
Ext JS and PHP File upload and parsing error

Hi, I am trying to upload a text file with more than one record but I keep getting a syntax() error. The implemented logic works fine if there is only one record in the file. Could the problem be that I am echoing multiple records in my foreach loop? Description: Ext JS interface where the user browses for a file. Once file is selecte...

ExtJS reset Search field

Hi, I am using a grid with a Grid Search plugin (http://extjs.eu/docs/?class=Ext.ux.grid.Search) I keep hiding and showing this grid every time the user press a button. I would like to reset the search field of the plugin every time the grid is displayed. What happens now is that the user clicks, the grid is shown and the user can sear...

Editable Combobox with ExtAspNet?

Does anyone know how to achieve an editable combobox with ExtAspNet? The input element has its readonly attribute set, so I think I can just remove that attribute, but I'm wondering if there is an easier way. ...

extjs 3 - Stop combobox from collapsing when [+] in tree within combobox is clicked

hi everyone I have implemented tree within combobox using idea from this thread but when [+] or arrow on tree is clicked, the combobox collapses Is there any way to stop this???????? Please help me....Thanks alot....... Regards ...


I am a little new to EXTJS,using 2.2.1. I know to use column model for Grid to show data. Can I make the column model object from backend and use it in frontend.I am using pyhton for backend. ...

Conditional call based on JSON data

hi, I am trying to modify my Javascript page, which uses Ext Js library.(I don't have any idea about ext js, haven't worked on it either) What I want To do is that based on the JSON DATA particularly the field "successProperty", I want to decide whether to upload the grid or give an alert. What I can possibly do is to add an event to ...

Cannot delete ExtJs GridPanel from a ExtJs Panel

I have a Panel that starts with an empty items collection. During the course of the application, it becomes necessary to add an GridPanel to the Panel. This appears to work fine. At some other point in the application, it becomes necessary to remove the GridPanel, and add another one. I have tried several methods to clear the Panels con...

ExtJs Get the ID of the drop target

Hi all I've created an extJs drag and drop tree and I'm attemting to check whether a node exists in a particular branch before it's dropped in. To do this, I'm overwriting a method called beforeDragDrop() (Link), which passes in the whole Target tree, the Event object, and the Dragged item ID. Calling Event.getTarget() gives me the th...

Why doesn't extjs qtip on combobox show up in internet explorer ?

hi all, I've added an extJS quicktip (qtip) to an extJS combobox and it works well in FF, Chrome, Safari but not in IE7 and IE8. Here is a code snippet: var searchConfig = { store: store, tpl: tpl, hideTrigger: false, minChars: 1, queryDelay: 50, emptyText: OpenLayers.i18n('Geo search.....

Resetting event handlers in ExtJS

I have a page where there are multiple records. Each record has a button to open a dialog box to create a name. The name then creates a related record in the database and updates the source record. There is a single dialog box instantiated and I want to show the dialog box, get the result and return it to the correct record. The code b...

ExtJS ComboBox inside Grid

I want to have a combox inside of a grid cell, but not an EditableGrid. What I don't like about the EditableGrid is that you have to first click on the cell to show the combobox and then you make your selection in the combobox. I want it so that the combobox always shows in the cell. There doesn't seem to be an easy way to do this, or...

ux media plugin for extjs

How can i use this plugin, uxmedia [extjs] in my application. any example http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?23983-ux.Media-.Flash-Flex-Components-2.1.2&highlight=ux.Media ...

EXTjs - Eval multi json elements

Hi, I want to take some data from the server and eval it. if i eval 1 element in the json, it works fine, but if i eval more, i get an error this is the operation (Using jquery for the ajax): ,getColsFromServer : function(){ return [new Ext.grid.RowNumberer(), Ext.util.JSON.decode('{"id":"id","dataIndex":"id","header":...

extjs buttons in toolbar appearance

Hey, i have a small question really but something i cant seem to find out. when i place a button in a extjs toolbar, it appears with a default apperance (like any windows toolbar options) how do i make it look like a button in a form ?? ...

Setting dropdown to first value

I have an .aspx hidden control that stores a defaultId for this dropdown. However, the values in the dropdown can change and sometime the defaultId is listed as one of the selections, other times it isn't. When the drop down clears we run this to reset it: Global.getComponent("ddlVehicleType").setValue(Global.getComponent("DefaultVehicl...

How to set the file types in the coolite FileUploadField

I using coolite in my project. And upload files through the FileUploadField control. I have to add a filter for the file type, so that the user could see only jpeg and bmp files from the choose file dialog. Havent found how this can be implemented in the web. Can anyone give me a hint on this one? ...

ExtJs - Destroy and render component

Hello, I'm trying to destroy and render a grid and doesn't work... var gridCategory = new Ext.grid.GridPanel(...); I just fire a button called 'Render grid'... gridCategory.render('gridArea'); and gridCategory.rendered becomes True so I have a button called 'Destroy grid' gridCategory.destroy(); and gridCategory.rendered keeps ...

Waiting message for Store

I have grid and relating store. How to add waiting message to grid while store update the some record ? ...

Spring dropped support for ExtJS, alternatives?

I've seen that Spring has dropped support for ExtJS for some time now and they went for dojo instead. So, is it still worth using ExtJS? And if so, which controller technology do you use when writing ExtJS+Java-based apps? I've heard some people saying DWR but I don't like that it autogenerates the JS code. Thanks ...

ExtJS: starting HtmlEditor defaulting to source

Hi, I'm using ExtJS 3.2.1 and I need a component almost identical to the bundled HtmlEditor, with one exception: it must start editing the HTML source code directly. The reason I don't use a normal TextArea is that the user should be able to preview the result of his actions before submitting. I've tried calling toggleSourceEdit(), as p...