
Datagrid: Auto-generated DataTemplate.. StackPanel does not reflect background color

I used data binding to bind a CLR object to a datagrid (using expression blend). I was prompted to autogenerate a template to hold the data. This created a StackPanel and three TextBlocks. I go to edit the stack panel and attempt to change the various colors. The properties window accepts the change, but the panel in the data grid r...

Convert a silverlight application to video format

Hello, I'm planning to make an animation with Silverlight, i want to export the animation to a video format, to be able to share it on video sharing website. How can i do this ? ...

Do you have any recommendations on Blend/XAML books/tutorials for designers?

There are a lot of WPF resources that are aiming developers. We are trying to get our designer up-to speed, and I have been researching some of the options on the market. The only two reasonable options that I found were "Expression Blend Unleashed" and "APress Foundation Expression Blend 2 Building Applications in WPF and SilverLight...

DatePicker Changes

Hello All, I am using DatePicker in my Application using Expression Blend. I want to change the Number "15" inplace of my own image . How can I do it ?? Secondly, I want to change the theme of the Popup that Opens Up when we click the Button. I just want to change the theme of that PopUp. Can anyone please help me regarding this. ...

Is there a way to automatically reformat Blend's XAML view?

Blend tends to create its XAML in very long lines. Is there a way to reformat it so that the properties of each element are lined up vertically under each other? ...

How in Blend to make a shape have blurry edges?

I have one rectangle on top of another. They have sharp edges. I want them to blur together. It seems there is a way to blur them with "Bitmap Effect" but I'm not finding that in my Rectangle property search in Blend. How can I blur the edges of one rectangle so the two don't have sharp edges where they touch? ...

Expression Blend Books?

Are there any good Expression Blend books out there yet? The help file is better than I'd expected it to be. But I'd really like to get ramped up faster. ...

Does Expression Blend have a concept of trim/crop?

I'm rebuilding the graphic on the left as the graphic on the right in Expression Blend. The gradient brushes are great for creating reflection effects but how do I now trim the button on the right now so that it cuts off the rest of the reflective circle? I can rotate, scale, skew, recenter, and flip but I can't find trim or crop. A...

WPF Trigger for IsSelected in a DataTemplate for ListBox items with Blend

I wanted to change the Foreground color when I selected a listboxItem and I did it using this bit of code: <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor,AncestorType={x:Type ListBoxItem}},Path=IsSelected}" Value="True"> <Setter TargetName="descriptionTB" Property="Foregrou...

Inheriting from a UserControl abstract subclass

Hi guys, I have a set of UserControls that need to have a few similar properties. Thus I have defined an abstract subclass of UserControl that defines these properties and updated the .xaml.cs and .g.cs files to inherit from this base class. All compiles well and runs well. Great! But.... .g.cs files are generated and will be regenerated...

Expression Blend 2/WPF Book

I'm looking for an Expression Blend 2 book that includes best-practices (Expression Blend 2/Visual Studio 2008) designer perspective (Expression Blend 2) programmer perspective (interoperability with Visual Studio 2008) How-To-chapters for Windows Forms developers (how to solve the same problem with WPF) Could you make a recommendat...

Anyone find Blend V3 trial?

Now that Silverlight 3 Beta 1 is out, has anyone found Blend V3 beta preview yet? The one link supplied with the Silverlight stuff is not valid right now: ...

Does VS 2008 SP1 support Property Editing for Silverlight 3?

I'm a Silverlight newbie. Just downloaded version 3.0 after the Mix announcement. I'm running VS 2008 SP1. When I select a design element in the preview pane or in XAML, the properties window is disabled and displays Property Editing Not Available I can open the solution in Blend and have no problems with it's property editor. ...

Silverlight 2.0 Perspective/Z-Scale

Hello, How can I set Z-Scale some silverlight element ? I can see Z-Scale property in Properties > Transform > Scale > Z but it isn't active, I can't modify. What do I need to do to edit Z-Scale. Thanks. ...

Chaining VisualStates In Silverlight

I have three VisualStates that each have animation in them and I would like to chain them together. I want one state to begin after the last one has completed. How do I do this in Silverlight without a lot of smelly code? ...

Why does the animation I copied in from Expression Blend to Silverlight VS project only run once?

In my Silverlight application, I want different texts to repeatedly fly in from the right changing colors and getting smaller. The animation works the first time through the loop but not subsequent times. Here's what I did: (1) I went into Expression blend, used the "Create Storyboard" tool to create the animation. then (2) copied th...

Silverlight cutting off text/ wrapping it and not displaying correctly

Please help me understand the issue behind this and it's fix, I'm having agood deal of trouble getting the behaviour I want with text display. With certain lengths of strings the TextBlock wraps around, but does not update the control to show the second line, in effect making part of the text dissappear. This works fine in XamlPad, but...

WPF - Error cleaning solution - Local Storyboard

Hi, I've ran into this problem I can't quite wrap my head around. I've got this WPF Application which seems to be just fine when I open in Expression Blend. It compiles and I can even rebuild the solution with no problems and no error message. But when I go to Clean Solution, I get this error: The name "SplitExpander" does not exi...

Expression blend for animations

Hello, I am trying to create a short animation of an object rotating in 3D space..I have all my images ready..I would like to know how I can change from one image to the other without the transition moves being shown Thank you Edit: What i mean is that instead of having a bouncing ball which all i need to do is move the ball in each fr...

ASP.NET MVC Development tool

Following on from my previous question, If I am beginning to learn MVC, will the express edition of visual studio web developer be enough, or should I consider the expensive full version of Visual studio. What are the limitation of such express version I may run into? or am I better using an Expression tool? (or is this something...