
Implement Unobtrusive Javascript with Parameters

What's your strategy for passing parameters to unobtrusive Javascript? Say we have three dynamically generated input fields which need to be validated for ranges: <input id="smallValue" class="validatedRange" /> <input id="mediumValue" class="validatedRange" /> <input id="largeValue" class="validatedRange" /> In the Javascript: Ext....

Extjs ComboBox doesn't pick the correct value when setValue is called.

I have the following code: // Part of a larger form. { xtype: 'combo', id: 'enroller', valueNotFoundText: 'not found', triggerAction: 'all', mode: 'local', fieldLabel: 'Enroller', store: new Ext.data.JsonStore({ url: url, root: 'data', autoLoad: true, fields: ['enrollerID', 'na...

ExtJS TreeLoader Issue

I'm not too familiar with ExtJS, but am working on a project that uses it. We are making use of a TreePanel with a TreeLoader that loads all node data from the server in one call. We have an event in which I need to access the attributes of every node in the tree. The way I am doing this is using the TreePanel's getNodeById method. The ...

EditorGridPanel doesn't have row over effect in extjs

hi everyone I just noticed that EditorGridPanel doesn't have row over effect as in GridPanel so i tried to add following in config overCls: 'x-grid3-row-over' where x-grid3-row-over is as follows (i copied from grid.css) : .x-grid3-row-over { border-color:#ddd; background-color:#efefef; background-image:url(../images/def...

what event is fired when node is invalid in treepanel in extjs

hi everyone When a node is dropped it goes to beforenodedrop event in TreePanel But what happens when node is invalid ? it doesn't drop and so beforenodedrop event is not notified What event is that????? Can somebody please tell me????? Thanks alot in advance Regards ...

Cancel dropping a node in GRID in extjs

hi everyone There is isValidDropPoint() in TreeDropZone from which if we return false then it will not drop that node (or goto beforenodedrop event) I want to know what function is there in GRID from which if i return false then it will not drop that node (or goto notifyDrop event) Thanks alot in advance Regards ...

the labelrenderer of the time axis in extjs

Note: This is a cross post at:extjsForum since I got no answer there,so I ask here. Anyone who decide to answer this post can see the forum first to make sure if the question has been answer. :) The following is my core code to make a Column chart to show the visitors and bytes of my website, however I found that I can not handle the ...

extjs: load tree via json returned from Ext.data.JsonStore

Hi All i have a extjs TreePanel that i need to load using json data (cross-domain call) returned from my Ext.data.JsonStore call. That works perfectly. I just cant find a way to use the returned jsonStore to load the treepanel. Any ideas? I am real desperado. Thanks everyone! code snippet: var store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ roo...

EXT JS custom TreeNodeUI or XTemplate

I'm looking for a way to get a custom template for a node in TreePanel .. i would like to wrap it in a div or something like that. Can abybody help ? ...

Date validation in ExtJS

Hi, I have a datefield in a form like this: { xtype:'datefield', name:'order[date]', id:'dato', format:'d-m-Y', allowBlank: false, cls:'input_single', emptyText:'dd-mm-yyyy', minValue:new Date().add('d',-1), ...

ExtJS XTemplate and empty JSON parsing

How do you determine that a JSON object is empty in a XTemplate? I've tried <tpl if="myObject != {}"> <tpl if="myObject"> <tpl if="myObject != undefined"> etc, but can't seem to find the right way to detect an empty object. Thanks. ...

ExtJS Pivot Grid Left-Axis height different than data-cell height

I'm trying out ExtJS Pivot Grid. I'm using the examples pretty much as-is from examples (here: http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-3.3-beta1-6976/examples/pivotgrid/people.html ) except I'm putting the grid in a layout so that I can have another grid below it. What seems to be happening is the Left-Axis grid 'stretches' vertically to fill ...

Extjs - force panel/grid to be 100% height

Hi, I have a simple grid/panel that is located under a tab. I cant get it to be in 100% height of the parent tab. How do you do it? height:'100%' and viewConfig:{ forceFit: true } wont work. Thanks ...

How to handle beforetabchange event?

I am using ext.js tab panel of coolite. How to handle the beforetabchange event in case of tab panel. Please help me with some sample codes. thx in advance EDITED: Here is the following html code and I need the handler which will stop the tab-change propagation based on certain condition. [code] Tab-1 </ext:Tab...

ExtJS combo load and disable

Hi everybody, I summarize the issue like this. I use a form to edit user information which is loaded from the DB (I get these values through a JSONStore) I want to enable/disable a combo depending on the loaded value of another combo. Example: disable combo2 if the loaded value into combo1 = 0 if I load combo1 = 1, combo2 = 12 : Ev...

ExtJS Drag with Scroll

Hi all I have an interface pretty much identical to one located in the ExtJS examples page: here However, if you select items in the images panel, and then attempt to drag the scrollbar in any direction, the items are unselected and another drag instance is started. Makes sense on one level, but what if the user is trying to drag a lar...

textfield with link

hi, as I can get my textfield displays the contents as <a>? items: [{ xtype: 'textfield', value: '<a href="www.google.com"> www.google.com </a>' <-- }] ...

extjs html layout

I already know that ExtJs is a framework to build RIA and it doesn't fit well into a defined page layout. My applications is one page only where the main content is dynamic (from Ajax call) <html> <head> some stuff</head> <body> <div class = “header”> some stuff </div> <div class=”wrap”> <div class=”mainContent” id=...

Get relative position with extjs

What's the proper way to get the position of an element on the page relative to the document? offsety/x is the jquery variant: http://docs.jquery.com/CSS/offset I need the EXTJS variant please. Edit Possible problem. Because grid components are not part off the dom, the grid height is not taken into consideration. I think I need a c...

Ext js problem setting height dynamicly of a grid when autoHeight is already set

Hello, I am trying to toggle the height off a grid when the initial setup has autoheight is true. I want to be able to toggle the height when the grid becomes bigger then the browser view. The grid is on a normal page without an ext viewport. If I try setting a height like this, then I loose the scrollbar. I can see in firebug that th...