
PHP open files?

current.php is page which we open in browser. other_1.php and other_2.php are pages, which we want to execute. These two pages do a big job and work slowly. How can we call both other pages to work, just when we open current.php? current.php should just open and die, nothing get, just send commands to open. If current page will inclu...

Using perl's `system`

I would like to run some command (e.g. command) using perl's system(). Suppose command is run from the shell like this: command --arg1=arg1 --arg2=arg2 -arg3 -arg4 How do I use system() to run command with these arguments? ...

Direct STDERR when opening pipe in perl

I am using open( my $command_out, "-|", $command_string ) to execute a command and process its output on the fly (not having to wait for the command to finish first, as in system()). I noticed that when I call some R scripts this way, some of R messages are printed to the screen (e.g. Loading required package: ...). I guess this is bec...

C# Threading - Multiple threads spawned, only 1 or 2 are executing others waiting

Hi, I've got this code below, where I spawn several threads, normally about 7, and join them to wait until all are done: List<Thread> threads = new List<Thread>(); Thread thread; foreach (int size in _parameterCombinations.Keys) { thread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThre...

what is the execution order of a threaded and non-threaded function call?

hello, i have written a simple console application just to try boost::thread, i am a multithreading newbie by the way. here is the code #include <iostream> #include <boost/thread/thread.hpp> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; void Avg(double * Src, double *Dst, int Per, int Len, string& s ) { LARGE_INTEGER s1,s2,f; Que...

dissecting a line of (obfuscated?) python

I was reading another question on SO (zen of python), and I came across this line in Jaime Soriano's answer: import this "".join([c in this.d and this.d[c] or c for c in this.s]) Entering the above in a python shell prints: "The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters\n\nBeautiful is better than ugly.\nExplicit is better than implicit.\nSimple ...

oracle query execution time

Hi! I would like to get my guery execution time from Oracle DB. I dont want the time when Oracle finish to print results. In MySQL it is easy to get execution time from shell, but in SQL Plus there are no such thinks. Thanks for any help! ...

Profiling Javascript statement count

I recently ran into a long-running script error in IE but no other browsers. In investigatng further, I learned that IE defines a long-running script as one that executes more than 5,000,000 statements while all other browsers based in on execution time. In looking at all of the profilers I could find such as Firebug, they give a lot of ...

Understanding HTTP Requests/Responses regarding the DOM and script execution

Hello! I've been away from web design/development for a long, long now and have recently begun to get back into it. I started off doing things just to make them work, and now that I'm getting back into it, I would like to understand things a bit more clearly - including when the DOM is requested by the browser to when it is fully loaded,...

Stopping Javascript execution on loaded page?

Hi All,   There is some problem code in a website I don't have source access to. Upon loading the page, something goes wrong (in my version of Win and FF at least) such that ajax calls are made repeatedly instead of just once. This quickly locks me out of firebug and pretty much everything else so that all I can do is close the tab.   ...

how to make the execution time less(ie. a faster code) for this problem

this question is from Codechef.com [if anyone is still solving this question dont look further into the post before trying yourself] and although it runs right, but i need to make it a lot faster.i am a beginner in c,c++.(i know stuff upto arrays,strings and pointers but not file handling etc).So is there a way to make this program run a...

C# Command line application working path

I have a command line application that resides in the system32 folder so that i can call this application from anywhere with out having to fill in the full path to the app. The app takes in one parameter which is a full file path (EX: C:\Test\Test.txt) and works fine when it takes in this parameter (EX: C:\Test>Test.exe C:\Test\test.txt)...

Execution at main method

Hii , We generally see that the program execution begins in the main method for the languages like C , C++ , Java (i am familiar with these). I want to know how the compiler knows the presence of MAIN method in the program . What does the main method signify besides that it is the entry point for program execution ...How does these cr...

How do different EXEs run in the right runtime?

I've always been curious as to how one extension, EXE, can be as versatile as it is in that if you assemble an assembly program, you get an EXE in machine code for your processor but if you compile a C# or other .Net program, you also get an EXE except that it is run in the proper runtime environment. I'm not sure if this is different fr...

Is it possible to break/return method execution from another method?

I have something like this: void MethodToBreak() { // do something if(something) { MethodThatBreaks(); return; } // do something } void MethodThatBreaks() { // do something } So, I was wondering: is it possible to break execution from: MethodThatBreaks()? Then, I would have: if(something) Met...

How two different task can goto one task in SSIS

Hi, please see the figure to get idea of the scenario. Now when my Package will run after executing the s! task, either A or B path will be followed. So If A is followed then Task S2 and F2 is executed. But if path B is followed, task F1 and F3 is executed. But also after completing task F3, the flow should go to task S2 via path E. ...

How to execute a propel query?

Hi, how to execute a propel query? For example this: $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(AuthorPeer::NAME, $name); I know Doctrine method is execute() but using propel? Regards Javi ...

PHP: Display a "loading" page while a php script is executing

Hi All, Here is what I've got right now... I have a web page that when accessed, it connects to surveygizmo.com via their open API, retreives a whole lot of data, and then returns that data to me for processing on my end. This process takes roughly 10-12 seconds and while it is executing, the page just sits in the "loading" state and I...

Need to send email notification on visual studio run

Hi, I'm executing a test-execution project using visual studio 2005 (using the pnunit framework and C# but its not relevant). The total execution time is more than 40 hours. In between if there are any environment problems on the network (external factors like remote server is down, db is down etc) the code stops executing. This creates...

JavaScript method execution interruption

How can I interrupt execution of a JavaScript method? The method is scheduled using the "setTimeout" function in JavaScript, I need to interrupt that method execution(not by calling the "clearTimeout" function because it cannot interrupt a method execution during its execution but can cancel before it already started to executing, after ...