
Making a Multiple Select Control Sortable

Does anyone know how to make a multiple select (see below HTML) sortable? Using either jQuery or Ext JS? By sortable, I mean that I can drag an item (an option) up or down to reposition it in the select control. <select id="testing" multiple=multiple> <option>First Option</option> <option>Second Option</option> <option>Thi...

Loading icon for Extjs olive theme.

Hi, How to create extjs loading icon for olive theme. I tried it in http://www.ajaxload.info. It doesn't have that shape. Regards, Das ...

On click even for divs of a specific class Ext JS

I have been following: http://www.sencha.com/learn/Tutorial:Introduction_to_Ext_2.0 And using the following example: Ext.onReady(function() { var paragraphClicked = function(e) { Ext.get(e.target).highlight(); } Ext.select('p').on('click', paragraphClicked); }); I am using something very similar: Ext.onReady(...

Ext JS on click event

I have the following event: Ext.onReady(function() { Ext.select('.gallery-item img').on('click', function(e) { Ext.select('.gallery-item').removeClass('gallery-item-selected'); Ext.get(e.target).parent().addClass('gallery-item-selected'); }); }); Which works fine when the page loads. However I dynamically create additional ...

Clicking on iFrame does not blur Ext Combobox

I have a page with a Ext.form.ComboBox and a TinyMCE Editor, which uses an iframe for its body. The problem is that when the ComboBox has focus and the user clicks on the iframe, the ComboBox's blur event is not fired. If the user clicks back to the ComboBox, the focus event is also not fired. However, document.activeElement does change ...

Anyway to determine file size before upload?

So we're having this problem. A user goes to upload a file, and if it's above 10MB, it just kind of times out the page, and clears, and no good error is thrown to describe what happened. Ideally, we would like to examine the file size when the user chooses the file they want to upload but I don't know if this is even possible. Our framew...

Ext Js Radio button with input text in its label

In ExtJs I would like to achieve the equivalent of: <input type="radio"><label><input type="text"></label> Where the input box is associated to the radio button. new Ext.form.RadioGroup({ id:"alerts", items: [ new Ext.form.Radio({ ...

How not to pass cookies in an ExtJS HTTPRequest

Hi, I have an application using ExtJS on the front end and TurboGears on the server. I am now started to add cookies to handle customisation front side using the CookieProvider state manager. This is cool but the cookies are passed on every call and these cookies are sizable. I have concerns about the performance hit. Long and short, is...

Javascript component for window/pane flip effect?

I'm prototyping a thin client UI using extjs and am looking for an effect that will simulate a form/pane flipping over to reveal another form/pane. Its for a details view for an object that has two major sets of properties. I found a flex component that can do this, and can even simulate four different forms on the faces of a cube. ...

Using Ext.data.Connection for a Form Load Action

I have created a custom extension of Ext.data.Connection that adds in a couple of headers for all my Ajax requests. I'd like to use the same Connection class to submit a form similar to below, but it seems the http://www.sencha.com/deploy/dev/docs/?class=Ext.form.Action has its own configuration. var conn = new MyCustom.Request({ ...

Whats difference between library EXT-JS , EXT-CORE , EXT-GWT

Whats difference between library EXT-JS , EXT-CORE , EXT-GWT as i have worked on ext-js so please explain me in a layman language :) ...

Multiple items in fit layout in ExtJS

Hi, I have created multiple items in a single panel. Now i want to display this panel in a 'fit' layout. I don't want to fix the height and width for this panel. I know 'fit' layout allows only one item to display. Is it possible to use 'fit' layout here? Or Is there any alternative to achieve this? Thanks, Anandan ...

ExtJS Dynamically setting tab index

How can I dynamically set a tab index in ExtJS? I can't see anything in the docs for it, only a config option for it. If I try to do an .apply, it still doesn't work. I know I can probably extend the framework to support this since it is just a DOM element, but I'm sure I'm missing something simpler. Help? ...

ExtJS grid problem with html

I have an ExtJS grid connected to a store. When I add a thumbnail column with an <img> tag inside store, grid shows 0. Is there some kind of html filtering? If I change the store data to something without html tags it shows fine. Excuse my awful English and thanks in advance. ...

Ext js with jsf

Hi there, I am newbie on both jsf and extjs and currently i am working on integration of extjs to jsf .I tried to find some samples from internet but i couldn't find any. Is there any examples of it or is it possible to integrate jsf with extjs in a efficent way? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. ...

ExtJS Grid displays date column but not the other

Hello All, I've been having some trouble finding the problem in my code, so thought I'd try to find a second pair of eyes. Code: var logStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ autoLoad: true, url: 'inc/interface/config.php?list=messages', root: 'logs', id: 'ID', fields: ['ReceivedAt', 'Message'] }); var logGrid = new Ex...

ExtJS: missing } after property list but I dont see any code errors

load failed -- arguments: [Object api=Object, Object request=Object reader=Object scope=Object, Object tId=0 status=200 statusText=OK, SyntaxError: missing } after property list message=missing } after property list] I got that error by adding an exception to my store but don't see any real error in my code...maybe another set of eyes ...

Getting started with ExtPascal: some minimalistic tutorials or code examples needed

Tonight I tried to attempt an ExtPascal application. I am using Delphi 2009. I followed all the steps in the Getting Started section and after some fights I was able to type http://localhost/cgi-bin/ExtPascalSamples/ in the browser and see (almost) this effect (almost, last 3 panels had some display problems, the Show source code bu...

On change event Ext.form.DateField

I have a Ext.form.DateField: new Ext.form.DateField({ id: 'date_from', format: 'd/m/Y', editable: false, listeners: { change: function (t,n,o) { console.log('dsd'); } } }) However unfortunately the change event does not seem to be execute...

Ext JS removeAll(false) behaviour

I have been using the following snippet of code in my app to drive a menu that contains different trees depending upon what is selected. It tries to create tree panels only once and to then reuse them if they are selected again, i.e. to keep the trees expanded state. var west = Ext.getCmp("west-panel"); west.removeAll(false); ...