
ExtJS - Fill and Auto Height

Hi! I'm using ExtJS (html/css) and I've got a question regarding Layout. Example: |--------| | | | | | | | | | | |--------| | | | | |--------| The combined height (they don't have any padding, margin etc.) is 100% of it's parent container. Preferably, it's two panels somehow stacked on...

ExtJS vs. jQueryUI

I recently had the experience of doing the same thing (a search combo box) with jquery and extjs. I found extjs to be buggy and overly complex. On the contrary, I found jquery to work very well and be very simple. I am wondering what are other people's experiences of using extjs. Does extjs complexity actually buy you something? ...

How to implement accesskey on ExtJs tabs?

I have implemented scrollable extjs tab panel in our product. But I also need to support accesskey functionality. For example, an "Alt + P" keystroke will open up one of tab. Does anyone have any experience about implementing this? ...

Can Dynamic Vtype validation Done(like below code) in extjs

Hi, I am new to extjs. I like to know, Is it possible to do dynamic vtype validation like below code... customRegEX = /^[a-z0-9]/i customMsg = 'Must be an alphanumeric word' function ConstructVtype(customRegEX,customMsg) { var custExp = customRegEX; Ext.apply(Ext.form.VTypes, { AlphaNum: function(v,field) { ...

Extjs panel above modal mask

Hi, all. I need to display info panel in my app, even if modal window is open. How can I acheive that? or mayme this is impossible? ...

Coolite equivalent for jquery?

Does anyone know of a well-supported ASP.NET wrapper for jquery (much like the way Coolite works for ExtJS)? I have a lot of ASP.NET web forms experience and really don't like writing javascript. I've found working with raw jquery in the web forms model to be difficult (especially when dealing with animations and handling postbacks). If...

Why is doLayout not working on second click?

Hi there, I am using the doLayout function on a window. var win = new Ext.Window({ id: 'site-action-window', closeAction: 'hide', resizable: false, layout: 'fit' }); function showWin(f) { win.removeAll(); win.add(f); win.setSize(400, 150); win.setTitle(localize.addLanguage); win.show(); ...

ExtJS Tree same parentNode

Hi All, I am rendering a Tree using Jason array that i get from a jsp page. So the tree has root node and 3 nodes and each node has more than 5 children and some of the children has same id and same text. It renders properly and no issues in display. I am trying to make the user select child nodes of only one type (one of 3 nodes). if ...

problem with callback function in javascript using extjs

My callback code (js file) is something like function addcontent(Title, tUrl, bURL, Id,purl){ alert(Id) var runcontent = new Ext.Panel({ id: 'tt' + Id, region: 'center', autoLoad: { url: tUrl, callback: function(el){ addwindow(el, Id, bURL,purl); }, scripts: true, nocache: true...

How to avoid scrollbar space while its not appear in extjs grid pannel?

Hi in my java project we have extjs grid. while i increase data in grid pannel automatically vertical scrollbar will come.if the data is small amount the scrollbar will not appear. but the space of scrollbar is appeared in my grid. What i need is while data amount is small it shouldnot show scroll bar and scrollbar space, and when i ince...

In Extjs While updating in Grid if Session Timeout how to redirect to login page ?

Hi, How to identify the sessiontime out issue while updating the value in the grid and redirect to login page.. my application (java spring hibernate with extjs) i.e.. i am updating the extjs grid record and while submitting the changes, if the session is expired i need to identify that particular exception and redirect to the login ...

ExtJS - Open tab through clicking on link in GridPanel (column renderer)

Hi, I created link in the grid panel, so that when I click on the link and it will open another tab in the tab panel. Currently I render the column cell output into html href with onClick event. But it seems that got error when the renderer method openrender() call the other method newtab(), which showing error function newtab() cannot b...

ExtJS: how can we get the size of the store in a grid

Hi, I am trying to get the size of the store I am using in the grid. But I am not able to find any method to get the size of the store(number of records in the grid). Could anyone plz help, how can I achieve this. Thanks, Neha ...

Lightweight Ruby MVC web development framework which plays nicely with ExtJS

I'm looking for a lightweight MVC Ruby framework for developing an ExtJS application. I started with Rails 3.0, but I feel that I'm struggling with the ActionPack (which I don't really need). Since all the UI (view) is done in ExtJS, I don't need any rendering support. What I do need is a routing infrastructure (for REST), session suppo...

get records from json store extjs

i have a json store loaded , i need to grab one record from it i used ; getAt(index) , find() , getById() , but no results this is my code : var appSettingReader = new Ext.data.JsonReader({ root: 'results', },[ {name: 'id', type: 'int', mapping: 'id'}, {name: 'projetId'...

Ext-js: How to resize / close browser window?

Does Ext-js come with functionality to manipulate the browser window? Specifically, I want to resize and close the current browser window. (Browser window, the browser's native window, as opposed to Ext-js' widgets). It it possible or must I resort to plain old javascript? ...

ExtJS or SmartClient?

Hi, I would like your opinion about these two frameworks. I like a lot the features of ExtJS, but recently I saw SmartClient and it seems to be great too, and free (its Client side features) for commercial projects. I tried a little of SmartClient and it seems to be easier than ExtJS, and it has a better documentation tnan ExtJS. BUT.....

EXTJS TextField Help in the side

Hello, I want to add like a ? beside of a TextField so as if the mouse pases over, it shows some help How can I do it please. Thnx ...