
Challenges in remotely running big RIA application

I have a big rich-internet-application file (qooxdoo,js,html). The users use their browser to point to the web server and run it. The problem is that it takes a long time for the users to load the application every time they visit the site. Is there a way to somehow "bundle" and save the application locally and have the user refer to i...

Eclipse: export to .jar AND include resource files (ANT)

Hi Our project in eclipse approximately shows the following folders: application - src - JRE System Library [1.6] - Referenced Libraries - lib - rsc In our project, we would like to use File > Export... > Executable JAR Well that works fine, with some exception: If we want to run our application.jar, we still nee...


I have embedded an applet (jar file)in a html page Now when I am trying to access the web page , it is giving the following error. <APPLET CODE="com.xxx.tru.ReadNFCSerialNumber" NAME="Read" ID="Read" MAYSCRIPT alt="Photo Id" ARCHIVE="\test.jar, \ojdbc14.signed.jar, \ojdbc14_g.signed.jar" WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="100%" HSPACE="1" VSP...

Runnable jar with jvm args.

Hello, I was trying to create a runnable jar file using Eclipse. The problem is that the vm parameters I have added to the run configuration in the Eclipse were not saved in any way. I know I can create a batch file that will run the jar with the needed arguments, but I would prefer my users will just run the jar itself. My question is...

Create deployable jruby jar?

I need to compile my jruby application into a standalone jar. How can I do this? ...

AJAX with Struts 1.x Version

I am having an application developed with Struts1.3, Jboss4.X version and jdk1.5 Now as an enhancement we are planning to implement AJAX to the web application Can you please suggest me Whether I can use AJAX with Struts1.3 Framework? Which Jar I need to use if I Can implement AJAX? At Some website, I realised struts2-dojo-plugin.jar...

Java Netbeans JAR building and running

I have several packages in my Netbeans project. One of these packages has a main method, which is set as the main method for the project. I use clean and build and the Jar is created successfully, however when I try and run the .jar file The application does not run correctly. The Main.class that I am running has buttons that create i...

Classpath issue with java -jar

Hi, I have an executable jar Client.jar that requires jndi.properties file. Since the jndi properties is not part of the Client.jar, and java -jar ignores the -classpath argument, How can I execute the jar and let it know where the jndi.properties is? Thanks // Edit, error message java -jar Client2.jar Exception in thread "main" ja...

Java: separating JAR versions

I'm developing a Java plugin for an existing Java program. The existing program uses a specific version of eclipse.uml2.* and my plugin does too. Unfortunately I need a newer version for my plugin. In order to run the plugin, I need to export it into a Jar file (with all jars packed). Then the program executes it. But somehow the new ec...

Modify Executing Jar file

Hello Stack Overflow friends. I have a simple problem which i fear doesnt have a simple solution and i need advice as to how to proceed. I am developing a java application packaged as and executable JAR but it requires to modify some of its JAR file contents during execution. At this stage i hit a problem because some OS lock the file...

How to compile runnable jar from packages?

Hey. My java application has got a package structure similar to this; src/com/name/app , src/com/name/app/do , src/com/name/utils/db and so on. How would I go about compiling java files in these directories in to a runnable jar? I need to package required libraries into the generated JAR (jdbc). I've always done these things in Eclip...

Error while running jar file

Hi, I have created jar file which includes my .class , manifest file and dependency jar files like jar cfmv custadvicejar.jar mymanifest.txt Gchreportsautomation Bean Utils jxl.jar ojdbc14.jar where custadvicejar.jar - is my jar file name mymanifest.txt contains Main-Class: Gchreportsautomation.GCH_Home_Loan_Data_Cust_Advi...

Deploying a Java application. How?

I am new to Java (and Eclipse) but I have used .NET (and Visual Studio) a fair amount. I also know about compiling C/C++ code and things like that. I know that at the end I get either an EXE or a nice binary file that can be run from the command line. I have been making a Java utility that uses some external libraries. I need to compile...

How to set classpath in manifest file , while creating JAR from eclipse?

I am trying to creat JAR file through eclipse. I read some of the threads from stackoverflow as well as other forums. But nothing is helping. I have created a separate manifest file like this one. Manifest-Version: 1.0 Main-Class: Main Class-Path: gnujaxp.jar iText-2.1.5.jar jcalendar.jar jcommon-1.0.16.jar jfreechart-1.0.13.jar jfr...

Including hibernate jar dependencies in ant build

Hi, I'm trying to compile a runnable jar-file for a project that makes use of hibernate. I'm trying to construct an ant build.xml file to streamline my build process, but I'm having troubles with the inclusion of the hibernate3.jar inside the final jar-file. If I run the ant script I manage to include all my library jars, and they are ...

Getting .jar file onto a mobile phone error

Hello, I am trying to get a .jar file onto my mobile device. I have written a j2me application and I want to get it onto my phone. I have developed it in eclipse galileo and I export my project folder to a jar. When I try to download the jar file from the internet onto my phone I get an "incorrect description" error. Does anyone know ...

Jersey message body reader not found in maven-built JAR

My application uses a REST (JAX-RS Jersey) interface. When I run it in Eclipse, everything' s fine. The domain objects are annotated, I'm not using XML files for the REST mapping. Now I created a standalone JAR using the maven-assembly-plugin, which packs the application and all dependencies in a single, executable JAR file. This also s...

Different ways of Creating jar files?

Cany one please give me what are the different ways of creating the jar files. Through programmatically we can create using java.util.jar Other than these method, please share your knowledge ...

"Could not find the main class: bla.bla.yada", although specified correctly in the MANIFEST.MF

Hi, I'm trying to run a .jar file with the command "java -jar Filename.jar", but I am always getting an error saying "Could not find the main class: bla.bla.yada". I build the whole application with Maven and specified a Main-Class in the MANIFEST.MF. The path in the file is correct and the class also exists at the right location in the...

How do I package up an applet with multiple .jar libraries?

Hi, I'm creating a Java applet from a large scale pre-existing project (Vizster). I am using NetBeans 6.7.1 with JDK 1.5 on Mac OS X. I am attempting to run the applet from it's single output .jar file, but when I do this, it says "applet loaded" at the bottom of screen in Firefox, and there is nothing in the java console, but nothing...