
Calling an excel macro from build script

I am looking to call an excel Macro as part of a build script. I was trying to use powershell to call into excel. I was using the following article as a reference: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/resources/qanda/sept06/hey0908.mspx This approach did not work due to the fact that there seems to be a bug that only allows ...

Excel function to determine the last Friday in a month

I'm looking for an Excel function to return the last Friday in a month for a given date. ie: Any date in the month as input will give the date of the last Friday as output. 14-July-09 should give 31-July-09 7-March-05 should give 35-March-09 ...

Access VBA How to add new sheets to excel?

Hi, I am running a few modules of code in access and am writing data into Excel. When I write the first time, data gets written properly. But again when I try, the new data is written on top of the old data. What should I do to insert a new sheet? My existing code is Dim objexcel As Excel.Application Dim wbexcel As Excel.Workbook D...

must capture document properties for word, excel and powerpoint documents

Hi, I am new to VBA and this area. I would like to capture the document proporties like (document title, subject, author, team, manager,company etc...) while create or saving the document. This properties capture is must and i would like to implement to all the Word, Excel, Powerpoint users in my company. How this can be possible...

How do you check whether a cell is readonly in EXCEL using C#

Hi, I am importing data to Excel sheets from a database. For this, I am using datareader. The excel sheet template has some macros and few formulae calculated and its not the normal excel worksheet. so I have to write the data into the excel sheet only if the particular cell is allowed to write. If not, the data shouldn't be imported. ...

VB.net: How to get data from Excel worksheet to string object?

I've tried this: 'start Excel app Dim exApp As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application exApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") ' load excel document exApp.Workbooks.Open(fname) Dim exSheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet exSheet = exApp.Workbooks(1).Worksheets(1) and than, for example a...

Hooking R from within Excel - DCOM? R add in for Excel?

In the past I have used a DCOM connection to call R functions from Excel and from VBA inside of Excel. I just got a new laptop and have been looking for the install files for the R add in for Excel. I find references to it all over the place but they all point to R (D)COM Server project's home page at http://sunsite.univie.ac.at/rcom. Th...

PHP Converting Excel (.xls) to pdfs

Is there any php/java/open source software converters or php libraries that will convert an xls file to a pdf document? Rundown: Have pre-existing code generating xls spreadsheets (circa 2002-2006, pre open xml version I believe), need to turn them into pdfs for various reasons. Been searching everywhere including here. I think I just ...

What to program a visual radio link budget tool in?

Hi, I want to build a visual radio link budget tool. Ideally you can drag and drop components and then calculate a link budget through the system. I would like to have a database/store of all the components we use regularly that you can just pick from a list/drag from a library. I have attempted to do this in Excel, which can easily ...

"Pivot" a table in Excel

I've got a large set of data in Excel 2007, but the rows should have been columns, and vice-versa. Is there a simply way to "pivot" this spreadsheet, rearranging all cells so that the rows become the columns? ...

How can I represent business rules in Excel financial models?

I'm creating a "one-period" financial model in Excel - that is, a model where the formulas are consistent in each column, so you can copy/paste/extend them as desired. I'm breaking out the model's assumptions into a separate sheet. For instance, I have a cell named monthly_sales; that's how many new customers I add each month. The formu...

Excel: filter table rows by specified column value

I have a table with first column as primary key. Ex: id value1 value2 1 10 5 2 2 3 3 12 5 .. I also have a second list of id's I want to select, which can have repeated ids. Ex: selectId 1 2 2 2 5 10 .. How can I "merge" the two tables (something like INNER JOIN) to obtain: id value1 value2 1 ...

How to import the content of MS Access Database into combo box of Excel?

I have a simple MS Access database with the following design: |Last Name | First Name | Country | And I have a combo box on Excel. I would like to list down all the Last Name and First Name from MyDatabase into combo box with the following format: $LastName, $FirstName I hope anyone could help me regarding this matter. Your respons...

Modify an Excel Shape from Delphi

How can I modify the text of an existing excel shape from Delphi? I can create a new shape and set its text procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var excel, xlShape : variant; begin olecontainer1.CreateObject('Excel.Application',false); excel := olecontainer1.OleObject; excel.workbooks.open('C:\test.xls'); XlShape := ex...

What's wrong with my Shared Add-in Constructor?

Good morning, fellows developers: I'm currently trying to fix several performance issues of an Excel Shared Add-in inherited from a previous developer, basically I'm trying to find how the add-in stuff works internally in Excel, meaning I had searched the net for information an my understanding is: In the registry the LoadBehaviour sh...

Remove paragraph mark when copying from excel cell

Please help me copy a string from a listbox when a user hits ctrl+c. I was using the dataobject but for some reason this worked perfectly some times and gave me an error message other times. If you know why this is, stop reading, as the rest of this question is not necessary. Now I am putting this in a worksheet cell and using range.cop...

Macro to enter a find button

I enter a number in the find and select box in excel. On pressing Find All the cell containing the number i want is selected. A macro then selects the next worksheet and colour fills in a row of data and selects cell A1. I press Find all and the number cell is highlighted on this worksheet. A macro then selects the row containg the numb...

Compute statistical significance with Excel

Hello, I have 2 columns and multiple rows of data in excel. Each column represents an algorithm and the values in rows are the results of these algorithms with different parameters. I want to make statistical significance test of these two algorithms with excel. Can anyone suggest a function? As a result, it will be nice to state somet...

Automatic hyperlinking in Excel

Hi, I am generating a csv file which has the link to specific files. It looks like: D:\abc,D:\xxx.. D:\fgt\a.txt, D:\yxz.. . . Now when opening this in excel I want to make these get converted into hyperlinks so that the user clicks them and the corresponding file or folder opens up. Is there any way I can make the excel identify it ...

Excel VBA - Create Treeview from recordset

Hi Guys and Girls, I have a SQL 05 Stored Procedure that brings back around 180 rows with the structure: ID | Name | ParentId. What I would like to do is create a Treeview based on the records returned. Below is a sample I adapted from elsewhere on the forum (here) I nearly have it doing what I want but not quite. This is the proble...