
Extjs : How to combine Tab Panel and Menu panel in one Panel just like in Internet Explorer

I have requirement that I need to combine Tabs and menus in one panel just like IE. Is this possible? ...

differenct btween of applyTo and contentEl in extjs

What is the differenct btween of applyTo and contentEl in extjs ? They are two config propertis of the panel . ...

EXTJS - Move component in FormPanel

Hey, I am nearly stopped in one things. Need some help of genius's mind. . I have form-panel and in it many 'fieldset' are created. Now I want to move fieldset inside the form. Critical things(!!) but I need to do this. ...

How to assign a array to grid in extjs

Hi, My extjs grid will be refresh after a few seconds with data loaded from server (thru jQuery). I am new to extjs. Please show me how to do that. Thanks. ...

sending ajax form to jsp page

I have my ajax url placed as url:'save-form.jsp'. now how would i know that whether the form is submitted to jsp page or not. how can i check it from jsp end. When i click on submit it does not even redirect to the jsp page. id:'save-form', el:'pagingJson-grid', labelWidth: 75, // label settings here cascade unless overridden url:'sav...

Add bottom side-to-side scroll bar to ExtJS Grid

Here are my two grids -- they are ExtJs grids however we wrap the declarations in vb.net code: Dim VehicleOptionsGrid As New Framework.WebControls.Grids.Grid With VehicleOptionsGrid .ID = "VehicleOptionsGrid" .Title = "Vehicle Options" .Toolbar.UseDefaultButtons = False .Mode = Grids.Grid.Grid...

is jersey a better choice for ExtJS than Spring MVC?

What are the advantages/disadvantages of using Jersey with ExtJS than to use Spring MVC? Any of you using this combination of frameworks? Please share some insights. Thanks. ...

No output when integrating ExtJS with Grails

Hi, I am in the process of integrating extJS with Grails. Below is my list action in my music.TuneController. def list = { def tuneInstanceList = new ArrayList<Tune>() def tune= new Tune(); tune.playerId = "ASDF"; tune.playerPrice= "100"; tuneInstanceList.add(tune); def listResult = [ tota...

Extjs - Ext.grid.RowNumberer

Hi, Is there any way to show my autoincreament (int) inside - Ext.grid.RowNumberer? Thanks ...

How to load array of object into extjs gridpanel

Hi, I am new to ExtJS. In examples, I do not find any one similar to my situation: I have an Array of Object like bellow: arr = new Array(); obj = new Object(); obj.StringField = "Field1"; obj.IntField = 1; arr.push(obj); obj = new Object(); obj.StringField = "Field2"; obj.I...

Dynamic Namespace in JavaScript

Is it possible to create a dynamic namespace in a javascript class? I'm running into an issue where I need to use this class twice on the same page but it uses the same namespace in both spots so it's failing. ...

How to change extjs grid row color

I want to change the color of the row in a extjs-3.1 grid from default to "dark red", When i either hover my mouse on row or i select a row , Please help. ...

Move cursor to next field with Javascript

Basically the function below is a listener for a change in selection of one dropdown. I want the cursor to move to the next field on the page as well the below function is executed. How do I do this in Javascript? The next field on the page is an ExtJs textbox. function changeVehicleCondition() { var ValuationSource = getCurren...

Extjs validation of form with multiple panels

I'm creating a form with 6 panels. On the top of the form there is a combo. based on the selected combo value i'm showing one panel and hiding the remaining panels.If i declare vtypes for all panel fields,When the time of submission it will validates the fields of panels which are not visible also. I want visible panel fields should be...

How do I update a tabPanel item title in extjs (sencha touch)

How od I update the title property for an item in a tabPanel from another function? mainpanel is my tabPanel and I am successfully updating the title according to my js debugger. Calling doLayout(); doesn't seem to redraw the tab in the UI though! var mainpanel = Ext.getCmp('mainpanel'); var item = mainpanel.items.items[0]; ...

Ext JS textarea grow bug

Hi, we have an application that use some TextArea components in various tabs. The problem is that when we insert text into a TextArea (with grow:true) the TextArea correctly resize itself, but when we change the tab and display a new TextArea, this new TextArea has the size of the TextArea present into the other tab. When we click on ...

Servlet Flow on a Request via Ajax

Ext.Ajax.request({url:'DeleteAction',success: doneFunction,failure: errorFunction,params:{name:rname}}); The above code is my Ajax request which goes to DeleteAction Servelet. Can anyone let me know what happens next in the below code. When this file is called what is first thing getting called. What does the doGet and doPost method ...

Reading parameters enterd on the screen

Hi, I have a page that accepts parameters from the user. I read this parameter in my action using params.playerId. and then do the computations with it. I have changed my UI now and am using extJS for display purposes. Therefore I have an edit and an editData action. editData action has the code to run the sql and execute the approp...

Extjs form submitting multiple times

Hi, I'm using a form for edit some records. Each time When Edit link is clicked i'm loading one record data into form, changing the values and updating, its worked fine for the first time. When i load another record data into form and update it, the present record is updating and the previous record is also updating with the new data. ...

How to execute a javascript before dom is ready?

I need to execute a javascript before the page is start to load? how can i do it? Atfirst my script should execute, after completion of script, if i need i should load the page else i shouln't load it. For example if my script redirect to another page i shouldnot load the current page else i should load it. ...