I have the following code in my files:
In Class Customer.Page:
If Not SiteContent.CurrentUser(False) Is Nothing Then
If Not SiteContent.CurrentUser(False).IsAdministrator OrElse SiteVariables.CustomerMode Then
SiteContent.PageViewManager.Create(New List(Of Control))
End If
I have an ASP.NET MVC 2 application with a custom StructureMap controller factory to handle dependency injection for my controllers:
public class StructureMapControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
public override IController CreateController(RequestContext context, string controllerName)
Type controllerType = b...
The direct answer is because Comparator.compares interface is specified as such that it does not throw exceptions. But why is that?
Or to put it different: My Comparator must depend on a function which can throw an exception. In theory, that should not happen. But if it happens, I want that it breaks out of the whole function where I am...
I have a class whose methods require that a certain class field exists correctly. That class field is set in the constructor and it's read from a config file, and it may or may not get the correct data from that config file. If the data is incorrect, it will have the wrong data in the class field and the class method will throw an except...
I'm trying to catch a 'specific' exception (FormatException^ or OverflowException^) and then re throw it and catch it in the 'general' exception (Exception^) catch block.
When run, I give it a format exception through input. I then get this error in a dialog box:
"An unhandled exception of type 'System.FormatException' occurred in Futu...
I've been trying to create a user-defined exception in Clojure, and have been having all sorts of problems. I tried the method outlined here:
(gen-and-load-class 'user.MyException :extends Exception)
But that doesn't seem to work in Clojure 1.2 (or I'm...
When I have a method like this:
public static void foo(String param) throws IOException
// some IOoperations
if (param.isEmpty())
throw new IOException("param is empty");
// some other IOoperations
} catch (Exception e) {
/* handle some poss...
The Python documentation for except says:
For an except clause with an
expression, that expression is
evaluated, and the clause matches the
exception if the resulting object is
“compatible” with the exception. An
object is compatible with an exception
if it is the class or a base class of the exception object, [...]
Most of the IO operation requires try catch block or throws . Why is try catch or throws not required for System.out.print or println. If there is any exception inside these methods how would i know whats the exception and how to catch it.
I have a .net console application
that runs a method called RunBatch()
on 10 threads.
The method creates a process object
and calls a .bat file.
The .bat file runs an instance of a
tool called Lualatex - which is an
exe that converts .tex files to .pdf
files- and passes it the path of the
.tex file to be converted. (e.g,
Lualatex.exe "F...
I have written my own Exception (MyException) and implemented Logging and showing Error Messages in Form of Toasts. Here is the shortform of it...
public class MyException extends Exception {
public MyException(String msg) {
Toast.makeText(Controller.getInstance().getApplicationContext(), msg , Toast.L...
I have a form that is used at design-time to configure various properties.
I've tried two ways to do a form-level catch all exception:
(1) I add a handler to Application.ThreadException in the constructor.
(2) I wrap the Show method, of the form, in a Try/Catch block
Both of these work at run-time when I test by adding a property gri...
Hi all,
I have a Ria service to call logic code. I want to write try catch block in every logic funtion to provide ways to handle unhandeled exceptions.
catch(BussinessException e)
//save e.info to database
But I don't want to write this block code everywhere in my logic, and I don't want to put the exception ...
I'm using Compact Framework 3.5 / VS2008. I'm getting really odd behavior with TypeLoadException. The following code throws this error. The reason is a problem with the database connection. However for some unknown reason this inner exception is lost and is not contained in the TypeLoadException.
settingsFromDb = Settings...
There are 3 permutations of a try...catch...finally block in java.
Once the finally block is executed, control goes to the next line after the finally block. If I remove the finally block and move all its statements to the line after the try...catch block, would that have the same effec...
why (if at all) is this a bad idea ?
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
throw new NotImplementedException("Oh dear");
catch (Exception ex)
throw NewException("Whoops", ex);
// This function is the salient bit here
public static Exception NewExcept...
I've seen in multiple projects a kind of catch all exception to catch all unexpected exception so the app won't crash, i see this usually with :
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(myUnexpectedExhandler);
Application.ThreadException += new System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventHandler(threadE...
If I have a method that I know could potentially recurse infinitely, but I can't reliably predict what conditions/parameters would cause it, what's a good way in C# of doing this:
catch (StackOverflowException)
// Handle gracefully.
Obviously in the main thread you can't do this, b...
I am attempting to try to do something useful with PDO exceptions other than display them, but I cannot find for the life of me how to use an error handler (set_error_handler) or anything custom to deal with PDOs exceptions.
Now I am using try..catch blocks of course the catch the exception, do I implement a custom error handler in the...
I have a ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor that seems to be eating Exceptions. I want my executor service to notify me if a submitted Runnable throws an exception.
For example, I'd like the code below to at the very least print the IndexArrayOutOfBoundsException's stackTrace
new Runnable() {
public void...