
How to simplify/reuse this exception handling code

I tend to write code like the following a lot: BufferedWriter w = null; // Or any other object that throws exceptions and needs to be closed try { w = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file)); // Do something with w } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (w != null) { try { w.cl...

c++ abort override

Some C++ libraries call abort() function in the case of error (for example, SDL). No helpful debug information is provided in this case. It is not possible to catch abort call and to write some diagnostics log output. I would like to override this behaviour globally without rewriting/rebuilding these libraries. I would like to throw exce...

Catch all Wordpress exceptions?

Hi guys, it is possible to create a global exception handler for Wordpress so that I log all exceptions in a file or db so that I can analyze them later on ? PS I am a WP noob ...

one main try catch in method calling methods that dont implement a try-catch

I have a method doSomething() that has one try catch block, within which I call another method. public void doSomething() { try { doSomethingElse() } catch { } } In that other method doSomethingElse() I dont have any try catch block. I am depending on the ma...

How to handle java exception in user friendly way

Hello.. I'm developing a swing application and I'm a bit confused how can I handle exceptions for example lately a part of my code rename files, So when I was testing it I came up with a "you don't have permission to rename file" as I got it from print exception message. So How Could I express this message to user? and should I use JOpt...

SqlException conversion to a custom Exception handler

I have an existing application which uses MS SQL stored procedures to enforce some business rules. When an error is detected it is raised as an exception using RAISERROR back to my .Net application. The .Net application can then use Try/Catch blocks to catch and exceptions and perform and business logic. The problem is that there are ...

What Exceptions Is .NET App Throwing

I am using a .NET app written by someone else, and I can see that's its refreshing very slowly today. Using Process Explorer, I see that its throwing thousands and thousands of exceptions (which are presumably being caught somehow by the app). Is there any way to see what type of exceptions these are if I don't have access to the sourc...

Where do I catch an EndpointNotFoundException for an Async WCF call?

I'm having some difficulty trapping an exception during my testing. I actually disconnect the service so that the endpoint is not available, and I am attempting to modify my application to handle that possibility. The problem is that no matter where I put try/catch blocks, I can't seem to catch this thing before it gets to unhandled. ...

Runtime Exceptions in EJB3 thrown as EJBTransactionRollbackException

I recently migrated from JBoss4.x using ejb3 to JBoss5.x using ejb3. When a runtime exception like NullPointerException is thrown, instead of the exception bubbling up so I can handle it via try-catch, I get an EJBTransactionRolledBackException instead which terminates the transaction without allowing me a chance to handle the error gra...

Get SSLException form the SSLEngine Wrap method during handshake process

Hi When I run the client Hnadshake process on my java application in order to establish SSL connection, I get SSLException on the secod time that I call to the wrap method. I understand that in this point the client send the CLientKeyExchangeand ChangeCipherSpec to the server. The error message that I get from the exception is "General ...

Proper way to handle Runtime Exceptions in Java

I'm completely new to this code and begun to questions the design choices of the original developers. I have a multi-threaded Java application that processes a number of tasks. My job is to fix the exception handling in the code so that when a RuntimeException occurs (iBatis and/or NullPointerException) the rest of the tasks are execute...

Catch exception caused by corrupted data source when using FrameworkElementFactory

I've got a combo box, which allows user to select the FontFamily for some control. The combo box is populated using FrameworkElementFactory, which essentially creates a text box for each font family. Each text box print the font family name, using that font typeface. The combo box data is tied to the Fonts.SystemFontFamilies for the list...

StringIndexOutOfBoundsException while adding 300 contacts to group in Samsung Galaxy S

im testing to add 300 contacts in my app and it was doing fine with desire but in galaxy it crashes and does not show my 300 contacts and they erased the contacts after the crash . anyone saw this? ...

Throwing an Exception on every application error

I have an application based on Zend Framwork. In one Model I am calling a method from another Model. When I call this method I use try-cath block for handling of strange situations. Model1. try { $result = Module_Model2_Name->method(); } catch (Exception $e) { // Do Something } Catch should be work if we find a throw in try bl...

Best Practices for Python UnicodeDecodeError

I use Pylons framework, Mako template for a web based application. I wasn't really bother too deep into the way python handles the unicode strings. I had tense moment when I did see my site crash when the page is rendered and later I came to know that it was related to Unicode Decode error http://wiki.python.org/moin/UnicodeDecodeError ...

exception handling

Could some body explain exception vs error in asp.net ...

Custom Exceptions: Differentiate via many subclasses or single class backed with enum?

I'm looking to implement my own set of Exceptions for a projects I am currently working on. The project relies on a core framework with a base framework exception MyFrameworkException (I am also writing this framework). For any given project I would like to throw several different types of Exceptions and I can't decide between using mul...

Any value in catching an exception and immediately raising it again?

Possible Duplicate: Does a exception with just a raise have any use? Is there any value to re-raising an exception with no other code in between? try: #code except Exception: raise I was recently looking through some code and saw a few blocks like these with nothing extra in the except block but another raise. I assume ...

Force close report error option- use in handled exceptions?

I find the force close Report option very useful as a developer- the stack trace is really useful to see and I've been able to solve many bugs by using it. However, there are places in my app where (quite rightly) I've used a try/catch statement to handle Exceptions. The problem being, that this prevents a force close and so I can't ge...

Exception handling doubt: throw, throws and Throwable

can any of you explain what are the differences between throw,throws and throwable when to use which? ...