
Stylesheets for content?

Forgive my ignorance since this seems like its something I should know by now. I know I could make a stylesheet that will allow me to make changes in my CSS throughout several pages that use the CSS. I also know that you can make an external javascript file that could contain functions you want to reuse. But lets say I had pure HTML con...

What's the best method to reduce the number of external JavaScript calls (HTTP Request)?

Currently I'm having the following external javascript in my header: <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery.validate.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.1.pack.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"...

Connecting to a SQL Server on the Web

My company had a machine running SQL Server hosted by a company specializing in such. We have an .NET application that connects to it. Recently the decision was made to bring the machine in house. If we use the internal IP of the machine to connect, it works. When we go to an outside network and use the machine's external IP, it fail...

Accessing memory space / registers on externally connected devices through software

This question is a bit vague, and I apologzie for that, but a fairly vague answer will do :) How do people typically access memory adresses of external devices (say, connected to a PC through USB, or even just say, a multipurpose microcontroller)? I'm wondering how software is able to find address to write to registers or EEPROM space. ...

PRoblem with shadowbox and ie

Hy I am trying to open a external page in a shadowbox holder the script is nt that complex. In mozilla it work`s grate but IE all versions it does not load the page or it does not display it because all that I see is a lack screen Can anyone help me pls <script type="text/javascript" src="js/moving-boxes.js"></script> <script type='text...

Do applets and the browser share a cache?

I have a third party applet that makes use a csv file, let's call it file.csv, and makes use of all of the columns. I also have a third party swf object that makes use of file.csv but only makes use of 20% of the columns. The initial decision was to use the same file for both because it would result in easier maintenance. My question is...

Override certain files from another Subversion repository

Hi, I'm looking at a way to have a subversion repository to be basically a copy of another subversion repository, except a few files from the other repository that I want to override. Basically, I would want to achieve something like this: / - branches/ - mybranch/ = if files are added in /trunk, they get added here - file1 = lat...

How To Get 'echo'-ed content from URL-external-php-file

Hi everybody! I have 2 files on 2 different servers: file1.php - resides on site 1 - I pass a parameter, and the script echo-ed answer which depends on (is function of) passed parameter - everithink is OK when I access file by browser like http://site1.com/file1.php?parameterValue file2.php - resides on site 2 - file2 has to sen...

Stop slow-loading script with GreaseMonkey

On a page that I visit, it has a slow-loading external script that occasionally takes so long that the page is basically unusable. Disabling this script entirely removes some functionality, but it's better than nothing. Is there a way I could use greasemonkey to cancel the script? I know I could use NoScript, but I wanted to give it a...

run a program from a windows service

I have a program which i want to invoke from windows service. xsftp.StartInfo = New ProcessStartInfo("c:\stage\psftp.exe", "[email protected] -b c:\stage\script.bat -pw XXX") xsftp.Start() The same code works fine if i write in a console application, but from windows service it wont run, i see the psftp is being started in the task man...

Why does the order of linked object file with $L directive matter?

I use statically linked sqlite database and in order to compile every next version I sometimes have to do minor changes in the list of object files used. But sometimes the changes I have to make puzzles me. For example prior to version 3_6_10 this order {$L 'Objs\is.OBJ'} {$L 'Objs\mbisspc.OBJ'} was ok, but starting 3_6_12 the linker...

how to know which web page is invoking an external javascript script

An external javascript can be used by many Web pages. How to know which web page is using an external js script? For example, I've got a javascript script s.js. Is it possible that a function of s.js can check which page is using s.js? ...

[Actionscript3] How to specify width and height when loading external swf file??

Hi guys I am trying to load an external swf file. The swf width and height is small and I want to enlarge it when loading it. (My scene has large width and height). My current code could load the file but I am not sure how to enlarge the swf width and height. I would appreciate if anyone can help me about it...Thanks var request:URLR...

flash as3 external swf help/error

I am having an issue loading an external swf into my as3 project. I have created both swfs and both were creating using as3. In the one file I am trying to load the other swf, just for testing purposes. It works fine but for some reason I am getting this error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object ...

How to connect to a database configured in glassfish from an external java application?

Hi The title pretty much says it all, but here's some background. We have a database configured in glassfish accessed by a website deployed on glassfish, we also access the database from an external java application, it occurred to me that this could be somewhat inefficient since we open quite a few connections to the database from our...

Android special directories

I see that as of API Level 8, you can request a handle to special directories with Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory. This takes a type such as DIRECTORY_MUSIC, DIRECTORY_PICTURES, etc. I'm looking for an equivalent directory for other media types such as documents (Word docs, PDFs, etc.). My HTC Desire has a "/sdcard/My Doc...

Loading external .swf (projects) into a flex/flash builder application

I'm doing some research for a project that I might be doing soon, and I'd like to build it in Flex or Flash builder, but I just have a question. I looking to build a sort of admin section of the application for users to sign and view personal data. The rest of the application would be split up into different sections or "modules" contai...

Can Java Applets access external sources when given permission by the user?

I'd like to create a service where people can enter external websites, after which the returned source will be modified by my application (for whatever purpose) and then returned to the user. One would normally redirect all traffic through the server, so that the server is the one accessing the external source. This is because HTML5 and...

Android: Saving to SD Card always deletes on re-install

I am using the getExternalFilesDir(null) method to save to the SD card. Saving and reading from the SD card is fine. The problem I am having is that every time I edit anything in Eclipse and rerun the app the data on the SD card is deleted. I know that saving to the directory returned by getExternalFilesDir(null) will allow the files the...

call external python script in same window

Hello, Im trying to call an external python script, and so far i was able to do so successfully using: os.system("START fileNameHere") However right now im running in the console, and i want the contents of the other python file to be shown in the same console. ATM it shows it in a separate console. Thanks in Advance. ...