
How do I avoid boxing/unboxing when extending System.Object?

I'm working on an extension method that's only applicable to reference types. I think, however, it's currently boxing and unboxing the the value. How can I avoid this? namespace System { public static class SystemExtensions { public static TResult GetOrDefaultIfNull<T, TResult>(this T obj, Func<T, TResult> getValue, TR...

Null safe way to get values from an IDataReader

Hi all, (LocalVariable)ABC.string(Name)= (Idatareader)datareader.GetString(0); this name value is coming from database.. what happening here is if this name value is null while reading it's throwing an exception? I am manually doing some if condition here. I don't want to write a manual condition to check all my variables.. I am doi...

Why is it impossible to declare extension methods in a generic static class?

I'd like to create a lot of extension methods for some generic class, e.g. for public class SimpleLinkedList<T> where T:IComparable And I've started creating methods like this: public static class LinkedListExtensions { public static T[] ToArray<T>(this SimpleLinkedList<T> simpleLinkedList) where T:IComparable { //// c...

Impossible to use ref and out for first ("this") parameter in Extension methods?

Why is it forbidden to call Extension method with ref modifier? This one is possible: public static void Change(ref TestClass testClass, TestClass testClass2) { testClass = testClass2; } And this one not: public static void ChangeWithExtensionMethod(this ref TestClass testClass, TestClass testClass2) { te...

Multiple generic parameters on a html helper extension method

What I'm trying to do is create an extension method for the HtmlHelper to create a specific output and associated details like TextBoxFor<>. What I want to do is specify the property from the model class as per TextBoxFor<>, then an associated controller action and other parameters. So far the signature of the method looks like: public...

Is there a better way to create a generic convert string to enum method or enum extension?

I have the following methods in an enum helper class (I have simplified it for the purpose of the question): static class EnumHelper { public enum EnumType1 : int { Unknown = 0, Yes = 1, No = 2 } public enum EnumType2 : int { Unknown = 0, Dog = 1, Cat = 2, Bird...

Extension methods in class library project

I've implemented some extension methods and put those in separate Class Library project. Imagine I have a simple extension method like this in class library called MD.Utility: namespace MD.Utility { public static class ExtenMethods { public static bool IsValidEmailAddress(this string s) { Regex regex...

Method for unit testing an extension method for SqlCommand

Hi, I've created an extension method for SqlCommand that allows some additional work before executing the command: public static SqlDataReader ExecuteMyReader( this SqlCommand sqlCommand ) { // Some calculations here return sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); } My question is what is the best way to unit test this extension method? ...

C# extension method doesn't seem to exist

I can't seem to get the following extension method to be found in another class in the same namespace (MyProject.Util). using System.Collections.Specialized; namespace MyProject.Util { public static class Extensions { public static string Get( this NameValueCollection me, string key, ...

Extension Methods and Application Code

I have seen plenty of online guidelines for authoring extension methods, usually along these lines: 1) Avoid authoring extension methods when practical - prefer other approaches first (e.g. regular static methods). 2) Don't author extension methods to extend code you own or currently develop. Instead, author them to extend 3rd party o...

RenderAction in an HtmlHelperExtension Method?

I am trying to call the RenderAction Extension Method within my own Html Helper: System.Web.Mvc.Html.ChildActionExtensions.RenderAction(helper, "account", "login"); this is so that along with some additional logic, I would like all html helpers to use a common method name structure when calling it on the view: <%= Html.CompanyName()....

ControlCollection extension method optimization

Hi, got question regarding an extension method that I have written that looks like this: public static IEnumerable<T> FindControlsOfType<T>(this ControlCollection instance) where T : class { T control; foreach (Control ctrl in instance) { if ((control = ctrl as T) != null) { yield return control...

Can you have an extension method on a type instead of on an instance of a type?

I can have an extension method like this: DateTime d = new DateTime(); d = d.GetRandomDate(); GetRandomDate is my extension method. However the above doesn't make much sense. What would be better is: DateTime d = DateTime.GetRandomDate(); However, I don't know how to do this. An extension method created as: public static DateTime ...

C# naming convention for extension methods for interface

I typically name my C# interfaces as IThing. I'm creating an extension method class for IThing, but I don't know what to name it. On one hand, calling it ThingExtensions seems to imply it is an extension class to some Thing class instead of to the IThing interface. It also makes the extension class be sorted away from the interface it...

C# ambiguity in Func + extension methods + lambdas

I've been trying to make my way through this article: http://blogs.msdn.com/wesdyer/archive/2008/01/11/the-marvels-of-monads.aspx ... And something on page 1 made me uncomfortable. In particular, I was trying to wrap my head around the Compose<>() function, and I wrote an example for myself. Consider the following two Func's: Func<d...

Overriding LINQ extension methods

Is there a way to override extension methods (provide a better implementation), without explicitly having to cast to them? I'm implementing a data type that is able to handle certain operations more efficiently than the default extension methods, but I'd like to keep the generality of IEnumerable. That way any IEnumerable can be passed, ...

How to extend methods to a class not to its instances.

Hi. Extending methods to any instance is really easy: public static string LeaveJustNumbers(this string text) { return Regex.Replace(text, @"[\D]", ""); } ... string JustNumbers = "A5gfb343j4".LeaveJustNumber(); But what if i want to extend methods to a sealed class like string, to work like: string.Format("Hi:{0}","Fraga"); I...

Problem using a method in Ruby

I'm very new to Ruby (and OOP as well) and I don't know why the following thing doesn't work in Ruby I extended the String class with a new method. Easy enough. Now I want to extend the Fixnum class. A String object appears somewhere in the class, but I can't use the method that I defined earlier. Why? Is this normal? This is the new m...

C# Extension Method for String Data Type

My web application deals with strings that need to be converted to numbers alot - users often put commas, units (like cm, m, g, kg) and currency symbols in these fields so what I want to do is create a string extension method that cleans the field up and converts it to a decimal. For example: decimal myNumber = "15 cm".ToDecimal(); ...

How to bundle extension methods requiring configuration in a library

Hi, I would like to develop a library that I can re-use to add various methods involved in navigating/searching through a graph (nodes/relationships, or if you like vertexs/edges). The generic requirements would be: There are existing classes in the main project that already implement the equivalent of the graph class (which contains...