
Is it possible to use Ext.Resizable on a 'width: 100%' element?

When I apply Ext.Resizable with parameters wrap: true, handles: 's' to an Ext.form.TextArea with width: 100%, the text area loses its width. More specifically, the width is reset to sth. like default width in pixels. Is it possible to cleanly make Ext.Resizable just not touch width at all and operate on element's height only? I checke...

Instantiating Ext.form.CompositeField

Why can't I instantiate an Ext.form.CompositeField in extJS? Firebug tells me "CompositeField is not a constructor". My code: var f = new Ext.form.CompositeField({ labelWidth: 120, items: [ { xtype : 'label', fieldLabel: new_attr_name, }, { xtype : 'label', fieldLabel: new_attr_display_name, ...

Dynamically populating an ExtJS HTML editor

So I'm using ExtJS for a job I'm working and I'm trying to dynamically populate the textarea associated with the HTML editor with data based on what a user selects from a combo box. From what I've found, I can load the HTML editor with text using the defaultValue property. So if I'm going to populate it after the page loads, can I give i...

problem with JsonStore and JsonReader

Hello, In my ExtJS application I use EditorGridPanel to show data from server. var applicationsGrid = new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({ region: 'west', layout: 'fit', title: '<img src="../../Content/img/app.png" /> Приложения', collapsible: true, margins: '0 0 5 5', split: true, width: '30%', listeners: ...


I have a EXT JS panel inside a viewport center region. I want to hide the title of the panel. How can I do it. I using xtype config for declaring the panel. ...

Extjs Tooltips, IFrames and IE => Problems

I have an application using OpenLayers, Extjs and GeoExt. My application runs fine, but I need it to be placed inside an IFrame in another page. When doing this, my toolbar becomes responseless in Internet Explorer. The cause is Ext.QuickTips.init();. Comment out this line and everything works fine - except the quick tips ofcourse =) ...

How to upload string as file with jQuery or other js framework.

using javascript. I have a file in string (getted with ajax request). How to upload it as file to server by another ajax request ? ...

extJs Json Reader

Please help me with this problem. I'm new in extJs and i need a little help. I have this code Ext.onReady(function() { var datesStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ start : 'StartTableDate', end : 'FinishTableDate', autoLoad : true, proxy : new Ext.data.HttpProxy({ url : 'dates.json', ...

Raudus vs ExtPascal: Delphi web developement alternatives that use ExtJS

Delphi developers has several tools (several alternatives to ASP.NET) for building web applications. While No.1 framework is Intraweb, there is a lot of interest around ExtJS, that has 2 incarnations: 1) the opensource ExtPascal 2) the closedsource Raudus Now the products are different, Raudus never supports the latest ExtJS version (w...

Example on how to combine odata and extjs

Is there a blogpost or example on how to combine the ext-js grid with an odata datasource? I suspect it would require a custom datareader. ...

Cross-reference js-object variables when creating object

Summary: I want to know if it is possible to do something like this: {a: 'A',b: this.a} ...by using some other pointer like {a: 'A',b: self.a} or {a: 'A',b: own.a} or anything else... Full question: I'm trying to extend MyBaseModule using Ext.extend, and need to cross-reference values in the extension object passed to Ext.extend()....

How do I Reload Ajax Call Parameters without Reloading the webpage

I'm working with Extjs 2.2.1 with Alfresco 3.2 enterprise. I would like to update the ticket that handles authentication to the alfresco server on components that have been loaded during login. This ticket expires after a set time and this is why I will need to update the ticket. Options that do not seem viable for me(but please let...

Question regarding the ExtJS License

Let's say I create a CMS that uses ExtJS. I want to avoid the license fee, so I open-source the CMS on github. Now let's imagine that I make your friend Dave a website that uses my CMS. I spend three hundred hours designing a logo and layout. Can I charge a fee for this, and would I be obliged to open-source Dave's website too or i...

How can I remove the border of a textArea in extJs?

Hi, I am new to extJs. I want to make the border of a textarea invisible so that it becomes just a blank white space (My purpose is to show it inside a fieldset). Hoe can I achieve this? thanks ...

ExtJs textarea multiline issue

How can I assign text containing \r\n to an ExtJs textarea and get to see line breaks instead of the actual \r\n characters? When I manually press the Enter key and check Firebug, I can see \r\n getting inserted. But if I assign a string containing \r\n to the textarea, it renders as-is. Any hints would be helpful. ...

What things should I be aware of before moving to extJs as an asp.Net developer?

Hi, In the development environment where I code, there is a recent discussion on using extJs JavaScript framework in one of our upcoming project. My question is: As an asp.NET developer who is more or less familiar with JavaScript and jQuery, what critical points should I be aware of to not to be surprised or upset in the middle of my...

What Ext JS Framework files are necessary in a working site?

I've inherited a high-traffic site that loads some Ext javascript files and I'm trying to trim some bandwidth usage. Are Ext libraries necessary for development only or are they required for the finished site? I've never used Ext.: Ext JS - Client-side JavaScript Framework The site loads ext-base.js (35K), ext-all-debug.js (950K), expa...

Ext.form.combobox inside ext.window displays values at top left of screen

I have a combobox inside of a ext.panel, inside of an ext.window. When I click the down arrow to show the possible SELECT options, the options pop up at the top-left of the browser window, instead of below the SELECT box. The funny thing is if I attach the drugDetailsPanel (see code below) to a div on the page (instead of inside an ext.w...

How do you change the header text of columns in an extjs gridpanel for localization?

I found this useful page for learning how to do localization with ExtJS. How can I apply the same principle to the column headers of a GridPanel? ...

extjs datefield iso format?

What is the correct format string for an ext date field of the following kind: 2010-06-22T17:00:00 Thanks ...