
ExtJS's XmlReader field mapping.

Hi , I can't manage to get this Ext.data.XmlReader's CDATA field mapping to work. <script> var store = new Ext.data.Store({ url: '../data/data.xml', // specify a XmlReader reader: new Ext.data.XmlReader({ record: 'entry', fields:[ { name: 'field1', type: 'date', mapping:'field1'}, ...

in extjs how to develop forms ??

Hi I am trying to develop a simple form in extjs, but the problem is I am unable to set the coordinates of my fields actually, here in extjs when I develop a form say two var uplift_box = new Ext.form.NumberField({ name:'uplift_box' , value:0 , allowblank:false , enableKeyEvents:true , fieldLabel:'UPLIFT BOX' });...

how can I dig my variable out of this pit?

I asked a fairly poor question yesterday, but I still have the same general problem. I wanted to add a variable property to an object, and the solution I attempted was to do an ajax request to receive the variable, and then set the property to the response. I think I have tried this at least 100 different ways: Ext.onReady(go); functi...

Browser Detection via JS for Safari 5

How can I check if the user's current browser is Safari 5? Update We have a check on our site that displays a "Browser not supported" message if the user is using an older browser. Currently our error is showing up for the latest Safari and it shouldn't be. ...

Drag and Drop between Grid and "multiselect" control in EXTJS

Hi, Iam new to extjs , i need to do Drag and Drop functionality between Grid and "multiselect" control .. i have configured to "store" with sample fields ,and set "enableDragDrop:true," for both the controls but i can't able to drag and drop between to controls.. Is there any other configuration need to be done ?.. Pls provide any li...

Dynamic window size in ExtJs

Hi there, I am using ExtJS for my project. I need to create a window in ExtJS of variable size to display an image my user has uploaded. But, if a smaller image say 150x150 is uploaded, I want the window to "fit" the image, i.e., the window should be 150x150. But if a larger image, say 3000x3000 is uploaded, then I want the window to...

ExtJs TreeGrid with checkable nodes

If possible, how use? ...

Changing value of a combo box Ext.form.ComboBox Ext JS

I am having a little trouble setting the value of a combo box within the code. I have the following select box new Ext.form.ComboBox({ id: 'address_type', name: 'address_type', editable: false, disableKeyFilter: true, forceSelection: true, fieldLabel: 'Type',...

ExtJS DataStore - markDirty

I'm adding records to a store and marking them dirty using the "markDirty: method on the data record. Once I have saved the data, I want to mark the records as not dirty anymore. I checked the documentation and dirty is a readonly field. I don't see anyway of setting this. Any ideas? ...

Event aggregator for Exj JS

Do you know of any reliable event aggregator implementation for ExtJs? ...

Extjs to get all checkbox having id as abcd_xyz_2_* ?

Hi, I have list of check box as: test1 test2 test3 is it possible to get all the checkbox having name "abcd_xyz_2_*" thru extjs. so that i can make them checked or unchecked THanks All ...

GXT - Auto height in Info popup

I am using class com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.Info for showing popup messages. I need to show messages of different height, so popup element should change its height automatically. For first look, it is possible - Info has method setAutoHeight, inherited from BoxComponent, but I can't get instance of Info - it has only static methods f...

HTML: How to create a scalable layout with elements glued to the edges

I am trying to do something like this: : : ..:..................................................:.. :B <center>B</center> B: : : : Sed et velit sit amet eros pulvinar auctor. : : Integer tristiqu...

how to show scroll bar in extjs

var center= { title:'panCenter', height:800, html:'center', region:'center' } var right= { title:'panCenter', height:400, width:185, html:'right', region:'east' } var main= { region:'center', layout:'border', autoScroll:true, items:[center,right] } Ext.onReady(function(){ var view = new Ext.Viewport({ ...

ExtJS problem with Extended Window, shows in FF not in IE

I get this irritating error message in IE, 'Events is empty or not an object'. This is my Extended window: windowKandidaatInfo = Ext.extend(Ext.Window, { id: 'windowKandidaatInfo', title: 'Kandidaatinfo', border: true, bodyStyle: 'padding: 5px;', layout: 'fit', width: 800, height: 600, pers_id: 0, modal: true, viewConfig: {forceFit: tr...

How to loop through the extjs grid object to get its elements and values

Hello, I have created a grid and want to access it when i click on save button in a page. How can i loop the grid object to get its elemnts and its values ? ...

Extjs How to initialize new elements when extending - without losing scope

I am trying to get better at extending the classes of Extjs, and my evolvement have lead me to this problem: I have extended an Ext.Panel and I want my extension to have a bottom toolbar with one button as default. myPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { method: function () { return 'response!'; }, bbar: new Ext.Toolbar(...

Adding click event to radio boxes Ext.form.Radio in Ext JS

I have a simple radio button: new Ext.form.Radio({ id: 'ptype', boxLabel:'Yes', name: 'price_type', value: 1 }) However Im having trouble adding a on click event ot it. I usually use: listeners: { click: function (a,e) { ...

Is it possible to draw a line chart in Gridpanel using ExtJS

Hi, I am using ExtJS for GUI. I want to plot a line chart inside a Grid Panel. Is this possible? If so, how do we do this? Regards, Anandan ...

Ext gridfilter plugins specify which column header to place it in?

In the ext gridfilter plugin, how can I setup the grid filter to display in a column header of a field that doesn't necessarily match the dataindex value? It seems to match up to whatever the dataindex is set to, am I not seeing an option to apply it to a custom column that isn't matched to the dataindex value? ...