
Lost file extensions in Zend Studio 5.5.1 on Windows 7

I managed to get Zend Studio 5.5.1 running on Windows 7 by running in Vista compatibilty mode and it works fine, except, I have lost the file types/extensions I can add them again and the editor will open them, but I dont have any code completion or code coloring or anything Ive tried php, .php, *.php Anyone come across this and know ...

How can i scan an entire drive and delete all files (read-only or not) with multiple specific file extension?

hello all, i'm working a feature for a application of mine that on button click it scans the "C:\" drive (and all sub directory's, read-only or not.), and deletes all files with specific file extensions. how would i go about doing this? I'm sure a list or a array would be used... but thats about all i know. Please .Net framework 2.0 ONL...

Mercurial share extension: how to unshare?

Hi, I'm using the Mercurial share extention in the Mercurial 1.6.4 supplied with TortoiseHG 1.1.1 on Windows (XP 32 bit). More info at: http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/ShareExtension I've been using the share extention, works nice, in both directions. The main repo is on a local harddisk, the shared repo is on a network share (Samba...

How would I organize these calls using Reactive Extensions (Rx) in Silverlight?

I have some calls that must execute sequentially. Consider an IService that has a Query and a Load method. The Query gives a list of widgets, and the load provides a "default" widget. Hence, my service looks like this. void IService.Query(Action<IEnumerable<Widget>,Exception> callback); void IService.Load(Action<Widget,Exception> callba...

Extending Firebug (Firebug/FBL is undefined)

Firefox 3.6.8 Firebug 1.5.4 I'm trying to write a Firefox extension that uses Firebug. I've gotten up and running with the Firefox extension part but I just can't seem to access Firebug. I've followed various tutorials and dug into the code of other Firebug extensions (such as FirePHP). From what I can tell, this should work (at it...

PHPUnit and DBUnit - getting started

Does anyone have a link to a good, working tutorial or book on how to get started with adding the DBUnit layer to my PHPUNit tests? I've tried following the code in protected function getDatabaseTester() { $pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', 'user', 'pass'); $connection = new PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_DB_Defau...

Get all CFBundleTypeExtensions of an Info.plist

Hi, I would like to get all the extensions of files my app can open. And I'd like to get them from my Info.plist. Right now I have this, but is there a better alternative? NSMutableArray *types = [NSMutableArray new]; NSArray *documentTypes = [[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey: @"CFBundleDocumentTypes"]; for (NSDictionar...

VS 2010 Custom Private Extension

I have written a custom Visual Studio 2010 extension that helps developers at the company I work with with some of our development standards. Obviously, this is specific to this company and I would not want to upload it to the public gallery. My question is, how can I have VS detect updates for it? Everything I saw said to upload it t...

Firefox extensions - Difference between 'traditional toolbar' and one that actually shows up in the browser client area

I'm looking into developing a Firefox extension, and would like my 'toolbar' to run in the 'client' area, since it will appear and disappear based on the page that they are on. One example of a client bar that does something similar is the Invisible Hand toolbar. Most of the extension tutorials show how to build a 'regular' toolbar. ...

What is wrong with setting my PHP extensions?

I have the following problem. When I state some extensions in my php.ini and try to restart Apache it refuses to work. I assume that I have made a mistake in my extension_dir or in adding extensions themselves. When I run a server with an extension path and no extensions set, all works fine and I get my phpinfo page. But when extensions ...

ASP.NET Ajax CalendarExtender will not update SelectedDate value

For some reason, any CalendarExtenders on an ASP.NET site that is being worked on will not be updated. I have already checked all the obvious places (such as AutoPostBack and AutoEventHandler). The problem is that when I select a date from the Calendar and post it to the form, the TextBox that is being extended IS being updated, but the ...

Trouble with chrome.extension.sendRequest();

contenescript.js var someText = 'some text to show1'; chrome.extension.sendRequest({'action' : 'openMyTab','text': someText}); background.html function onRequest(request, sender, callback) { if (request.action == 'openMyTab') { alert(" Inside onRequest with " + request.text); } }; chrome.extension.onReque...

recompiling PHP

I have compiled php with some optional extensions like APC (for caching),APD (for debugging) and other vital extensions. Now I need to install another extension called mhash (for encryption) and my question is that: Do i need to recompile php from scratch including the previous extensions and the last one or it is possible to recompile ...

Generic extension method : Type argument cannot be inferred from the usage

I'm trying to create a generic extension method, that works on typed data tables : public static class Extensions { public static TableType DoSomething<TableType, RowType>(this TableType table, param Expression<Func<RowType, bool>>[] predicates) where TableType : TypedTableBase<RowType> where RowType : DataRow { ...

How to make a PHP extension

I know you can technically make PHP extension just by making a PHP file and using require_once. But would it optimize the performance if you wrote an extension in C or C++. If so, how would you make a "hello-world" for that? ...

how to detect "hidden files extension" (windows system ) from flash/as3 app?

hi, i'm working on an app (flash/As3) that lets the user upload and edit an image, and then save it to the computer, using FileReference. it's posible to know if the user computer have the option "hidden file extensions" (windows system) selected? How can i do it? thanks ...

Using panels in chrome extensions

I was wondering, normally chrome extensions appear in their little area below their icon, but how would I make one that has it's own little space on a side of the browser, like FireBug lite does for chrome? Where it pushes the page up and docks at the bottom. I have seen the sidebar in the 'experimental.sidebar' chrome api, but I don't w...

Magento - Aheadworks blog extension WYSIWYG editor

hi, i've installed the blog extension from Aheadworks, which is supposed to use the native WYSIWYG editor that comes with Magento 1.4.* but the editor does not show up. The editor shows up on CMS pages and Static Blocks but not with this extension. Any ideas? Thanks ...

Jquery extensions for asp.net mvc

Are there any jquery extensions available for asp.net mvc? I'm looking for adapters which can be used instead of having to write all javascripts manually. for instance: just include jqgrid script in the master page, call CreateGrid extension metod to define the grid and return a JqGridActionResult from an action to populate it. I found ...

Safari Extension - How to use users settings?

Hi, I'm updating my first Safari Extension, and need some quick help. I've created a button (Although I eventually want it to automatic) that essentially executes a javascript script. I need the script it runs to use a variable which it will grab from the settings in the Preferences panel. How do I get it to check, I know there's some so...