

Here's the situation I'm in. I have a table containing peoples' information. Some of them are imported from another system while some are imported manually. What I would like to do is pull everyone in, but if there is a record entered manually and a record that was imported, I want to select only the imported one (since it is likely m...

LINQ Except using custom Comparer.

I am trying to use the "Except" method on a LINQ result set using a custom implementation if IEqualityComparer to exclude certain results based on the value of a single field from the result set. So, in simplified form I have... '' Get collection of published sites... Dim List1 = (From i In db.Sites _ Where (i.StatusID =...

MDX - Using "iif" function in the "Where" section

Hi I'd like to know how to make that "iif" work. Basically, I need to filter the engineering "product codes" when originator is "John Smith". currentmember is not working or that iif is not working, SELECT { ( [Time].[Fiscal Hierarchy Time Calculations].[Month to Date], [Measures].[Sell - Bookings] ) } ON C...

Delphi Exception handling problem with multiple Exception handling blocks

I'm using Delphi Pro 6 on Windows XP with FastMM 4.92 and the JEDI JVCL 3.0. Given the code below, I'm having the following problem: only the first exception handling block gets a valid instance of E. The other blocks match properly with the class of the Exception being raised, but E is unassigned (nil). For example, given the curre...

LINQ "Except" Operator

i have a list of event Ids that i want to be excluded from my select statement, but no sure how to implement this: this is what stores my list of event Ids List<int> ExcludedEvents; and this is my select statement (from an XML feed) var allEvents = from eventsList in xmlDoc.Elements("shows").Elements("Show") select n...

LINQ select items from set A which are not in set B.

I would like to perform an Except operation on set of items. Code is like this: IEnumerable<DataGridViewColumn> dgvColumns = dataGridView.Columns.OfType<DataGridViewColumn>(); IEnumerable<DataColumn> dsColumns = dataSet.Tables[0].Columns.OfType<DataColumn>(); Now, how to select Columns from dataSet.Tables[0] which are not in dgvColum...

TSQl EXCEPT validation

Hi I am writing a long program in TSQL that pulls in data from an OLD (and very dirty data set) scrubs the data and reformats the output including column headers to match a new data set There are 130 columns in both the new and old tables. For the purpose of testing I am bringing in 100k rows from each. To validate that the table struct...

c# complex objects comparison

Hi Everyone, public class SecurityMaster : EntityObject { public string BondIdentifier { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public EntityCollection<SecurityMasterSchedules> SecurityMasterSchedules { get; set} } public class SecurityMasterSchedules :EntityObject { public string BondIdentifier { ...

Using python "with" statement with try-except block

Is this the right way to use the python "with" statement in combination with a try-except block?: try: with open("file", "r") as f: line = f.readline() except IOError: <whatever> If it is, then considering the old way of doing things: try: f = open("file", "r") line = f.readline() except IOError: <whatever...