
Loading external script with jinja2 template directive

I'm very new to jinja2 and the use of templates in general so I was wondering if there's an easy way to load an external javascript. I was thinking of using: {% block javascript %} <SCRIPT SRC="myscript.js"></SCRIPT> {% endblock %} But I can't help to ask: Is there a way of loading this script directly from within a template dire...

PHP variables between files

There is a php file (current.php) with some variables, like: function do() { $var = 'something'; } And one more php file (retrieve.php), which is loaded to current.php with jQuery ajax .load(). The problem is - retrieve.php doesn't see $var. Tryed this (inside retrieve.php, shows nothing): global $var; echo $var; How to fix? ...

Issues using external authentication with SharePoint 2010

We are using the “CAS” Single Sign-On system that was developed by Jasig. And trying to authenticate users against it for a SharePoint 2010 site. The main issue is that we are validating the user’s username and password on an external site that sends a “ticket” back to our SP2010 site via query string. Our app then revalidates this ti...

Better suggestion for external config file

I am currently using xml as a config file for my silverlight application. I have no problem reading the file, but now that I also require to update the file through web(preferably silverlight as will show preview of font colors, size etc), the only method I thought of is to generate the whole file and overwrite the existing through uploa...

Accessibility of a servlet class from within an external web.xml file

I have two web applications.But only one among them includes Java servlet class.I want to access that servlet class from within the web.xml file of other application.Is it possible?.If yes,How will be it possible?. ...

PowerDNS and CNAME to external domain

I'm using PowerDNS (2.9.22) for my clients. Because it can store all data into MySQL database and it's easy for clients to edit their zones as they like. Now I have a problem with CNAMEs: Here are records into MySQL database: +-----------------------+-------+-----------------------+ | localhost.example.com | A | ...

PHP ini file_get_contents external url

I use following PHP function: file_get_contents('http://example.com'); Whenever I do this on a certain server, the result is empty. When I do it anywhere else, the result is whatever the page's content may be. When I however, on the server where the result is empty, use the function locally - without accessing an external URL (file_get...

Overriding public method in dynamically loaded class with AS3 and getDefinitionByName()

I have two SWFs: main.swf and external.swf. main.swf needs to access some methods in external.swf, so it loads external.swf into itself and uses getDefinitionByName("package.Class") to access the class and one of its methods: var ExternalClass = getDefinitionByName("package.Class") as Class; var ClassInstance = new ExternalClass(); var...

Teamcity - which external diff viewer

Do You know any tools that can be used as external diff viewer for Teamcity's Visual Studio plugin? I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Pro and Teamcity 5.1.2. ...

How to call an external URL from a ASP.NET MVC solution

Hello guys. First post inhere ever. So better make it a good one. I have a ASP.NET MVC 2 web application in which I have an actionResult I need to do a call for me. The thing is I need this A.R to handle some data operations and after that I need it to call an external URL which is actually a Company Module that handles sending messag...

Using reference libraries (dll) stored in a different folder from the main program?

(This might be a obvious question but I wasn't sure what to ask Bing/Google) In a VS2008 (C# Winforms) project there are numerous third party libraries that are referenced. The project uses 'Copy Local = True' so that the various DLL files end up in the same folder as the compiled application. To clean things up I would like to modi...

How to make a loop that will get info from a txt file?

Right now I have a loop that is going up by one until it hits its page limit. (this is a mini book/magazine) I have them inserted into a drop down so a user could select the number they want and it will jump to that page. Is there any way to instead of use numbers, somehow get titles into it instead? Like Front cover, table of contents...

Resource file shared as external file between solutions

I have two solutions, a solution named Server and a solution named Client. The Server contains a resources file named Server.Properties.Resources. That file is added to the Client solution as an external file. When I debug inside Visual Studio, everything runs great. When I run the deployed version, I get the error System.Resources...

preloading external swf files with actionscript as2

hi everyone, i'm relatively new with flash, so... i've been looking into this for 2 days now, so i hope someone can help me out. i have several external swf files, each one can call any of them. say i'm in home.swf and i clicked about.swf, i want to stay in home.swf whilst about.swf is being loaded so i don't have an empty screen....

jQuery UI Dialog + External Content w/AJAX not working.

My goal: upon clicking a link, I want to load an external page (with a image upload form) into a jQuery UI Dialog and have it submitted AJAX style. My problem: The dialog loads the external PHP page just fine and I'm able to submit the form via AJAX -- using the jQuery form plugin shown here http://jquery.malsup.com/form/ -- BUT for som...

Include external class php

How can include a external class in a php file? example: //Test.class.php <?php class Test{ function print($param){ echo $param; } } ?> //###################################################### //test.php <?php include('http://www.test.com/Test.class.php'); $obj = new Test(); echo $obj->print("hola"); ?> ...

javascript file doesnot load in smarty

{literal} <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="../calendar/weeklycalendar.js"> </script> <script> // call the function to build the calendar // function's param specify the first day of week // 0=Sunday, 1 = Monday, ..., 6=Saturday alert("before"); buildWeeklyCalendar(1); alert("afetr"); </scrip...

Java Socks5 External Application

I have connected to a socks5 server in my java application, and now I want to launch an external application and have all of its connections run through the socks5 server. The external application itself doesn't support socks5. Any input would be great, scratching my head here.. ...

android: Adding external JAR file in to android

We are making an application that needs to convert one file format to another. I am not sure whether we can add a JAR file in which we develop the code to convert the file format to our required file format, to our android project. ...

[AS3, AIR] Load External Class from content in another sandbox.

The problem is: I have (for example) font embeder class, and I want to load external SWF not from application storage folder, but another local path ( "D:\blah-blah\123.swf") in AIR, but as you understand I can't find any decision on the Internet (Google, Adode.com) Security.allowDomain() not working in AIR ( documented on adobe.com) ...