
Generate a normal Link (<a href="...">) in ExtJS

Hi, I'm struggling with a really simple problem here. I want to generate a normal link in frontend but it seems to don't work somehow. Here is the code i use for the generation of the link (the link was a button before which obened a new window with a specified URL on click). { xtype: 'button', id: 'PrintTool', tooltip: 'Printer...

On select / click event of a Ext.RadioGroup

Again Im probably being stupid, I am having trouble with listener events of objects. I have: new Ext.form.Radio({ boxLabel:'Yes', id: 'car_price_type_yes', name: 'car_price_type', value: 1, listeners: { select: fu...

Force Ext to create body element for hidden (collapsed) panel

I've created a panel bundled with an Ext.Template. This panel is contained in another panel that starts its life collapsed. id: 'myPanel', title: 'My Title', layout: 'border', collapsible: true, collapsed: true, hideCollapseTool:true, bodyBorder: false, height: 300, bodyStyle: 'backg...

combo and custom search

i have a combo and custom search i want that, the combo option also should be included in the search option..means when the search is posted i want the combo option to be in search,for example combo value is type,and search field is name so the search should look for both i need to override the searchfield class?how? ...

A free alternative for ExtJS

Hello everybody, I am looking for a framwork such as ExtJS with smiliar controls and the important thing: The Layout. ExtJS is my favorite framework, but i can't afford it at the moment for some commercial projects i want to make. I have looked at Mochaui, but that does not have the same experience that i had with ExtJS. Does someone ...

Reloading a json store with new parameters ExtJs Ext.data.JsonStore

I am currently having trouble of reloading a json store with new parameters. Here is my store: newsletters = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ url: '/newsletters/', root: 'results', fields: [ 'id', 'body' 'recipients' ], baseParams: { command: 'json', to: dateTo, fro...

How i can create context menu for extjs grid

I can create context menu for tree and attach to 'contextmenu' event. Code: contextMenu = new Ext.menu.Menu({ items: [{ text: 'Edit', iconCls: 'edit', hadler: edit },...] }) Ext.getCmp('tree-panel').on('contextmenu', function(node) { contextMenu.show(node.ui.getAnchor()); }) But how i can create context menu for gri...

EXTJS - How to verify if element exists?

Hi all, I need to know if a boxComponent exists in a ext formPanel in order to take some actions... Is there some way to know that? something like this: if(getElementById("boxId") != 'undefined' ){ alert('exists'); } ...

JSONstore not returning data properly

Hello All, I've had this problem for awhile now, but I keep narrowing down the issue and I think I have main problem figured out now. While my JSONstore calls to the PHP correctly, and firebug does give me the correct data back from the database, it will not display in my grid. I have a grid with only 2 columns a date, and an entry fro...

Enabling ExtJS code completion with IntelliJ IDEA

Hi, How do I enable auto-complete/code completion feature of IntelliJ IDEA to work with ExtJS javascript library? Thanks ...

How can I get the submit button on an ExtJS form to sit directly to the right of the form fields?

By default my ExtJS forms want to put the submit button in its own little div below the form field elements, making things look like this: ______________ |blah blah | -------------- | /submit/| ______________ Big and ugly. I want something like this: http://gowalla.com/api/explorer Obviously this would be a snap to do in ...

EXTSJS: treepanel move a branch programmatically

Hello All, I have a tree where users can drag and drop branches. Now this works all well and good, but i need to be able to move a branch programmatically. I need to simulate a cut and paste (i will have the user using buttons instead of Cntrl X and V) Anyone have an idea of where i should start? Any help would be greatly appreciate...

extjs show validation when switching tabs

HI, I hope somebody can help me here with the extjs framework. The problem I am having is that the field validation is not being rendered for the tabs that are not visibele on initialisation off the panel. It only starts working when clicking in the textfields. What I need is something to force the validation cue's for the fields on a...

EXT JS combobox not reload data

Hi guys! Ive got a problem - in my grid I linked two combobox (country and town) . I am choosing country and correctly get all towns(JSON), but on next change country combobox my town combobox not reload. What im doing wrong? Here my code Ext.onReady(function(){ Ext.QuickTips.init(); var Organization = Ext.data.Record.create([{ nam...

How to view server side scripting in extjs

I'm working with a long form/survey in extjs which calls a script which then does a lot of checking and processing with the submitted form data. This is all fine, but my problem is that when I submit the script I really need to see what is going on server side. Currently I am not seeing anything, as the console debug just returns a err...

I need help with messaging and queuing middleware systems for extjs

Hi there, I developed a system that consists of software and hardware interaction. Basically its a transaction system where the transaction details are encrypted on a PCI device then returned back to my web based system where it is stored in a DB then displayed using javascript/extjs in the browser. How I do this now is the following: ...

How to debug ExtJS in IE8

Hi, i'm trying to debug an ExtJS application using IE8 but the file ext-all-debug.js it's too big for the internal IE8 debugger and takes ages to load the code, is there any faster Javascript debugger for IE8 ? Another solution that i came up with is to include every extjs file instead of the big ext-all-debug.js but i cant't find the fu...

Problem with adding an event to the combo

I have a combobox: <ext:ComboBox ID="cbGroup" runat="server" Width="150" OnItemSelected="cbGroup_ItemSelected"> </ext:ComboBox> and a method: protected void cbGroup_ItemSelected(object sender, EventArgs e) { FilterItemSelected(this, new EventArgs()); } when the item in the combobox is changed the me...

Can we create reports using EXTJS ?

Hello, I want to know if we can create reports using EXTJS. Thnx a lot ...

Implementing a simple file upload in extjs

When the file is uploaded with standardsubmit set to false (the default) the file uploads, but then a javascript error crashes it because it cannot parse the reply - it's expecting a JSON response. When set to true, it works, but you cannot alter the target (or if you can, I can't find out how), which is something I need to do, I need i...