
The property 'IsDataSource' was not found in type 'ViewModelLocator

Hello I have the following code: <UserControl x:Class="TestApp.View.ViewAlarmLog" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:Custom="" xm...

split video and keep it runing

any one can give me a hind how to split video (and can be played in separeat parts) ,by split here I mean to split it to 4 parts for example and each part can be runing (paying) ...

properly resize wpf ListView's last column

How to properly handle listview's last column sizing in such a way that: listview does not display the ugly and unused 'extra' column (see picture 1, or here for example) the (actual) last column is stretched to fill the remaining space the horizontal scrollbar is not shown resizing in any direction leaves no artefacts (see below) I'...

Strategy to diagnose Expression Blend 2 failure to open Window

I have a project with many WPF Windows. 1 particular Window doesn't open in Expression Blend 2. I would like to know what strategies i can use to diagnose and avoid the problem in future. Most of the time, Blend 2 will display a window with an exception. I would then fix the problem causing that exception. However, this time, this is t...

Blend 3 VSM in WPF

I started what I thought would be a simple thing. A blend 3 project (WPF) that utilizes VSM to control the opacity of some images. For a wizard, to show what step you are in. Easy right? I've used this in the WPFToolkit, no problem. Introducing System.Windows.Interactivity - ahh, something new :) When I try and run the following code, ...

When to use UserControl vs. Control in Silverlight?

I'm just getting my feet wet in Silverlight, and don't really understand the differences and pros/cons of creating a UserControl vs. creating a Control for the same task (as in when you right click on a selection in Expression Blend, for instance). It seems like selecting "Make Into Control" just creates a new template for the base type...

How do I get rid of the Play buttons in a Silverlight/Expression Media Player?

I'm using an ExpressionMediaPlayer to play live streams. Obviously for this I don't need a play/pause button. Is there already a predefined way to select which controls to show, or is the correct way to edit the control template and just remove them? Trying to keep everything as out of the box as possible... ...

How put Dependency Property in not Miscellaneous panel?

When I add Dependency Property to my user control, I always finded it in Miscellaneous panel on a properties window (in Expression Blend). But, some times i've too many custom properties and all they are in Miscellaneous panel. How I can put properties to othe panel? May be I can make my own panel? But I do not know - how. ...

Replacing Merged Resource Dictionaries on Load of Silverlight Application

I have a set of styles and brushes defined in a ResourceDictionary that I am loading as a MergedDictionary in XAML of my top-level control: <ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> <ResourceDictionary Source="/MyAssembly;component/Styles.xaml"/> </ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> I am trying to optionally replace some of the...

How bind BorderThickness in template?

I'm trying make a simple control, with a some path in it. And binding Path's Fill, Stroke and StrokeThickness properties to template's Background, BorderBrush and BorderThickness.Left. <Path x:Name="CorePart" Fill="{TemplateBinding Background}" Stroke="{TemplateBinding BorderBrush}" StrokeThickness="{TemplateBinding BorderThic...

Basic WPF question: How to add a custom property trigger?

I am using Expresion Blend 3 and created a new user control in my project. I want a storyboard to run if a custom property of that user control is triggered like with the ones shown here in the list.. I learnt you need a dependency property, but my understanding there is limited. Here's the basic code I set up with property "IsAwesome...

Resizing elements in Expression Blend Preview 4

I'm walking through Adam Kinney's Blend tutorials ( and I'm seeing some puzzling behavior with resizing objects. Specifically, at this step ( I'm seeing two different behaviors resizing elements. Before I group the 3 circles into a grid...

WPF: Issue with OverFlow Panel on Toolbar control

Hi pals, I'm having an issue working with the Toolbar control for WPF in Blend 3: I have a Toolbar control that is binded to a collection so that it displays both icons and labels for each one of the actions that users can perform on this application. The issue I'm having is that when I run the application the buttons are displayed ins...

Installation of Expression Studio 3 fails

Trying to install Expression Studio 3 on an XP box with 3GB of RAM and amazingly the install fails with Out Of Memory error. And the install truly does take up a huge amount of RAM. Am I missing something? Or does it require more that 3GB (never seen that before). ...

Moving folder location of Expression Blend 3 Silverlight project causes embedded fonts to not work

I made an expression blend 3 project with embedded fonts, then copied the whole solution folder to a different location on my computer. When I open the copy at the new location default fonts are used for all the spots that used to be embedded fonts. When I open the original, the fonts are fine. The embedded fonts folder is in the proj...

Expression Blend problem

I'm using Expression Blend Preview for .NET 4 (WPF project). I set IsEnabled property to true, but when I compile project or run it button is always disabled. I do something wrong or it's bug in Blend? ...

datagrid binding xaml

I'm trying to bind datagrid to xml: <StackPanel.DataContext> <XmlDataProvider Source="bill.xml" XPath="/Foods/Food"/> </StackPanel.DataContext> <DataGrid Width="190" Height="200" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top" Foreground="Black" ItemsSource="{Binding}"> <DataGrid.Columns> <DataGridTextColumn Header="Quantity" Fon...

WPF Tiled Background Misalignment

We have quite a complex WPF application (that I cannot show here) that somehow has the tiled background misaligned of one of its user controls. I was unable to reproduce this problem in a "clean" WPF project but will try to illustrate the problem in this picture: The gray area represents the user control and the black and red checks r...

Blend: Bind Image Source in Button template

I have a button template in Expression blend of which I have a image control. Is there a way to bind the source of the image to the button template so that when I click the button higher in the visual tree I can set the image without having to edit the template in Blend? I'm using Expression Blend 3. Thanks, Rob ...

Silverlight: Can I create a custom button which contains two TextBlocks, each of which binds to a different property on an object?

I want to make buttons similar to those on this website. Lets say that the object I'm working with is ArtPiece, and has a Title and Date. I want both of those to show up on my buttons in two different TextBlocks. I've been trying to modify the button's ContentTemplate, then modifying the button's ContentPresenter inside the ContentTem...