
MediaWiki Local Extension Link

Hi, I installed MediaWiki locally. Everything worked but I needed a functionality to link files from our file server. I stumbled upon an extension called Extension:NetworkLink which provides this functionality. You just have to add filepath in your wikipage and it should work. My problem is that I the path of my local wiki installation "...

Firefox - Open a Chrome file into an iframe

Is it possible to open an HTML file into an iFrame from Firefox, Chrome? The code is something like this: <iframe src="chrome://extension/content/web/web.htm" /> ...

Storage of passwords in Google Chrome Extension.

I started reading Google Chrome's documentation, and liked it's approach of using HTML and Javascript to create extensions. Reading this tutorial about Local Storage made me think about a lot of different uses. I want to develop an extension to help me with corporate systems. It's very specific, and it's only going to be used inside a c...

(Iphone) associate an App to some file extension to open email attachments in Mail app

I found that some application, like "GoodReader" or "Docs to Go", once installed can be activated using the "Open in" function when opening an email attachment in the Mail App. How to add this function to have my App to be associated to some kind of documents (like pdf) ? The idea is to have an easy way to get mail attachments to be us...

add text in google chrome extension icon

i want to add a text showing the minutes spent by the user in the running activity in my google chrome extenstion that called pharaohs Time tracker can see it here https://chrome.google.com/extensions/developer/edit/cegaadncabdacaplfeondbaodibgjfhi?hl=en i can't find anything in there api although alot of people using it like ext called...

inline JSON syntax in PHP

PHP would be a lot cooler if you could write things like this: $array = [2, 3, 5]; $object = { "name" : "Harry", "age" : 23, "cats" : ["fluffy", "mittens", "whiskers"]}; but, I just spent a lot of time looking for an extension (even an experimental alpha or anything) adding json syntax to PHP but found nothing. Does anything like th...

Library files in C

Are library files .o or .exe files in C? ...

How to extend Ruby ERB for handling %= tags as well?

I am using ERB for metaprogramming of some math language. If I could extend ERB functionality to handle %= tags, it would allow me to simplify my sources significantly. I simply want to get output of the line in analogy with <%= %>. I have tried to dig into /usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/erb.rb file, but got lost very quickly. May be you can help w...

dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found - nm reports symbol found

Fairly abstract question here, as I don't know quite where to start my own investigations. I have a C package constructed with CMake that produces librpdb.so; I have a Ruby Gem set up for the same library, which produces rpdb.bundle. When used in Ruby, I get this: dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: _RPDB_RuntimeStor...

Developing Firefox plugins?

What language(s) do I need to know to develop plugins/extensions for Firefox? Also, any useful tools (as far as IDE or SDKs)? ...

What does the term Plain Old Java Object(POJO) exactly mean?

What does the term Plain Old Java Object(POJO) mean ? I couldn't find anything explanatory enough. POJO's Wikipedia page says that POJO is an ordinary Java Object and not a special object. Now, what makes or what doesn't make and object special in Java ? The above page also says that a POJO should not have to Extend prespecified classe...

Best practices for implementing an addin/addon/plugin strategy

My application should be extensible. For my own needs I have implement some services. These services are based on the IoC/DI princple. So the services encapsulate the concept of the application. For exsample, there are an IApplicationService. The ApplicationService exposes information about the current exceuting application. There are s...

PHP Object Extension $this->some_object->method

I am trying to make a script in which different classes (e.g. Database, Utilities, Config) are all used to form one central Main class. I have tried extending a chain of them: Main -> Utilities -> Database -> Configuration But how can I set the different parts so that they can be called like this: <?php $this->db->select("WAFFLE...

Notifications for Joomla extension updates

Is there an extension that would check whether there are newer versions available to the installed extensions on a Joomla site, and would notify the site administrator? Ideally, I am looking for something similar to Drupal's "Update" module. I understand that there is no central place for keeping all these modules and their versions fo...

Communication from arduino to a browser extension all run locally

Hello Everyone! I am trying to figure out how I would go about taking serial information from an arduino which controls a javascript browser extension I have running in an open browser locally on a computer. It would seem that I would need some sort of middleman to internalize the serial readings and pass them to the browser (to activa...

HTML5 input type="search" issue

I'm working on a Google Chrome extension, and using for a search box, the search displays results in an inline div rather than having a submit button and going off to a different page when it is clicked. Is there any way to detect when the "X" button is pressed at the end of the search field, i need to close the inline div when it is b...

Setting default application for given file extension on MacOSX from code

I have the list of the applications for given file extension (using LSCopyApplicationURLsForURL). I want to change the default file association from code upon selecting one of the applications from the above call. Is there a way to do this? Thanks! ...

Extension-GUI communication

I have to develop a GUI for an extensible application. As different extensions will be added or removed to or from the application, The GUI is expected to change a lot (menubar etc..). I would like to ask the following questions: 1) what the GUI needs to provide for the extension 2) What does the extension needs to provide to the GUI I ...

Extend complex types from an existing schema

I need to extend an existing XML document with new elements without losing the ability to validate it against both the unchanged original schema and an extended schema defined by me. For example, lets say I want to add Code and Price elements to an existing Book document, as follows: <aa:Book xmlns:aa="http://www.aa.com" xmlns...

How do you add a textfield to your Safari 5 Extension bar?

The Amazon Search Bar extension adds an Amazon search field to your extension bar, which is exactly what I'd like to do. I can't find an example on SO or Google and I don't think any of Apple's example use a text field like that. Any examples or suggestions about how to go about it would be very helpful. I'm just getting started with Sa...