
Dynamic jquery code - any way to include it in a file?

So i have been developing and testing with jquery inline. I am using CodeIgniter - the below refers to my views. I have <script="text/javascript">JQUERY CODE</script> at the top of my page. Some of my code is dynamic in that it uses PHP vars. E.G when making an ajax call, the URL is preceeded by <?php echo base_url();?> So now I have g...

Simple ajax/prototype problem

Hi, im beginning with Ajax, i have problem with including Ajax files. Ajax code written in original page (like index.php) and placed in (head) section works fine, but when i try to place code in external file (in js folder, where is placed prototype.js file), i don't get any response, not even in Firefox Error Console. I haven't change...

How do I make an intranet sharepoint 2010 site into an external one

Hi guys, I was just wondering how do I make a sharepoint 2010 internal site that I already have an external one, meaning it can be accessed anywhere where you have access to the internet. Thank you in advance. ...

Delphi - How to get list of USB removable hard drives and memory sticks?

In my application (Delphi), I need to list all the USB storage devices. These can be either flash memory sticks or external storage drives. There is a Jvcl component JvDriveCombo, and it has the DriveType property - the problem is if I select 'DriveType := Fixed' then in addition to the external drive, it also lists the internal drives...

How to get modal window location change event in javascript

I have modal popup of external site using jquery The external site is a login After completion of the login the modal window will redirect to a site. I want to: i) identify when the modal has redirected (login complete) ii) capture the modal url to acquire parameters from the url. How do i do this in jquery methods & javascript ...

How do I query a time server (like NIST) from ASP?

Hello world, I would like to validate my Windows 2000 server time by querying an external time source (like NIST) using ASP. I can't seem to find any examples of this on the web. Thanks in advance, Cliff ...

How do I verify users of my PHP application?

While installing an application onto a client's server, I would like to make sure that the client (or a future developer for them, etc) does not copy my application and place it on other domains/servers/local servers. How can I verify that my application is running on the server I installed it on? I do not want any substantial lag in th...

oo javascript with properties from server, methods from cache, best practice?

I'm converting procedural JS to OO and would appreciate any help. In a nutshell, what I have is a html-page containing: <script type="text/javascript"> var serverTime='11:32:20'; //time generated by server (php) </script> <script scr="myProcFuncs.js" type="text/javascript"> /* which is containing procedural functions such as fun...

webpage unable to load css file

Hello folks, this is a newbie question for you guys. In file /home/myhome/apache-tomcat-6.0.29/webapps/view/test.jsp I have <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="WEB-INF/resources/view.css"/> and the view.css file is located at /home/myhome/apache-tomcat-6.0.29/webapps/view/WEB-INF/resources/view.css For some reason, it's not...

Why does Eclipse JVM hang when executing external processes?

Hey all, I am writing some simple Scala code to control the lifecycle of a MySQL server (start it, create appropriate tables and users, etc...) on Windows XP. For example, I have a function which starts the mysql daemon in an external shell. The function should exit as soon as mysql has started (it must not wait for it to be finished)...

grails / external configuration / grails.config.locations - absolute path file "Does not exist" ?

Hi Thanks for reading, I'm trying to use grails build-in mechanism for loading external configuration files (*.groovy and *.properties) outside the deployed WAR file. The documentation implies this is just a case of setting grails.config.locations with the appropriate classpath: or file: paths. I've configured Config.groovy with: Str...

Symbol eliminated by linker (Delphi)

Help! I am receiving this error when viewing the contents of an inbound function parameters in my Delphi 4 application. The code calls a function in a dll with 3 parameters (app.handle, pchar, boolean) The declaring function is in externs.pas and declared as: function AdjustVoucherDifference(hOwner :HWnd; Receipt_ID :PChar; bCommit...

Keeping variables from Captivate

Hello. I am using Captivate 5. I have a text field where the user enters their name. Once entered I am able use it throughout the presentation. If the user leaves however, the variable is lost. Is there an easy (or maybe not so easy) way to store it externally so when they return it remembers what that variable was? And perhaps where t...

Jquery not working when externalized it to js file.

$(function() { $('#<%=btnAdd.ClientID%>').click( { code }); }); The above jquery code I have written inside the aspx code and it works fine. But when I tried to externalize the code by creating one js file and transferring the internal code to that file it does no...

Removing external dependencies to MFC DLL project

Im developing a MFC DLL project in VS2008. The dll compiles OK and I can call it fine from an GUI exe that a contractor has developed for me. Visual C++ Redistributables are required to be installed for my dll (and maybe the exe which is developed in C++ too) Another company wants to licence my dll to use with their C++ exe. They have ...

External linkage

$3.5/2- "When a name has external linkage, the entity it denotes can be referred to by names from scopes of other translation units or from other scopes of the same translation unit." Should not the highlighted 'or' be 'and' or is it just a wrong day for me to interpret some English stuff? An additional question is if the...

Placing a couple of custom Jquery Functions into an external Script

Hi all, I have the following two functions and i need help moving these into an external file. $.fn.clearSelect = function () { return this.each(function () { if (this.tagName == 'SELECT') this.options.length = 0; }); } $.fn.addItems = function(data) { return this.each(funct...

xsl reference to external xsl file

Hi all, I have a question about xsl. I have 1 huge xsl file (+4000 lines :p) and I would like to split the file in different parts. I use the xsl file to map some schemas in BizTalk and it would be more performant if I split it in parts, so I can re-use the parts. Anyway, don't mind the BizTalk stuff, how can I reference from my main xs...

Rails, Cucumber: external redirection to another domain

I have cucumber feature ... Given I am on my domain page When I press "send data to external domain" Then I should be on the externel domain page ... In production and development enviroments "My domain page" (www.example.com/mydomainpage) redirects user to "external domain page" (www.externaldomain.com/page). But in test enviroment c...

How move a jquery script like "ddaccordion.init" in an external js ?

Hi im trying to put all my js in external js file, for the header for my site be more light. So in my header i have this script, wich work well : ddaccordion.init({ headerclass: "p7ABtrig", //Shared CSS class name of headers group contentclass: "p7ABcontent", //Shared CSS class name of contents group ...