort of issue tracking application with report generation. am planning to do it on flex. in my company environment, i do have a lots of restrictions like, can't install AIR, no database, etc. so am planning to develop on flex app, and put it in a sha...

Need help creating an IF statement with 3 possible answers, each based on a different range of data

I have 3 ranges of numbers and the answer depends on the range. 75-79=0.255 80-84=0.327 85+ =0.559 I tried to create an equation that accounts for the ranges, however excel states that I have entered in too many arguments for this function. Below is the equation that I entered that is not working. (X2 contains the number) =IF(X2=7...