
Ext.data.Store does not reload inmediately

when trying to populate A ENTIRE GRID using the ajax from a combobox in the select listener when i try to recall or reload the datastore i'm still getting the old values, instead of the new ones. i have to get the new values because according to the parameter selected in the combobox the textfields and the others editor will populate wit...

Extjs values not submitted

When submitting a form with Extjs I can see the form items have values with this code just before the submit: var itemsForm = ''; function mostraItems(item, index, length) { itemsForm += item.id + ':' + item.name + ':' + item.value + ':' + index + '\n'; } myForm.form.items.each(mostraItems); alert (itemsForm); myForm...

Customising the JSON generated by EXT-JS

Hello, I am using EXT-JS 3.2.0 and I have an Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel backed by a Ext.data.Store object. The store has the restful flag on and uses Ext.data.JsonReader and Ext.data.JsonWriter. It works great for retrieving data and populating the grid. However, when I add or update a record, the JSON produced for the POST/PUT has the d...

ScriptTagProxy in ExtJS doing an OPTIONS instead of GET?

That's about it. I'm trying to get some delicious cross-domain JSON and for some reason the method that's going through is OPTIONS, even though I've explicitly specified method:'GET' in the config for the ScriptTagProxy. Ideas? ...

How to create dynamic tabs from a grid column on page load in extjs

I am generating data in a grid panel using json store. I have to generate tabs from the content of column 1 on page load . How can I generate those dynamic tabs from column 1? ...


i want form.load full the comboxcheckboxtree, but control appearl error message: this.tree.getRootNode is not a function [Break on this error] var root = this.tree.getRootNode(); i don't know how to do? i know it's error, but i'll how to do? ...

how to add checkbox column to Extjs Grid

i have EXTjs grid. i want to know how to add the checkbox to the Extjs grid column... pls help... in my datatable i ll get the value for the column 'Status'. it may br either true/false. so based on that it should show the checkbox column checked / unchecked. urgent.... ...

ExtJS mode for Emacs

I got used to Emacs, and it's JavaScript modes are quite modest, as far as I can tell. I'm about to do some serious ExtJS coding, and I'd like to use Emacs. Spket plugin available in Eclipse is great, but is there any ExtJS Emacs mode available? After thorough Google querying, I reckon that chances are very slim, but... hey... just askin...

can anyboby write a hello world example for me for grouptabs

hi can anybody write hello world for group tabs,I am eanble to do it and facing lots of problem also link from -> www.java2s.com is not working , i want something like this ----> grouptab ...

submit changes on extjs roweditor grid

Hello everyone!I have a grid what update my database (via PHP) with JSON record. I want to know, how the data writed - record or not. I have an answer from PHP (true or false) to the grid, but dont know how to use it. How my grid can use this answer? (success event?) Now, for example, User added new record without id at database (and i...

Extjs form.submit() call changing field value

I can see what are the values of the fields just before the submit: var itemsForm = ''; function mostraItems(item, index, length) { itemsForm += item.id + ':' + item.name + ':' + item.value + ':' + index + '\n'; } myForm.form.items.each(mostraItems); alert (itemsForm); myForm.form.submit({... The problem I have is that the submitted v...

Extjs change fieldLabel after field is rendered. Any better solution?

I examined how ExtJs renders form's fields in dom. To change fieldLabel after field is rendered I find proper dom element and change its innerHTML; /** * Modifies field's label afrer field is rendered. * * @param {object} field * Some object that directly or indirecty extends Ext.form.Field * @param {String} label * New value for ...

Security issue of extjs

how can i convince my client that extjs is safe to use ??? or Better how can i assure my programming is safe in extjs-3.x , so that data donot get into wrong hands or cannot be hacked or if somebody download my website javascript by some tool on desktop how will i makesure it will not run and many more ??? like sql injection ...

Server side technology with ext-js

I have chosen Ext-JS to develop the UI for my next application. I am wondering what is the best way for Ext-JS to interact with my server. Should I use plain JSPs which return a JSON response? Should I use DWR or Jabsorb which provides direct remoting with backend java code. Any other solution? I am more concerned about performance and...

Conversion of table to Excel from JavaScript

I need to export my EditorGridPanel grid data to excel without sending any data to server-side, cross browser and cross platform solution that will work in ie6 and ie7. Any pure JavaScript solution is good as well! So far i have found only data URI solution which is great but ie supports it only from 8-th version. Also there is a possib...

How to add a row hyperlink for an extJS Grid?

Can someone please throw some light on how to go about rendering an hyperlink in the cells of a particular column in ExtJS? I have tried binding the column to a render function in my JS, from which I send back the html: <a href="ControllerName/viewName">SELECT</a> However, with this, the problem is that, once I hit the controller thro...

extjs submit tabpanel under formpanel??

layout:window-->tabpanel-->formpanel. if i want submit formpanel,but have a lot formpanel, i don't know how to do! is layout problem ? i'm java programmer.i use struts2+extjs... ...

ok button in record Form plugin in extjs

how to get the updated records,i am overriding the on Ok function to save changes in form. 1.i just override the on ok function,but not able to get modified record.Ext.override(Ext.ux.grid.RecordForm , { onOK:function() { updateRecord1(); } }); function updateRecord1() {//alert('record'); var records =store.getModified...

EXTJS: Change the color of a node

Hello All, I need to be able to change the color of a node in a treepanel. I thought this would be pretty simple, but i am having a heck of a time finding anything. Thanks ...

how to place horizontal scroll bar in Ext js Grid.

how to place horizontal scroll bar in Ext js Grid. pls help ...