
Need help in resolving error in predicates for And operator in LINQ

Hi, I got into problem of predicate And operator. Code is : SQLDBDataContext sqlDS = new SQLDBDataContext(); Expression<Func<User,bool>> pred = null; //delcare the predicate to start with. if (Request["Name"] != null && ! Request["Name"].Equals(string.Empty)) { pred = c => ( c.ContactFirst.Contains(Request["Name"]) || c.ContactLa...

Connecting two shapes together, Silverlight 2

I'm looking to connect or glue together two shapes or objects with a Line. These shapes will be generated dynamically, meaning I'll be calling a Web service on the backend to determine how many objects/shapes need to be created. Once this is determined, I'll need to have the objects/shapes connected together. The method signature may lo...

Where can I find Object Model Documentation for Microsoft Expression Web Add-ins

I am working on an add-in for Microsoft Expression Web. I have gotten enough information on the web to know that I have to add references to Microsoft.Expression.Interop.WebDesigner, Microsoft.Expression.Interop.WebDesignerPage, and Microsoft.Expression.Interop.WebDesigner. The problem is that there does not seem to be any official doc...

Check numeric in DerivedColumn Data Flow Task in SSIS

Is there any way where I can check if the field is numeric in derived column/Conditional Split of the data Flow task in Sql Server Integration Services 2005. Functionality should be like ISNUMERIC() function. Currently I'm using ((DT_NUMERIC,12,0)fieldname= (DT_NUMERIC,12,0)fieldname) in the derived column expression to check if th...

Boolean Expressions in SQL Select list

I want to create a SQL Select to do a unit test in MS SQL Server 2005. The basic idea is this: select 'Test Name', foo = 'Result' from bar where baz = (some criteria) The idea being that, if the value of the "foo" column is "Result", then I'd get a value of true/1; if it isn't, I'd get false/0. Unfortunately, T-SQL doesn't like the ex...

How do you transfer the execution of a Expression created by an IQueryable object to a IEnumerable ?

In my code I'd like to make my repositories IQueryable. This way, the criteria for selection will be a linq expression tree. Now if I want to mock my repository in theorie this is very easy : just implement the interface of my repository (which is also a IQueryable object). My mock repository implementation would be only a in memory co...

IE6 performance with CSS expressions

We are developing a web application that will be sold to many clients. There is already one client (a bank) which has decided that it will buy the product once it is ready. Unfortunately due to some miscommunication it came out rather late that the only browser they use is IE6. The application was already started with the thought in mind...

Prototyping Tools for non-programmers - Expression?

Hi all, We are looking for a prototyping tool to allow our business analysts (and myself) mockup sites. Some people have suggested using the MS Expression suite of tools for this. I am worried it might be a bit too technical for the non-programmers. Does anyone have any experience using Expressions Web (or Blend) as a prototyping tool...

What are good "real" programming examples for a beginning programmer?

I've been browsing Bjarne Stroustrup's new introductory programming book, Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++. It's meant for first-year university computer science and engineering students. Early on in the book he works through an interesting extended example of creating a desktop calculator where he ends up implementing an ...

Validation of a validation expression


How to access Parents Child in DataColumn Expression

I've a DataSet with 3 DataTables: dtPerson dtSalary dtFriend Every person has salaries, and every person has one friend. I've added a column dcHisFriend into dtSalary and would like to display friend name of a person owning specified salary. So dtPerson has a column NAME, dtSalary has column VALUE and dtFriend has a c...

Date Math in Reporting Services Expression

I'm trying to add days to a date and then compare to see if it's outside a range to color code a cell. It's not working--I think I may be making a simple syntax error. iif( (DateAdd("d", CInt(Fields!Days.Value), Fields!Date.Value) < Now), "Red", "White") ) ...

C#: Checking if two Expression<Func<T, bool>> are the same

Is it possible to find out if two expressions are the same? Like given the following four expressions: Expression<Func<int, bool>> a = x => false; Expression<Func<int, bool>> b = x => false; Expression<Func<int, bool>> c = x => true; Expression<Func<int, bool>> d = x => x == 5; Then, at least as we ca...

intellisense jquery + external js in expression web?

Hi there, Can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong? I am trying to get intellisense in expression web 2 for external js and jquery I am able to do it in visual studio 2008 I have searched google but can't seem to find the way of doing it Any ideas? Thanks ...

converting a .net Func<T> to a .net Expression<Func<T>>

Going from a lambda to an Expression is easy using a method call... public void GimmeExpression(Expression<Func<T>> expression) { ((MemberExpression)expression.Body).Member.Name; // "DoStuff" } public void SomewhereElse() { GimmeExpression(() => thing.DoStuff()); } But I would like to turn the Func in to an expression, only i...

xpath attribute with a special character

$xpath->query('/html[boolean(string(normalize-space(@xml:lang))) = "true"]') Normally the above query would work but in this case the xhtml attribute xml:lang has colon in it. Replacing it with entity doesn't work either. Any suggestions? ...

xpath find if node exists

Using a xpath query how do you find if a node (tag) exists at all? For example if I needed to make sure a website page has the correct basic structure like /html/body and /html/head/title ...

Correct evaluation of expression

I came across the following expression in someone else's code. I think it's terrible code for a number of reasons (not least because it fails to take into account bool.TrueString and bool.FalseString), but am curious as to how the compiler will evaluate it. private bool GetBoolValue(string value) { return value != null ? value.ToUp...

Any good Expression Blend Tutorial out there??

Hi, i want to learn Expression blend.. ive been reading some blogs.. about it.. but the applications are some what hard to follow cuse i haven't had a crash course on Blend.. any good tutorial to learn the basics?? i think i need to learn XAML first..what do you recommend? ...

ASP.NET MVC & Expression XAML - How do I integrate?

Some Background: MVC is primarly a paradigm shift in the way you structure and develop ASP.NET applications. Shifting from a "code behind" type of mentality to more of a standard MVC Ruby on Rails like mentality. I applaud it's efforts as a simlifying tool towards unit testing ease and seperation of code (although the html inl...