
ExtJs FormPanel - How to submit form using buttons declared inline?

I'm getting started with ExtJs. I'm building a very simple login form: Ext.onReady(function () { Ext.QuickTips.init(); // turn on validation errors beside the field globally Ext.form.Field.prototype.msgTarget = 'side'; var loginForm = new Ext.form.FormPanel({ url: '/Account/Login', monitorValid: true, ...

Technologies to use for a project done in a small startup company

About the project It's a RIA project where lots of widgets are needed specifically: trees tables layouts etc. My primary targets with the project are: get first version done very fast(this is most important) make the app run very fast(this is also very important) to be accessible also on mobile phones(which have slow processors) ...

how to autoresize iframe contents on extjs webdesktop

hi all , i'm creating my personal extjs webdesktop , i have a tab panel with a tab where i wrote html code for iframe that load a aspx page. When i resize window tabpanel iframe contents doesn't resize like a browser does and i see just scroll bars,is it possible autoresize iframe contents also? here there is my code: items: [{ ...

ExtJS method load() just doesn't work

I'm going through some beginners tutorials on ExtJS and when I try to load a .html file with some HTML code it doesn't work here's the test.html with the ExtJS code <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title id='title'>HTML Page setup Tutorial</title> <!-- ** CSS ** --> <...

ExtJS Find Node within Tree Branch

Hi all I'm trying to check whether a certain node exists beneath a branch of an ExtJS tree. Knowing the ID of the parent node, is there a library function to check whether a node exists beneath the parent (by its ID)? I've checked the API numerous times over, and can only seem to accomplish this by iterating through the entire branch o...

ExtJS FormPanel change element names

I have a FormPanel with a tree of checkboxes wich are added on creation. Now i want to change the general name pattern of all checkboxes inside the panel. According to the DOM the names are changed correctly but when i submit the form still the old names are submitted. Tried calling .doLayout but without any luck. Any ideas? changePredi...

Success handler not getting called in file upload using extjs

I have a J2EE web app with a form where I upload a file to a location on a server. During the upload a waitMsg is shown to the user which should disappear once the upload is completed with a msgBox indicating the same. The code for the success case is also provided in the js file. However the upload works fine, but the waitMsg continues ...

Drag and Drop grid on a panel

Dear geeks, I have a panel and within the panel i have three grids. I want to be able to move the grid by dragging and dropping. I have the draggable: true and enableDragDrop: true, that seems to allow me to drag but not drop. Any genius help will be much appreciated. ...

extJS HTML Edior link issue

http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext/examples/form/dynamic.html When i create an link in IE 8.0, it does not open but the same link opens in Mozilla ...

ExtJS TextField values submitted as a string instead of integer/number

I have an Ext Editor Grid with a NumberColumn. The column's editor is set to an Ext.form.TextField. This grid is populated by JSON and data is submitted as JSON. My problem is that when the user enters a number in this column, it is sent as a string instead of a number. In other words, it looks like this Property: "500" and what I want ...

Preloading comboboxes in Ext

In a form I need to select a couple of nested resources. For that I hava a couple of comboboxes that depend on each other, i.e when a value has been selected in one the request-url of an other is modified and I call getStore().load() on it. I have a problem here though: Either I let the comboboxes have mode: "remote" in which case they ...

How to force ExtJS to consider value in grid cell changed after custom editing completes?

Hi, I have an ExtJS EditorGridPanel with several columns. One of the columns is bound to a complex data type (an array of objects), and uses a custom editor to modify those values in a pop-up window. That part is tested and all works fine - the JsonStore is keeping the complex values, setting the custom editor's value when it's focuse...

ExtJS Cell Selection Model with PivotGrid Doesn't Work

I'm trying to change the SelectionModel of a PivotGrid and it isn't working. Here is my code. Can someone tell what I am doing wrong. I need to use a cellSelectionModel as I want to drill down and I need the top and left axis to get the intersection points. I have also tried the 'cellclick' event in the EXTJS 3.3 API with no luck. ...

Set the value of an ExtJS ComboBox to an Object, not an object property

I have a ComboBox in an EditorGrid. I am populating it (trying) using JSON, which is produced by serializing an IList<FertilizerType>. I want the valueField of the ComboBox to be equal to the FertilizerType objects and the displayField equal to FertilizerType.Name Here is a Crop: {\"Id\":1300,\"Active\":true,\"Code\":\"Ammonium Bicarbo...

ExtJS and Zend Framework MVC

Im making a Zend Framework MVC application using the standard Zend MVC structure and I wanted to know where I should be putting my client-side ExtJS javascript, not the library but my js files. ...

ExtJS Grid JSON Store Proxy Error

Hi i am working on displaying a ExtJS Grid. I got everything correct except the part about proxy with in the Json store. When I try to display it throws an error. I figured out that i need to do something in the store but not sure what. the variable list data has the Json Array string. Please any help is really appreciated. thanks t...

Main panel tool tip is overlapping with the component tool tip

Greetings I am using a tool tip for showing some components info present in a main panel. Now adding a tool tip for the main panel also, is what causing the problem with the overlapping of 'component' and 'main panel' tool tip. var mainPanel = new Ext.Panel({ frame: false, bodyStyle:'border: solid 2px #99bbe8;background: #FFFFFF', id: ...

change the default activate model of a tabpanel of extjs

Hi: The default activate modle of a TabPanel in extjs is the 'mouse click' event,so How to change it to mouse over? That's to say, when my mouse over the title of one tab of the TabPanel, this tab should be activated,any ideas? ...

reuse javascript codes(reduce the Duplicate codes)

Hi: When I make some components in my web page,I found there a so many duplicate codes,for example,in my page I want to make two charts. THe biggest difference of them is the data store and the title,however they have many same attributes. I do this by define a new instance of Ext.chart: var chart1=new Ext.chart.LineChart{config1}; ...

ExtJS: add button to htmleditor

Hi, I am using ExtJS and I have a htmleditor in my form. I would like to add a custom button to that element (for example after all other buttons like alignments, font weights, ...). This button should basically insert a standard template in the htmlfield. Being this template html, the behaviour of the button should be like this Switc...