
C# console app that does Excel Interop - failing when running as scheduled Task -System.UnauthorizedAccessException

As the title states, I have a C# console app which uses interop to open Excel and create a new workbook. The code works fine when running the console app via command line. However this exception is thrown when running the console app via a scheduled task: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Retrieving the COM class factory for component...

Excel automatically converts to date?

I have an excel file that always converts k 6-8 to a date. Is there anyway to not make this happen? I have tried making a plain text field to prevent this and still no luck. Any ideas? ...

how to insert new row like Excel functions in MS ACCESS

hi there, I need to find a way to make grid in MS Access & insert new lines to it by code VBA only exactly how excel behave. ...

SQL Developer for importing from Excel

Hi I have installed SQL Developer in my system, but how can i utilize the GUI. I am new to this and i want to import datas from Excel to Oracle database using SQL Developer Thanks in advance ...

Defining Ranges for Excel in VB.NET

I am using Excel interop in my VB.NET program. My problem is that I can't seem to figure out how to write to Excel and define the Range using numbers. Alright, so I have objects being created depending on the file that the user opens. So there could be 100 objects or there could be none. Now each object has an array of values, and these...

VBProject Tools-->VBA Project Propeties password protected

Is there any way i can change the project property? When i go to VB screen in an excel sheet , i see that the Tools-->VBA Project Properties is password protected. ...

Modifying a chart in powerpoint manually

I have a .net 2.0 application running in IIS, I need to create a single PPTX file containing a chart which I will have to edit dynamically. I thought the easiest way is to edit the pptx file manually, however editing the inner xlsx file manually does not show the proper data when opening it in powerpoint.(Perhaps the data is cached some...

Exporting Excel to C#

I have to port excel file which business guys are using to calculate final price to C# so I can later use this algorithm in Asp.Net application. This is something I will be doing not for the first time, but today it hit me. Maybe Excel can export to C#. I don't care if it will look ugly, but this is still something to start with. Is th...

Import data file into excel or access

I have an excel file which I've been supplied a layout for with the name, length, start and end positions of each field for a data file. Any ideas on an any easy way to use this layout file to import the data file into its respective fields in access or excel? ...

How do I turn a flat file of data into a queryable data source

I generate files, lets call them .dwrf files, which contain a significant amount of data. Currently we export those to .CSV and the resulting files are large (2GB+). I would like to cut out the export process and make the contents of a .dwrf file queryable directly from Excel or other applications. What I would like to do is write a ut...

Resources for excel in Visual studio

I have been tasked to rewrite an old excel workbook that is full of ugly vb macros. It is mostly some simple data entry, and some reporting functionality on top of that. I am not super experienced with Excel, but I can get around. I know that visual studio has project types for excel, but I am not really sure what is possible. I am a c#...

writing to excel in java

Hi Can someone point me in the right direction for writing to an excel file in java?? I am not understanding the links I found online. Could you just send me a link or anything which I could follow through?? Thank you, J ...

how to unhide numbers on the first column in the excel sheet

I have an excel sheet where the first column seems to be a running integer (excel sheet defined and not a user defined serial number), but sometimes it seems to miss a number or a bunch of numbers. Why would this happen and how to avoid this? Note: We do excessive copying of rows and delete rows once in a while, but not sure why the run...

Ways of searching an excel file in asp.net

Consider i have an excel file >200000 rows in it. What is the fastest way that can be implemented to search a partcular column value in this file using c# asp.net. Any suggestion. ...

Using the JExcel API, how do I enter a cell value of unknown data type without a hidden apostrophe being added?

I'm using the JExcel API to create an XLS file. I can't figure out how to populate a new cell without any specific cell formatting. I would like the formatting to be automatically applied, as it does in Excel when you type a value in a cell and it auto-detects what it thinks you're trying to enter. I wrote something similar to this: ...

convert excel into wiki markup

Hi, Is it possible to convert EXCEL spreadsheets into MEDIAWIKI markup? Stumpled upon strange recommendations exporting to HTML and convert it into markup? Is there a solution maybe exporting to XML first or directly converting it? regards, UP ...

Open source component or unit for exporting Delphi TDataSet to native XLS without Excel installed

Do you possibly know about the existence of a free and open sourced Delphi code to export TDataSet to native XLS format? The question was previously asked here, yet I am looking for a free solution. As observed in for example TeeChart.TeeStore.TSeriesDataXLS.SaveToStream writing a native XLS export function is not a rocket science, yet ...

PHP to Excel, bold font

For transferring some data from to excel via php I am using this function for the creation of labels; function xls_label($row, $col, $value, $bold ) { echo pack("ssssss", 0x204, 8 + strlen($value), $row, $col, 0x0, strlen($value)); echo $value; } This adds a label in regular font. Now I was wondering what do I n...

Excel macro Auto start only in XLT file and not in XLS file.

I am using and XLT that contains macros, it creates an XLS by open, and save it in a choosen directory, the problem is, the saved file contains the same macros as the XLT. Is there any chance to modify the proc to make it save the generated file without the macros? best regards, Thomas ...

manipulate data before importing from excel to dataset

I have a couple of columns of data in an excel sheet which I have to import to my application. I do this using - string strConn; OleDbDataAdapter oledaExcelInfo; strConn = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = " + Server.MapPath(strSavePath + strRepFileName) + ";Extended Properties=\"Excel 8.0;HDR=NO;IMEX=1\""; oledaExcelI...