
How to hide the Column header in a WPF DataGrid ?

I am using a DataGrid in Expression Blend but I just need to show only the registries and hide the ColumnHeader. How do I do that? ...

Using Linq Expressions to decouple client side from DAL (which is server side)

Hi folks. I could not find the answer amongst the many posts on Linq, so here I am. We have a client-server application, where the client side has absolutely no knowledge of the actual DAL on the server side, which is incidentally implemented using NHibernate. Meaning, there is no references to NHibernate from the client side assemblies,...

Is there a free online reference of frequently used regular expressions?

I am looking to match some standard strings like dates, SSN, IP addresses etc. Is there a free online repository of regular expressions to match some of these commonly used strings? ...

Struts Tags and Expression Language

I am having a problem using expression language and struts tags together in a struts2 project. The following code snippet from a jsp file illustrates my problem. The fruits object is passed by a servlet. I know that the error is not from the servlet because when I comment out the form code, it correctly prints out each fruit. <c:forEach...

Open Source Expression Engines (Java)

Are there any good open source expression engines for java? I am not looking for a rules engine (which implement conditionals and logic). I want to be able to define a number of "facts" and dynamically generate expressions based on these facts. For example: Say I have facts such as: Lemons=$5 IceCubes=$1 Cups=$2 ...

Open Expression Web programatically

Is there a way to open a .html file in Expression Web programatically (C#) without accessing registry key? ...

How to use custom classes in expressions like math objects?

I have noticed that it is possible to define a custom class and then use operators like +,-,/ and * on a number of them rather than using methods to do so. For example, I created a Matrix class that does complex matrix algebra/differentiation and created it so that all the operations were controlled by methods: Matrix m1 = new Matrix(ne...

Expression Encoder properties not correct

I am using Expression Encoder SDK in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. I have been trying to get a feel for the sdk and been experimenting with the dlls. The problem I am having is every MediaItem I create does not get the properties right. I print out the video size, frame rate, ect and most of the properties are not the same as the video c...

XPath | path expression .Net

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Country> <States> <County> <popularity>39</popularity> <name>Orange</name> <id>13811</id> <url>;/url&gt; <overview>Orange County Overview</overview> <Cities> <City name="City #1" size="big" population="33333"/> <City nam...

MS-Access 2003 - Expression in a Text Box on a form

just wondering when using an expression on a form in a text box, to return a value from a table, can the expression have multiple tables in the expression to return the value? the tables are linked and I can return the value in a query, so I figured that Access would be able to do it with this method as well???? =DSum("[tblMain]![Reve...

What is easiest way to calculate an infix expression using C language?

Suppose the user inputs an infix expression as a string? What could be the easiest ( By easiest I mean the shortest) way to evaluate the result of that expression using C language? Probable ways are converting it to a postfix then by using stacks.But its rather a long process. Is there any way of using functions such as atoi() or eval()...

Why C/C++ does not defined expression evaluation order?

As you may know C/C++ does not specified expression evaluation order. What are the reasons to left them undefined. ...

C#: Convert an Expression<Func<T, bool>> to a Predicate<T>

I have a method that accepts an Expression<Func<T, bool>> as a parameter. I would like to use it as a predicate in the List.Find() method, but I can't seem to convert it to a Predicate which List takes. Do you know a simple way to do this? public IList<T> Find<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression) where T : class, new() { var l...

MS Access 03 - Query Expression to Add like ID Numbers

So I have a query that is a Top Nth aggregate query, and I have another query built from that one that returns all the offices/locations grouped for each of the top sales. I want to make a report that counts the number of offices associated with each of these top Nth ID values that are returned in this query. I want to use a domain aggre...

MS Access 2003 - Calculating an average based on qty sold/per site with supply %

Here is another question I have about being able to calculate this scenario in Access, or even at all for that matter: I have a query that find the TOP 5 items sold in a given timeframe, and it groups by site. I use this to create a comparative chart between the site for ppt presentations. I do a lot of these but I have a problem with t...

Are compund statements (blocks) surrounded by parens expressions in ANSI C?

Browsing the Linux kernel sources I found some piece of code where a block of statements surrounded by parenthesis is treated as a expression a la lisp (or ML), that is, an expression which value is the value of the last statement. For example: int a = ({ int i; int t = 1; for (i = 2; i<5; i++) { t*=i; } t; ...

Can all language constructs be first-class in languages with offside-rules?

In LISP-like languages all language constructs are first-class citizens. Consider the following example in Dylan: let x = if (c) foo(); else bar(); end; and in LISP: (setf x (if c (foo) (bar))) In Python you would have to write: if c: x = foo(); else: x = bar(); Because Python desting...

winforms datagridview calculated field change event

I have a datagridview bound from a datatable. I have a calculated column linetotal that multiples unitprice * quantity. I also have a totalprice label,that I would like to contain the sum of the linetotal column in the datagridview. When the user makes any changes to unitprice or quantity, the linetotal should update for that line and...

Display String Tokens

I have String tokens separated by $$ which are list of particulars which are further separated by comma (e.g. Peter Adams,255 Jhonson Street, NY,74322 $$ Mary Luther,54 Eglinton Ave.,Mississauga,ON L5A1W6) I want to display above in following way Name : Peter Adams Addr :255 Jhonson Street City : NY Pincode :74322 Name : Mary Luther A...

DataTable Select: Expression with a space problem...

Situation: Hello! I have a little problem in a C# project. I am using the Select method from a DataTable object and using an expression to get what I want but I am having some trouble with a space in one of the strings I am using for the expression. So here is a code sample of what I have: DataTable table; //... DataRow[] rows = tab...