
Firefox : Open XLSX file not saving file butn opening binary.

Hello, I generate a file server side and I want the client to automatically open it : it's a XLSX file. Firefox just opens the file and I see the binary content of the XLSX file in the browser, but I want it to be open via a Save As... box. It works fine in Chrome with the same code (it saves it) but not firefox... Any ideas ? ...

JExcelApi currency format on formula cell - file error

Hi guys, I'm writing a spreadsheet with JExcelApi. I have two cells that I want to apply currency formatting to. From reading the API I discovered jxl.write.NumberFormat, which seems to do what I want. In my application I've written: NumberFormat currency = new NumberFormat(NumberFormat.CURRENCY_DOLLAR); WritableCellFormat currencyF...

open html xls link into EXCEL application (not in IE browser)

Is it possible (using html / javascript) to ensure that the .xls file behind a html link opens up into EXCEL rather than within the (reduced-functionality) browser alternative? <a target='_blank' href='http://etc/etc/Myfile.xls'&gt; Mylink </a> ...

Bind macro to excel cell onclick?

In excel 2000, is it possible to bind a vba function to be executed when a cell is clicked with the mouse? ...

Excel OleConnection Insert Statements

How would insert a row into an excel document. This is what I have. String connString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + "Data Source=" + file_path + ";Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(connString); ...

Sorting a range by the order of another list in Excel

I have two tables, like this: Table 1 A 1 FirstPhase 2 SecondPhase 3 ThirdPhase 4 FourthPhase Table 2 A B 1 Item1 FirstPhase 2 Item4 FourthPhase 3 Item2 SecondPhase 4 Item3 ThirdPhase The result I want to achieve after sorting is: A B 1 Item1 FirstPhase 2 Item2 SecondPhase 3 Item3 ThirdPhase 4 Item4 FourthPhase ...

FormView to Excel - How to pull data from controls in template to place in cells.

Here is the layout, I have a FormView control with dynamic data coming in from a SQL server. I am using the ReadOnly mode of the FormView. How can I tweak the PrepareFormViewForExport method to remove the textboxs and leave the values in the FormView behind? Right now the output is showing labels but leaving out the values from the textb...

Excel-like auto-updating table cells using jQuery

I have an HTML table structure that looks something along the lines of: PRICE QUANTITY TOTAL [5____] [2____] 10 (TOTAL1=PRICE1*QUANTITY1) The values in the price and quantity column are editable. These are HTML form fields. The values in the total column are not editable. Instead they are direct functions of the colu...

deleting an excel file in C#, Taskmanager process is not stopped.....

Hi, I am working on a wpf application. I am copying the data to excel sheet from database and saving the file and closing it once the operation is completed. My question is: How to stop the Process(EXCEL.EXE) in TaskManager->Processes ? I have to delete the file after the operation is completed. I have written a pieceof code to stop...

how to call a C# dll from unmanaged c++ using IDispatch?

I have a C# dll that I need to call from unmanaged C++. The main problem that I have is that my c++ code corresponds to an excel add-in, that can be installed for excel 2003 and excel 2007, when I install my add-in in excel 2007, and I try to call my C# dll, it works just fine, but for some reason that I still haven't been able to find, ...

Accessing a VSTO application-addin types from VBA (Excel)

We have a VSTO application-addin (not a document-addin) for Excel, and we want to expose an event to VBA code so that the VBA macro can do some action when this event fires in the addin. How can I get the VBA code to be able to subscribe to an event defined in the VSTO application-addin? I'd think that since the addin is loaded in the ...

How can I create a drop-down box programmatically in Excel?

I have a spread sheet which has a drop down in sheet1. Can anyone please tell me how to make a drop down in sheet3 of that same spread sheet assuming that it has three sheets named sheet1, sheet2, and sheet3. The program is shown below. Range("A1").Select With Selection.Validation .Delete .Add Type:=xlValidateList, Alert...

Cells not named in Excel sheets but still the Data from Cells need to be taken.

I have an Excel 2003 sheets being used by clients. I need to update a Delphi application that extracts data from these cells, but the cells are not named at all, they are just j3 and j55. Can the data from cells still be sent across to other applications? Can Delphi application take these values? ...

Vb.Net Excel automation row select event

In a VB.Net Windows app I create an Excel object thru early binding and populate the spreadsheet with rows returned from SQL. The intent is to allow the user to select 1 or more rows from the spreadsheet, capture the select event, and then retrieve all the data from the selected rows for further processing. I know this would be simple ...

PHP to Excel, not allowing more than 255 characters?

Hi all, I'm using the following code to create an xls file from php. http://www.appservnetwork.com/modules.php?name=News&amp;file=article&amp;sid=8 However, for some reason if the row "comments" is more than 255 characters, it doesn't output anything.. The code which writes the String to the XLS file is: function xlsWriteString( $Row...

Read Excel using LINQ

I want to read excel 2003( cannot change as its coming from third party) and group data in List or Dictionary (I don't which one is good) for example below (Excel formatting ) Books Data [first row and first column in excel] second row( no records) Code,Name,IBN [third row (second column, third column] Aust [fourth row, first colum...

API to write huge excel files using java

I am looking to write to an excel (.xls MS Excel 2003 format) file programatically using Java. The excel output files may contain ~200,000 rows which I plan to split over number of sheets (64k rows per sheet, due to the excel limit). I have tried using the apache POI APIs but it seems to be a memory hog due to the API object model. I ...

Creating Excel or Excel compatible Spreadsheets on the server side in C#

I'd like to make server-side excel compatible spreadsheets that maybe use OpenXML or a structured data format. I've used Office Interop before to generate Excel spreadsheets, but those apps run on a PC that has office installed. For this web project I'm building, the server doesn't have office installed (and they don't want to buy it)....

Determining wrong input file using VBA & Excel

Any suggestions for determining if a user-selected Excel file is the incorrect one? I am having the user select the excel file to be parsed and I want to refuse processing it if appears to be an incorrect format. ...

Excel VBA Macro Conditional Formatting with Intersect

Hi Everyone, I wrote an Excel VBA macro to do conditional formatting using an intersect of two columns but I can't get it to work for some reason. If anyone has any idea on what I can do to fix it, I would sincerely appreciate it. I want to highlight both the source and the target columns in which there is a match or duplicate as foll...