I have a hashMap in java in terms of some keys which each key is indicating a flow. Then each value showing statics about each packet belongs to that flow.
What I need to do is, to draw graphs for each flow based on those values. for example:
Flow1: {[length, time],[],[],...}
Flow2: {[length, time],[length, time],[],...}
i need t...
I have built an application with the microsoft interop library Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library
The application just writes prices in an excel sheet, then shows the user the excel sheet
The client keeps getting an error
See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.
I am building an extension ribbon for Excel. Besides the ribbon DLL I will have a data access DLL and a .sdf (SQL CE database file). In which directories should they be installed? Is there a best practice for deploying this project? It will be used at several sites around the country.
Please can somebody help me with the correct DIM statements and syntax to simplify the following into a DO UNTIL loop?:
Sub DesRisk_Loader()
Dim Qn(7) As String
Dim Ys(7) As String
Dim No(7) As String
Dim Wk(7) As Integer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
n = 1
x = 1
Application.Goto Reference:="DesHome"
ActiveCell.Offset(x, ...
My Delphi 6 program need to place an image on each row of my of Excel Sheet.
I could insert a picture to a fixed position with something I read from another post.
procedure insertImages(ActiveSheet: OleVariant; ImageFilePath: String; ImageHeight, PictureTop, PictureLeft: Integer);
Picture: OleVariant;
Picture ...
I'm just writing a small, data gathering application, and I want to export the output to XML. Is it perfectly find if the output just looks like this?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
One of my users wants to get data into Excel from SQL 2008 query/stored proc.
I never actually did it before.
I tried a sample using ADO and got data but user reasonably asked - where are the column names?
How do I connect a spreadsheet to an SQL resultset and get it with column names?
Hello everyone,
Essentially I have an Excel file that is going to need to be worked on concurrently for a prolonged period of time. In the past I would simply 'Share the Workbook' and this would allow users on the network to view/change the file at the same time as other users on the network but in this particular instance everyone i...
I would like to convert a number of excel cells in my document from a serial number to the MD5 hash of that serial number. Is there a precompiled formula in excel that does that, or is my only option to do VBA. If VBA, how would I do it?
i have got a question about referencing a cell in other worksheet.
I have got this code in VBA:
If Application.CountIf(.Rows(Lrow), '8000')= 0 And Application.CountIf(.Rows(Lrow), '9000')) = 0 Then .Rows(Lrow).Delete
Which is capable for me to delete any row WITHOUT words 8000 and 9000.
However, since there would be future update, how ...
I am Generating a New Sheets using macros. For a New Sheet generation , Data is retrieved from more than 4 MS Access DB. Each DB had minimum 200 field. My Macro code includes
1. Cell locking
2. Alignment and formatting
3. One third of the cells in the sheet had a formulas
4. Cell reference with other Workbooks
My problem is e...
I have an excel spreadsheet that connects to MS-Access 2003 database using ole db connection. When I refresh the data in spreadsheet and open my ms-access database it says database is read-only. If I close the spreadsheet and then open MS-Access DB then it opens in Write mode. The following is the connection string used in Excel spreadsh...
Using Crystal Reports 2008, Visual Studio 2008 with C#. Build the report in Crystal with multiple columns, some of which are narrative and can be quite lengthy. Using the “Can Grow” option on all fields.
Have a web page that displays the report through the viewer, looks great.
Web Page / Crystal Viewer
Date Narrative ...
Anyone doing this currently? What do you use?
The worksheet is sorted base on Column A (account number) first and then Column C (date).
I have below script that remove duplicate records and remain the most recent one.
Sub DeleteTheOldies()
Dim RowNdx As Long
For RowNdx = Range("a1").End(xlDown).Row To 2 Step -1
Do While Cells(RowNdx, "a").Value = Cells(RowNdx - 1, "a")...
Hi All!
I'm a new convert from Experts-Exchange since I noticed they increased the 'Free Premium Services' points threshold.
It seems that Excel 2003 has issues with the End(xlup) command when using it in a worksheet that contains an Excel 'List'.. If I select a cell outside the 'list' boundary, and then try to select the last cell in...
Microsoft has recently broken our longtime (and officially recommended by them) code to read the version of Excel and its current omacro security level.
What used to work:
// Get the program associated with workbooks, e.g. "C:\Program Files\...\Excel.exe"
SHELLAPI.FindExecutable( 'OurWorkbook.xls', ...)
// Get the version of the .exe...
I am trying to grab ebay listings from competitors. I need the individual components dropped into an excel spreadsheet. I have a good portion of the template that I need to populated.
I have written this function that will give me a monthly sum for two columns: one has the date of each order, one has the cost of each order.
Using data like this:
8/16/10 17:00 7.99
8/16/10 14:25 7.99
8/15/10 22:42 7.99
I en...
There are 3 sheets in a workbook: Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3. Sheet1 has the following data:
aaa 3
aaa 2
aaa 45
aaa 211
aaa 12
bbbb 3
bbbb 2
bbbb 4
ccc 2
ccc 5
dddd 2
dddd 10
dddd 25
There will be a hash table like this:
key values
GroupA aaa, bbbb
GroupB ccc, dddd
How can I load data t...